Semantic Interoperability of Ambient Intelligent Medical Devices and eHealth Systems Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften (Dr.Ing.) der NaturwissenschaftlichTechnischen Fakultät I der Universität des Saarlandes Safdar Ali Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) Fraunhofer Institut für Biomedizinische Technik (FhGIBMT) MaxPlanck Institut für Informatik (MPII) Saarbrücken 2010 Dekan der NaturwissenschaftlichTechnischen Fakultät I Vorsitzender der Prüfungskommission Wiss. Betreuer Wiss. Betreuer Wiss. Begleiter Wiss. Begleiter Tag des Promotionskolloquiums Prof. Dr.Ing. Joachim Weickert Prof. Dr.Ing. HansPeter Lenhof Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Günter R. Fuhr Prof. Dr.Ing. Gerhard Weikum PD. Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Klusch Dipl.Inform Stephan Kiefer 16.02.2010 Eidesstattliche Versicherung Hiermit versichere ich an Eides statt, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbständig und ohne Benutzung anderer als der angegebenen Hilfsmittel angefertigt habe. Die aus anderen Quellen oder indirekt übernommenen Daten und Konzepte sind unter Angabe der Quelle gekennzeichnet. Die Arbeit wurde bisher weder im In noch im Ausland in gleicher oder ähnlicher Form in einem Verfahren zur Erlangung eines akademischen Grades vorgelegt. Saarbrücken, den 16.02.2010 (Unterschrift) Dedicated to the land of the pure, Pakistan Kurzfassung Hochmoderne mobile medizinische Geräte stellen wichtige therapeutische Funktionen mit wertvollen Informationen über Behandlungsmuster zur patientennahen Versorgung zur Verfügung. Solche Geräte bleiben zumeist unabhängige Informationsinseln, die nicht in der Lage sind, die Daten, die sie sammeln, mit anderen medizinischen Geräten, Krankenhausinformationssystemen oder Laborinformationssystemen in Echtzeit auszutauschen. Organisationen zum Entwickeln von Standards wie IEEE haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Versuche unternommen, das Interoperabilitätsproblem von medizinischen Geräten mit einzelnen Kommunikationsstandards wie IEEE 1073 zu lösen, die alle mit mäßigem Erfolg endeten. Während der letzten Jahre haben das Semantic Web und WebServiceTechnologien große Aufmerksamkeit zur Schaffung von Lösungen gewonnen, die semantische Interoperabilität zwischen Informationssystemen und intelligenten Geräten in verschiedenen Domänen bereitstellen, z.B. in der Fertigungsautomatisierung und im Tourismus. Die vorliegende Arbeit nutzt die Vorteile solcher Technologien und präsentiert eine dezentralisierte, semantische MiddlewareInfrastruktur für medizinische Geräte, die Semantic Medical Device Space (SMDS) genannt wird. Das SMDSFramework gewährleistet die Interoperabilität sowohl zwischen medizinischen Geräten als auch mit eHealthSystemen. Es verhilft den aktuellen medizinischen Geräten, sich zur nächsten Generation von ambienten intelligenten medizinischen Geräten zu entwickeln, die nicht nur andere medizinische Geräte und Services in einer Gesundheitsversorgungsumgebung erkennen können, sondern auch fähig sind, ihre Messergebnisse durch semantische Web Services in kontextbewussten medizinischen Anwendungen auszutauschen. I Abstract Stateoftheart mobile medical devices provide important therapeutic functions with valuable information of treatment patterns at the pointofcare. However, such devices mostly remain independent islands of information being unable to share the medical data they gather with other medical devices, hospital information system or laboratory information system on a realtime basis. Standards organizations such as IEEE have made various attempts to resolve the medical devices' interoperability problem using single communication standard, such as IEEE 1073, but ended with moderate success. During the last years, the Semantic Web and Web Service technologies have gained enormous attention for building solutions to provide semantic interoperability between information systems and smart devices in various domains, such as tourism and factory automation. This thesis takes advantage of these technologies and presents a decentralized semantic middleware infrastructure for medical devices, named Semantic Medical Devices Space (SMDS) to provide interoperability among medical devices as well as with eHealth systems. The SMDS framework leverages the current medical devices towards the next generation of Ambient Intelligent Medical Devices, which are not only aware of other medical devices and their services present in healthcare environments, but also able to share their measurement results through Semantic Web Services in contextaware healthcare applications. III Zusammenfassung Aktuelle mobile medizinische Geräte kommunizieren mit Krankenhausinformationssystemen und/oder Laborinformationssystemen bestimmter Anbieter zumeist über proprietäre Protokolle. Die meisten von Ihnen können aber nicht mit anderen medizinischen Geräten kommunizieren, selbst wenn sie vom selben Hersteller entwickelt wurden, obwohl dies in vielen Szenarien benötigt wird. Standardisierungsorganisationen haben auch einige medizinische Geräte kommunikationsstandards entwickelt, wie etwa IEEE 1073 und seine Nachfolger ISO/IEEE 11073, die jedoch weitgehend nicht von der Industrie aufgenommen wurden. Es gibt nur einige wenige Implementierungen dieser Standards. Anderseits eröffnet die Untersuchung fortschrittlicher pervasiver ComputingSzenarien in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen, vor allem in der pervasiven Gesundheitsversorgung. Objekte wie medizinische Geräte, Sensoren, Krankenhausinformationssysteme und Laborinformationssysteme, die in einem intelligenten Umgebungsumfeld agieren, haben unterschiedliche Ziele, Erfahrungen, Fähigkeiten und Kommunikationsschnittstellen, und aufgrund des sehr dynamischen und offenen Charakters der Umgebung, die sie wahllos betreten und verlassen, ist es a priori nicht möglich, zu wissen, welche weiteren Objekte zu Einrichtungen in einem bestimmten Zeitraum in der Umgebung agieren. Diese Doktorarbeit präsentiert eine innovative dezentralisierte semantische Middleware Infrastruktur, Semantic Medical Device Space (SMDS) genannt, für medizinische oder mobile Geräte mit eingeschränkten Ressourcen, die weitgehend auf den Grundlagen von Semantic Web und Web ServicesTechnologien basiert. SMDS wurde als ein Framework entwickelt und designt, das es medizinischen Geräteherstellern erleichtert, ihre stummen Geräte in ambiente intelligente medizinischen Geräte der nächster Generation umzuwandeln, deren Fähigkeiten und Messungen durch eine Semantic Web Services Schnittstelle bereitgestellt werden, um plattformunabhängigen und direkten Zugang zu diesen medizinischen Geräten zu ermöglichen. Als integrale Bestandteile des SMDSFrameworks wurde ein leichtgewichtiges semantisches DiscoveryProtokoll, genannt Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol (SMDDP), und ein kleines aber leistungsfähiges System für Wissenabfragen des Fachwissens und Schlussfolgern, nämlich Micro OWL Description Logic Reasoner (µOR) entwickelt. SMDDP verhilft ambienten intelligenten medizinischen Geräten in einer pervasiven Gesundheitsumgebung gewünschte andere medizinischen Geräte entsprechend ihrer physikalischen Eigenschaften (z.B. Hersteller, Gruppe/Typ, usw.) und/oder ihrer funktionellen Eigenschaften (z.B. welche Methoden ein Semantischer Web Service anbietet und die semantische Beschreibungen dieser Methoden usw.) semantisch zu erkennen. µOR wurde entwickelt, um die medizinischen oder mobilen Geräte mit der Fähigkeit auszustatten, integriertes Wissen abzufragen, das abgefragt werden kann und daraus durch OWL Beschreibungslogik und Regeln zu schlussfolgern, was zum Vergleichen mit den gesuchten medizinischen oder Mobilen Geräten während des semantischen DiscoveryProzesses verwendet wird. V Summary Stateoftheart medical devices communicate with hospital information systems and/or laboratory information systems using vendor specific or proprietary protocols only, and most of them can not communicate with other medical devices, even if developed by the same manufacturer, if required in some scenarios. Standards developing organizations have developed few medical device communication standards, e.g. IEEE 1073 and its successor ISO/IEEE 11073, but their adoption by industrial stakeholders is very limited because of the complexity of these protocol stacks and/or missing support for the prevalent technologies like Ethernet or TCP/IP. On the other hand, the study of advanced pervasive computing scenarios in different fields, and particularly in pervasive healthcare, has introduced new research challenges, which focus on the provision of healthcare to anyone, at anytime, and anywhere by removing restraints of time and location while increasing both the coverage and the quality of healthcare. The entities, i.e., medical devices, sensors, hospital information systems and laboratory information systems that operate in an ambient environment are expected to have different goals, capabilities, and communication interfaces. Due to the highly dynamic and open nature of the environment where various entities join and leave the environment in an unpredictable way, it is not possible to have a priori knowledge about all other entities that are present in the environment at a particular time interval. This thesis presents an innovative decentralized semantic middleware infrastructure for resourceconstrained medical devices, or mobile devices in general, namely Semantic Medical Devices Space (SMDS), based on Semantic Web and Web Services technologies. SMDS is designed and developed as a framework to facilitate the device manufacturers to turn their "dumb" medical devices into the next generation of Ambient Intelligent devices, whose capabilities and measurements are exposed through Semantic Web Service interface in order to allow platformindependent and direct access to these medical devices. As integral parts of SMDS framework, a small but powerful knowledge querying and reasoning system, namely Micro OWL Description Logic Querying and Reasoning System (µOR), and a lightweight semantic discovery protocol, namely Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol (SMDDP) have been developed. µOR is developed to enrich the medical devices with the capabilities of integrated Description Logic and Rules based knowledge querying and reasoning on the local device knowledge base. µOR plays a key role during the semantic discovery of medical devices based on their physical characteristics (such as device vendor, device group/type etc.) and/or functional characteristics (such as methods produced by Web Service and their semantic descriptions etc.). We have developed two small ontologies, namely Medical Device Ontology (MeDO) and SMDS Ontology (SmdsOnto) in order to express the physical and functional characteristics, respectively. Also, we have developed a simple language, namely Semantic Device Language for NTriples (SCENT) to express the VII semantic queries over the device knowledge base, as well as the SCENT Resolution Algorithm (SCENTRA) which is used not only to resolve the SCENT queries, but to generate inferences as well. SMDDP, which is backed by µOR, is developed to support the discovery of desired medical devices in a pervasive healthcare environment, which match with the desired SCENT query conditions. It is an HTTP/UDP based protocol, where the request message, embedded with the SCENT query, is sent (broadcast) over the local network of medical devices, where every device processes this query against its own local knowledge base, and if it is matched, the results are sent back (unicast), embedded in the response message, to the requesting medical device. The complete SMDS framework has been evaluated and tested using different types of medical and mobile devices, particularly within the context of FP6 European Commission funded Integrated Project SmartHEALTH in which we have developed the next generation of cancer biodiagnostic devices. Also, SMDS framework has been successfully exhibited in the international fare, Medica1 Media 2008 (Düsseldorf, Germany) as well as demonstrated in the review2 of the project in 2009. 1 2 Acknowledgement I am gratified to Prof. Dr. Günter R. Fuhr (Chair for Biotechnology and Medical Engineering, Director of FraunhoferInsitut für Biomedizinische Technik) and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weikum (Chair for Databases and Information Systems, Scientific Director at Max Planck Institute for Computer Science) for accepting me as a Ph.D student at their chairs and providing me the opportunity to carryout this research work at the department of Intelligent Health Systems in FraunhoferInstitut für Biomedizinische Technik (IBMT), St. Ingbert, Germany. I am highly obliged to the whole group, especially my advisor Dipl.Inform. Stephan Kiefer (Head) for providing me not only a family environment in his group, but also the input from the eHealth domain with protracted flourishing discussions in order to finish this research work. Additionally, I am thankful to my coadvisor PD. Dr. Matthias Klusch (CoHead of the Multiagent Systems group at German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)) for his scientific support during the course of this research work. I am also thankful to Jörg Kruse and Harald Niederländer for their immense network support required to carry out the experiments of this research work. Finally, I am deeply indebted to my families for their continuous support during my studies. In spite of the distance, they were an incessant source of encouragement. My gratitude for my parents, siblings, and especially my beloved wife is beyond the words. IX Contents 1 Introduction1 1.1 Problem Statement 3 1.2 Main Contributions 5 1.3 Selected Publications 6 1.4 Thesis Outline 7 2 Background9 2.1 Web Services 9 2.1.1 Key Benefits of Web Services 10 2.1.2 Roles in the Web Services Architecture 10 2.1.3 Functional Standards of Web Services 11 2.2 Devices Profile for Web Services 13 2.2.1 The Underlying Protocols of DPWS 13 2.3 Semantic Web 15 2.4 Semantic Web Services 16 2.4.1 Why Semantic Web Services? 17 2.4.2 Semantic Web Services Description Frameworks 20 2.5 General Device Communication Protocols 23 2.5.1 Universal Plug and Play 23 2.5.2 Jini 24 2.5.3 SLP 25 2.5.4 Bluetooth SDP 26 2.6 Medical Device Communication Protocols 26 2.6.1 HL7 Standards 27 2.6.2 DICOM 28 2.6.3 ASTM 29 2.6.4 ANSI/IEEE 1073 30 2.6.5 CEN/ISO/IEEE 11073 30 2.6.6 IHE 31 2.6.7 EDI 32 2.7 ICT Infrastructure in the Hospitals and Clinical Environments 32 2.8 eHealth 33 2.8.1 Use of multiple technologies 35 2.8.2 Multiple modes of interaction 35 2.8.3 Examples of eHealth Applications 36 2.8.4 What is eHealthcare 37 2.8.5 eHealth Challenges 38 XI 3Related Work41 3.1Evaluation Criteria 41 3.2HYDRA 43 3.2.1Software Architecture of HYDRA44 3.2.2Healthcare Scenario of HYDRA46 3.2.3Conclusion 46 3.3SODA 47 3.3.1The SODA Ecosystem 48 3.3.2Conclusion 48 3.4Task Computing 50 3.4.1Task Computing Architecture 51 3.4.2Conclusion 52 3.5Gaia 53 3.5.1Gaia Architecture 53 3.5.2Conclusion 55 3.6SCALLOPS 56 3.6.1Vision of SCALLOPS 57 3.6.2Healthcare Scenario of SCALLOPS57 3.6.3Conclusion 58 3.7Comparative Analysis 59 4Semantic Medical Devices Space61 4.1Philosophy of SMDS 61 4.2Overall Architecture of SMDS62 4.2.1Storage Layer 62 4.2.2Middleware Layer 65 4.2.3Implementation Layer 68 5Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System71 5.1SCENT Semantic Device Language for NTriples 71 5.1.1EBNF Syntax of SCENT Query Language72 5.1.2Semantics of SCENT Query Language 73 5.1.3Comparison between SCENT and SPARQL Expressiveness . . . .74 5.2SCENTRA The SCENT Resolution Algorithm 75 5.2.1Example76 5.3µOR A Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System 78 5.3.1Semantics of µOR Expressiveness 78 5.3.2Description of the OWLLite^ Axioms 80 5.4Architectural Details of µOR 82 5.4.1The Query Processor 82 5.4.2The Inference Engine 83 5.5Comparative Analysis of µOR85 5.6Scalability Issues of µOR 87 6Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol89 6.1Requirements for Semantic Discovery Protocol 89 6.1.1Advantages of using URIs 90 6.2Overall Workflow of SMDDP Protocol 91 6.3SMDDP Request Message Format 92 6.4SMDDP Response Message Format 94 76.4.1SMIDDEL: A Schema for SMDDP Response Messages 95 6.5Overall Analysis of SMDPP 96 6.5.1Performance Evaluation 96 6.5.2Comparative Analysis 98 Implementation99 7.1Programming Languages 99 7.1.1Java (J2SE 1.5) 99 7.1.2Microsoft Visual C#.NET100 7.2Hardware Platforms 100 7.2.1Gumstix 100 7.2.2Viliv Promotion Pack S5 NetTablet PC 101 7.2.3Vodafone VPA4 102 7.3Runtime Environments102 7.3.1JamVM 102 7.3.2Mysaifu JVM 103 7.3.3GNU Classpath 103 7.3.4CSOAP Web Services Server 104 7.3.5Jetty Web Server 104 7.3.6HyperSQL Database 104 7.4Software Libraries 104 7.4.1SAWSDL4J API 104 7.4.2Bouncy Castle Cryptography API 105 7.4.3Piccolo XML Parser 105 7.4.4RDF Filter for SAX2 105 7.4.5RXTX A Communication Library 105 7.5Software Tools/IDEs 106 7.5.1Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 106 7.5.2Eclipse IDE 106 7.5.3Prot'eg'e 106 7.5.4Radiant 106 8Experimental Evaluation107 8.1Testbed Medical Devices 107 8.1.1Blood Cancer Markers Analyzer SmartHEALTH Device 107 8.1.2Pulse Oximeter Masimo Rainbow 107 8.1.3Urine Analyzer Urisys 1100 109 8.1.4Blood Coagulation Meter CoaguChek S 109 8.1.5Vital Signs Monitor VITALMAX 4000 CL 110 8.1.6Weight Scale SOEHNLEProfessional 7700 110 8.1.7Digital Blood Pressure Monitor A&D Medical UA767PC. . . .111 8.2Testbed Health Information Systems 111 8.2.1Laboratory Information System 111 8.2.2Hospital Information System 111 8.2.3SmartHEALTH Information System 111 8.3Testbed Pervasive Healthcare Scenarios 112 8.3.1Cancer Diagnosis Laboratory Scenario 112 8.3.2Cancer Treatment Hospital Scenario 114 8.3.3Cancer Followup and Monitoring Homecare Scenario 114 8.4Conclusions 117 9 Conclusion and Outlook119 List of Figures124 List of Tables125 A UML Class Diagrams of SMDS Software Framework127 B List of Test Queries135 C SCENT Rules Definition137 D Graphical Gateway Application139 Bibliography143 Chapter 1 Introduction Interoperability is defined as "the ability of two ore more systems or components to exchange the information and to use the information that has been exchanged" [1]. In order to achieve true interoperability, the systems must be able to not only exchange the information using shared communication architectures, methods and frameworks, but also interpret and use it correctly using shared data types, terminologies/ontologies and coding schemes. Such classification is generally known as functional interoperability and semantic interoperability, respectively. Most stateoftheart medical devices use only vendor specific or proprietary protocols in order to have functional interoperability with hospital information systems or laboratory information systems and they are not directly interoperable with other medical devices if required in some scenarios, even provided by the same vendor. However, some vendors do provide customized software or hardware solutions to get the updated measurement values from the medical devices and use them in further medical applications, e.g. Fig. 1.11 and Fig. 1.22 illustrate browserbased solutions from Roche Diagnostics to gather the data from pointofcare medical devices and laboratory analyzers respectively, and using them further for meticulous diagnosis. Figure 1.1: Cobas IT 1000 solution for pointofcare medical devices 1Cobas IT 1000; 2Cobas IT 3000; 1 21. Introduction Figure 1.2: Cobas IT 3000 solution for laboratory analyzers Alongside, the standards developing organizations like ISO/IEEE have developed mature communication standards, e.g. ISO/IEEE 11073, the successor of IEEE 1073 [2] for the functional interoperability of pointofcare medical devices, but their adoption by industrial stakeholders is very limited because of the complexity of lower layers of this protocol stack and missing support of the current technologies like Ethernet or TCP/IP [3]. Other initiatives, e.g. MD PnP3 or IHE PCD4 have addressed the interoperability issues and highlighted the advantages of having functional interoperability among medical devices, ranging from less development time for datadriven clinical decision support algorithms or medical device safety interlocks to improved patient safety. Towards enabling semantic interoperability among medical devices, few initiatives also have been taken by the standards developing organizations, e.g. NIST5 has developed an XSchema (XML Schema) with ICSGenerator (Implementation Conformance Statements Generator) tool [4], based on ISO/IEEE 11073 standard, which facilitates the manufacturers with a systematic approach to unambiguously define the specialization of a medical device and disclose its features as data sheet. Another example is Continua Health Alliancen, a nonprofit open industry alliance of more than 133 finest healthcare and technology companies, is developing interoperability guidelines and an ecosystem of interoperable personal health systems to improve the quality of personal healthcare by using a comprehensive set of industry standards. Continua is targeting different dimensions of healthcare (remote) monitoring, including Health and Wellness (e.g. weight, glucose, cholesterol, activity level etc.), Disease Management (e.g. postoperation patient monitoring, diabetes, hypertension etc.) and Aging Independently (e.g. bed pressure (sleep), bathroom sensor, gas/water sensor, emergency sensor etc.). Fig. 1.3 illustrates the list of first version of transport independent device connectivity protocols which Continua health alliance has developed or used so far. On the other hand, with the advent of Semantic Web and Web Service technologies, the vision of semantic interoperability is becoming reality in various embedded 3Medical Device PlugnPlay Interoperability Program; 4Integrating Health Enterprise, Patient Care Device Domain; 5National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA; 6Continua Health Alliance; 1.1 Problem Statement3 Figure 1.3: Continua health alliance first version of device connectivity standards fields, for example, invitro healthcare monitoring, industrial automation, home entertainment etc., in synergy with ubiquitous computing or more recently ambient intelligent technologies, where a large number of devices and software components semantically interoperate to provide people with services in an unobtrusive fashion. Various research initiatives have addressed these issues, e.g. SAPHIRE [5], SCALLOPS [6] and CAALYX [7] in the field of healthcare monitoring; Amigo [8], WSAMI [9] and InHome [10] in the field of home entertainment; IMPRONTA [11][12], SOCRADES [13] and SAMIA [14] in the field of industrial or factory automation. Most recently, research and industry in abovementioned domains have shown great interest in an emerging paradigm, namely Internet of Things and Services (IoTS) which addresses the issues related to the semantic identification and discovery of thousands of small physical devices and their semantic interoperability through the Web Services they offer. Not only EU Research projects, e.g. SOCRADES [13], SODA [15], MORE [16], and HYDRA [17] have addressed the goals of IoTS paradigm, but also some national projects, e.g. SemProM [18] are moving in this direction as well. 1.1 Problem Statement Pervasive healthcare is a conceptual system of providing healthcare to anyone, at anytime, and anywhere by using mobile and wireless technologies, and removing restraints of time and location while increasing both the coverage and the quality of healthcare [19]. Its applications include pervasive health monitoring, intelligent emergency management system, pervasive healthcare data access, and ubiquitous mobile telemedicine. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society [20] recently conducted a survey, where the respondents identified the "cross enterprise sharing of patient care med 41. Introduction ical device data" as one of their highest priorities, which requires establishing different goals, including shortening the decision time, increasing productivity, minimizing transcription errors, and developing ways to correctly define and interpret the medical data being exchanged. In order to meet these goals, semantic interoperability among medical devices and health information systems in a platform independent fashion is necessary, as medical devices (e.g. infusion pumps) are often the primary source or destination of important patient care information, including therapeutic functions with treatment patterns. However, such devices mostly remain independent islands of information, being unable to share the medical data they gather with other medical devices, hospital information system or laboratory information system on a realtime basis due to the software or hardware heterogeneity. On the other hand, as described earlier, the standards developing organizations have made various attempts in the last decades to resolve the medical device interoperability problem using a single communications standard, e.g. IEEE 1073 [2] and more recently its successor ISO/IEEE 11073, but ended with minimal success due to the limited adoption by the medical device manufacturers because of the complexity of protocol stack and missing support for Ethernet and TCP/IP. In SmartHEALTH Project [21], a new generation of intelligent labonchip biodiagnostic devices for pointofcare applications is being developed that incorporates advanced capabilities for context awareness, data interpretation through soft computing tools, e.g. Neural Networks, ubiquitous communication in pervasive healthcare environments, and the provision of eHealth services. SmartHEALTH devices are intended to operate in all pointofcare driven environments such as hospitals, physicians' offices and ultimately patient selftesting at home or while moving. It is envisioned that SmartHEALTH biodiagnostic devices at the pointofcare will be able to communicate seamlessly and transparently with the local or remote health information system(s) while respecting the privacy of patients' medical data. Also, most importantly, these devices will operate autonomously with respect to semantic contents processing, which means that without using any external proxy system, they are enriched with integrated knowledge processing, querying, and reasoning capabilities, which will facilitate them to adopt according to the requirements of contextaware pervasive healthcare application(s). In connection with the goals of SmartHEALTH Project and the capabilities envisioned for intelligent SmartHEALTH devices, the overall goal of this thesis is to develop an innovative decentralized middleware infrastructure for the semantic interoperability of resourceconstrained medical devices (or mobile devices in general), based on Semantic Web and Web Service technologies, to which the underlying communication layer is transparent. This service oriented architecture (SOA) based middleware will be deployable on both new and existing networks of distributed wireless and wired medical or mobile devices, which operate with limited resources in terms of computing power and memory usage. The second objective of this thesis is to provide this middleware as a framework or a software development kit, which will facilitate the medical device manufacturers to turn their plain medical devices into the next generation of ambient intelligent medical devices, whose physical capabilities are described using ontologies, while functional capabilities are exposed in addition through Semantic Web Services. This framework will include support for the secure transmission of patient's medical data from devicetodevice and devicetoinformation system in different pervasive healthcare applications. Fig. 1.4 illustrates one of the pervasive healthcare scenarios of SmartHEALTH Project where we apply our work, namely postoperation breast cancer homecare monitoring, where a SmartHEALTH device, besides being a blood cancer markers analyzer, also acts as an active or passive gateway for other medical devices (e.g. blood pressure, 1.2 Main Contributions5 Figure 1.4: Postoperation Homecare Monitoring A SmartHEALTH Project Scenario blood coagulation, weight scale etc.) and offers its services as Semantic Web Services. As an active gateway device, the SmartHEALTH device semantically discovers other medical devices in the environment, as per the requirements of the healthcare application, collects the measurement values of a patient from these medical devices, makes a collective intelligent interpretation of all the measurement values using soft computing tools, and then forwards these measurement values with their interpretation to the remote hospital information system and/or doctor's clinical information system. As a passive gateway device, the SmartHEALTH device only acts as a data forwarding device for other medical devices in the environment. Whenever a medical device finishes its measurement, it semantically discovers the SmartHEALTH device as a gateway device, and uses its service to forward the measurement results to the respective information system(s). Finally, the patient's family doctor or health professional in the hospital analyzes the results of blood cancer markers, the measurement values of other medical devices, and their intelligent interpretation in terms of disease status (e.g. cancer's progression or regression) in order to discuss further steps with the patient. 1.2 Main Contributions With this thesis, we make the following contributions to the area of semantic interoperability of ambient intelligent medical or mobile devices with eHealth systems. We present a lightweight but powerful knowledge querying and reasoning system, namely Micro OWL Description Logic Reasoner (µOR), which can be integrated easily on resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices, and can be used not only for querying the device knowledge base, but also performs OWL description logic and/or forward chaining based rules reasoning. 61. Introduction We present a simple query language, namely Semantic Device Language for NTriples (SCENT), which is an extension of the NTriples specification and used to encode semantic queries with desired conditions and patterns. We present a simple unification and resolution algorithm, namely SCENT Resolution Algorithm (SCENTRA), which is used not only to resolve the SCENT queries and return the results for the variables of conditions/patterns, but also used by µOR to generate inferences from the device knowledge base. However, one of the main goals of SCENTRA algorithm is to support matchmaking process of desired medical or mobile device(s) during the discovery phase. We present a lightweight HTTPbased semantic discovery protocol, namely Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol (SMDDP) to support the semantic discovery among medical or mobile devices, based on their physical characteristics (i.e. device vendor, device group/type) and/or functional characteristics (i.e. what services does a medical or mobile device offer). We have developed small ontologies, namely MeDO (Medical Device Ontology) and SmdsOnto (Semantic Medical Device Space Ontology) in order to express the physical and/or functional characteristics of a medical or mobile device receptively, as well as to encode the knowledge used in SmartHEALTH pervasive healthcare scenarios. However, it was not desired or attempted to develop these ontologies as standard ontologies, but only prototypes for our work. Encapsulating all the abovementioned contributions, we present a SOA based decentralized middleware infrastructure, namely Semantic Medical Devices Space (SMDS) to provide a platform for the semantic coordination of medical or mobile devices. SMDS provides a mechanism to expose the functionalities of medical or mobile devices as Semantic Web Services and enables them to semantically discover and match the desired device(s), and invoke its/their Web Service method(s) as per the requirements a pervasive healthcare application. 1.3 Selected Publications Various aspects of this thesis have been published in [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30]. The most important publications are the following: Semantic Medical Devices Space (SMDS) In [22], we have presented the initial results of our SOA based decentralized middleware infrastructure, which encapsulates the SMDDP and µOR as integral components, and provides a platform for the semantic interoperability of medical or mobile devices (cf. Chapter 4). Safdar Ali, S. Kiefer. Semantic Medical Devices Space: An Infrastructure for the Interoperability of Ambient Intelligent Medical Devices, In Proc. of International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Greece, 2006 Micro OWL DL and Rules based Querying and Reasoning System (µOR) In [23], we have presented the architectural details of the first version of a lightweight but powerful Description Logics based querying and reasoning system, namely µOR for 1.4 Thesis Outline7 the resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices (cf. Chapter 5). µOR makes use of SCENTRA algorithm, which is used to resolve the semantic queries as well as to generate inferences from the existing device knowledge base. Safdar Ali, Stephan Kiefer. µOR A Micro OWL DL Reasoner for Ambient Intelligent Devices, In Proc. of 4th International IEEE Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, Geneva, Switzerland, LNCS 5529, pp 305316, 2009 In the final version, in addition to the OWL DL reasoning, µOR was enhanced with rules based reasoning with forwardchaining mode only. Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol (SMDDP) In [24], we have presented a lightweight HTTPbased semantic discovery protocol with its application in the field of pervasive healthcare applications (cf. Chapter 6). SMDDP helps the resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices to semantically discover the desired devices or even information systems based on their physical and/or functional characteristics in a pervasive healthcare environment. Safdar Ali, S. Kiefer. Semantic Coordination of Ambient Intelligent Medical Devices A Case Study, In Proc. of ACM SIGCHI, IEEE, EMB International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, London, U.K, 2009 As one of the best selected papers, an extended version of this paper has been published in [25] . Safdar Ali, Stephan Kiefer, Semantic Coordination of Ambient Intelligent Medical Devices in Future Laboratories, MASAUM Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (MJBAS), Volume 1 Issue 2, September 2009 1.4 Thesis Outline This thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 2 presents the background information about the theoretical concepts, tools and technologies used in this thesis. Chapter 3 gives an overview of the most relevant existing work regarding the use of semantic and SOA technologies in the field of ambient intelligence. Chapters 4 through 6 present the innovative contributions of this thesis. Chapter 4 presents the architectural details of Semantic Medical Devices Space, which provides a decentralized SOA based semantic platform for the interoperability of medical or mobile devices. Chapter 5 presents the architectural details of µOR, a lightweight but powerful description logics and forwardchaining rules based querying and reasoning system for the resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices. This chapter also outlines the details of a simple query language, named SCENT that we have developed to express the semantic queries, as well as a unification and resolution algorithm, named SCENTRA that we have developed to resolve the SCENT queries and to generate the inferences. Chapter 6 outlines the details of a lightweight HTTPbased semantic discovery protocol, named Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol for the resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices. Chapter 7 describes the implementation details by giving a quick overview of the used programming language(s), APIs and the development tools. Chapter 8 describes the experimental details of the scenarios where we have applied our research results, while Chapter 9 presents the conclusions and an outlook to the future work. At the end, Appendix A describes the UML class diagrams 81. Introduction of software implementation, Appendix B describes the SCENT queries used for the performance analysis of µOR, while Appendix C describes the way to define SCENT rules for µOR with an example. Chapter 2 Background This chapter introduces some background and stateoftheart work used for the research and development of this thesis. Section 2.1 gives a detailed overview of Web Services technology, its advantages and functional standards. Section 2.2 gives an overview of the Web Services based specification that is designed for resourceconstrained devices, namely Device Profile for Web Services. Sections 2.3 and 2.4 explains the emerging Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services standards, their applications and development approaches. Section 2.5 gives introduction to the widely adopted communication protocols for general devices (nonmedical). Section 2.6 gives introduction to most important medical healthcare communication standards, while Section 2.7 elaborates how these medical communication standards are used in the ICT infrastructures of hospitals and clinical environments. The last Section 2.8 explains in detail about the eHealth domain and its related issues. 2.1 Web Services In recent years, distributed programming paradigms have been emerged that allow generic software components to be developed and shared. Although ideal for some enterprise integration and eCommerce, it has only been with the adoption of XML as a common data syntax that the underlying principles have gained wide scale adoption, through the definition of Web Service standards. According to the definition of W3C, "A Web Service is a software application identified by a URI, whose interfaces and bindings are capable of being defined, described, and discovered as XML artifacts" [31]. Web Services are well defined, reusable, software components that perform specific, encapsulated tasks via standardized Weboriented mechanisms. They can be discovered, invoked, and the composition of several services can be choreographed, using well defined workflow modeling frameworks. A Web Service supports direct interactions with other software applications (i.e. agents) using XML based messages exchanged via internetbased protocols1. The Web Services concept aims to adopt the principles of the WWW for its vision of seamless ApplicationtoApplication (A2A) integration, regardless of differences in programming languages and platforms, featuring the same level of openness between loosely coupled systems. The key for the broad acceptance of the WWW is that is based on open standards and consequently, Web Services are also founded on the basis of such standards. 1W3C Web Services Activity, 9 102. Background 2.1.1 Key Benefits of Web Services In this section, we discuss the key benefits of the Web Services to enlighten the reasons of their wide adoption in the industry [32]. Loosely Coupled Unlike traditional application designs, which depend upon a tight interconnection of all program elements, Web Services are loosely coupled. Loosecoupling means that each service exists independently of the other services that make up the application. This allows individual pieces of the application to be modified without impacting unrelated areas. As a critical requirement for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) design, loosecoupling is to be provided by Web Services through established standards that define services and how they interoperate. Enables ServiceOriented Architectures Web Services represent the convergence between the servicebased development of applications and the Web. In the SOA model, the business processes that make up an application are separated into independent, easily distributed components known as services. These services interoperate across processes and machines to create a complete solution for a business problem. This loosecoupling allows for easy changes to the application by inserting new and revised services into the application without having modifying the unrelated services. Ease of Integration Unlike other methods of integration, Web Services are becoming widely adopted across the entire software industry. This broad industry adoption helps alleviate companies fears of proprietary technologies that may lock them in for the future. The standards surrounding Web Services are humanreadable and publicly available, allowing a developer to view exactly what is happening in the system. Most often, integration between business partners is as easy as agreeing to a standard format for exchange of information defined in XML and WSDL. Easily Accessible Finally, Web Services are distributed over the Internet. Web Services make use of existing ubiquitous transport protocols like HTTP, leveraging existing infrastructure and allowing information to be requested and received in real time. Current IT infrastructure for addressing, security and performance can also be applied to Web Services applications. 2.1.2 Roles in the Web Services Architecture The artifacts in the Web Services model are the objects that are produced and dealt within the context of Web Services. These objects include Service, Service Description and Client Application and the interaction among these object is shown in Fig. 2.1. A short description of these objects is given below: 2.1 Web Services11 Figure 2.1: The SOA architecture with SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI Service The service is an implementation of a software module deployed on a network accessible platform provided by the service provider to be invoked by a service requester. Service Description The service description contains the details of the interface and implementation of the service. The service interface description comprises information about the operations and their signatures provided by a service; along with the protocol used for communication with the Web Service. The service implementation description contains information about the location where the service is exposed, i.e. the endpoint address of the service. The service provider publishes the complete service description to a service registry to make the service accessible to the service requestors. It includes the data types, operations, binding information and network location of the service, as provided by the service interface and implementation descriptions. Client Application This is the software application implemented by the service requestor to use the functionality of the Web Service by invoking its operations at runtime. 2.1.3 Functional Standards of Web Services In the most Internet middleware configurations, the three core functional components, transport, description, and discovery in the Web Services architecture are implemented using SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI, respectively. A short description of each of the functional component is given below. 122. Background Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) SOAP [33] is a standard that represents a lightweight envelope containing the message payload as it moves between service producers and consumers. It is an XMLbased standard that describes the contents of a message and how to process it, and offers a transport binding for exchanging messages. Adjuncts to the envelope and binding framework include a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of applicationdefined data types and a convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses: SOAP Envelope: Describes the contents of a message and how to process it, and contains extra details such as security information or the final destination of the message. SOAP Transport Binding Framework: An abstract framework for exchanging SOAP envelops using an underlying protocol, including HTTP or other transports. SOAP Serialization Framework: A set of encoding rules for expressing instances of applicationdefined data types such as numbers and text. SOAP RPC Representation: A convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses. Web Service Description Language (WSDL) WSDL [34] is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either documentoriented or procedureoriented information. The operations and messages are described abstractly, and then bound to a concrete network protocol and message format to define an endpoint. Most often, these messages are bound to the SOAP protocol and the HTTP transport, but these are not the only set of bindings supported. The abstract nature of WSDL for describing services makes it very flexible for describing complex Web Services applications. A WSDL document uses the following elements in the definition of network services: Types: A container for data type definitions using some type system (such as XML Schema Definition, XSD). Message: An abstract, typed definition of the data being communicated. Operation: An abstract description of an action supported by the service. Port Type: An abstract set of operations supported by one or more endpoints. Binding: A concrete protocol and data format specification for a particular port type. Port: A single endpoint defined as a combination of a binding and a network address. Service: A collection of related endpoints. Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) UDDI [35] represents a set of protocols and a public directory for the registration and realtime lookup of Web Services and other business processes. In many ways, UDDI models as White Pages, providing a listing of services available within a network. The primary benefit of a UDDI server is to provide a single point of reference to all available services within an enterprise. The UDDI server allows organizations to: 2.2 Devices Profile for Web Services13 Host multiple versions of a service Create aliases to services Limit access to specific services While UDDI is a ratified standard, it is still gaining adoption and has been changing frequently. There are many other commercial products, known as Web Service Management tools, which perform many of the same tasks as UDDI while providing added benefits such as metering and inspection of the services. UDDI and Web Service Management tools help keeping the loosecoupled connection between services. 2.2 Devices Profile for Web Services The Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) [36] was developed to enable secure Web Service capabilities on resourceconstraint devices. It allows sending secure messages to and from Web Services, dynamically discovering a Web Service, describing a Web Service, subscribing to, and receiving events from a Web Service. DPWS can be used for machinetomachine communication whereas a specific client uses a specific service hosted on a device. DPWS is not the first SOA that targets devicetodevice communication. The technologies such as OSGi2 (Open Service Gateway Initiative), HAVi3(Home Audio/Video Interoperability), JINI4 (Java Intelligent Network Infrastructure) and UPnP5 (Universal Plug and Play) are similar approaches. The big advantage of DPWS compared to all other mentioned SOAs is the reliance on Web Service which implies high acceptance among developers and platform as well as programming language independence. Microsoft has included DPWS in their latest operating system called Windows Vista. 2.2.1 The Underlying Protocols of DPWS DPWS is partially based on the Web Services architecture and uses further standards and draft specifications from the Web Services protocol family, as shown in Fig. 2.2 [37]. SOAP, WSDL and XMLSchema have already been explained in the previous sections and thus will not be further explained here. A brief description of other protocols is given below, but a detailed description can be found in [36]. WSPolicy WSPolicy provides a framework for expressing different capabilities, requirements and characteristics for different service implementations. If a Web Service offers policies, service users have to comply with the declarations found in the policy document. The service users have to choose one of the offered policy alternatives which consist of several policy assertions from the policy document. The policies mostly define QoS (Quality of Service) characteristics and security considerations which are necessary for service communication. 2OSGi; 3HAVi; 4JINI; 5UPnP; 142. Background Figure 2.2: Devices Profile for Web Services as protocol stack WSAddressing The main objective of WSAddressing is to provide an addressing mechanism for Web Services as well as messages in a transportneutral matter. By introducing both concepts endpoint references and message information headers, WSAddressing overcomes the lack of SOAP's independence of underlying transport protocols (in most cases HTTP) and secondly support of asynchronous message exchange. Both limitations are historically caused by the default SOAP to HTTP binding. SOAPoverUDP The main objective of SOAPoverUDP is to decouple SOAP from its underlying binding protocol, and define a binding for SOAP envelopes to UDP. In contrast to TCP the delivery of UDP packets can not be guaranteed. SOAPoverUDP uses WSAddressing to support the same message exchange patterns as SOAPoverHTTP. Unicast as well as multicast transmission is supported. Since UDP's unreliability message retransmission is encouraged, and for efficiency reasons a retransmission algorithm is provided which considers delayed repetitions of the same message. MTOM The idea of SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) is to provide an abstract feature for optimizing the transmission of SOAP messages. With MTOM parts of the envelope can be encoded outside of the envelope while still keeping the envelope intact. MTOM defines its feature in an abstract matter which means it has to be adapted to the protocols used beneath. The second part of this specification provides a binding for HTTP based on XMLbinary Optimize Packaging convention. 2.3 Semantic Web15 WSDiscovery The WSDiscovery is a discovery protocol based on IP multicast for enabling services to be discovered automatically. Discovery introduces three different endpoint types: target service, client and discovery proxy. Target Services are Web Services offering themselves to the network, Clients may search for target services and discover them dynamically and Discovery Proxy is an endpoint enabling discovery in spanned networks since simple discovery is limited to a multicast group and hence to local managed networks only. WSMetadataExchange / WSTransfer WSMetadataExchange is a specification that defines data types and operations to retrieve metadata associated with an endpoint. This metadata describes what other endpoints need to know to interact with the described endpoint, and defines the MetadataSection that divides the metadata into separate units of metadata with a dialect specifying its type. WSTransfer is used to retrieve the metadata, which is structured as specified in WSMetadataExchange. There is a slight functional difference in WSMetadataExchange and WSTransfer for retrieval of metadata. WSMetadataExchange defines operations to retrieve all or parts of the metadata of an endpoint. WSTransfer only can be used to retrieve all metadata of an endpoint. WSTransfer is very similar to HTTP since it defines Create, Get, Put and Delete operations which have almost the same semantics as HTTP request methods. WSEventing WSEventing defines a protocol for managing subscriptions for a Web Services based eventing mechanism. This protocol defines three endpoints: subscriber, event source and subscription manager. Subscribers request subscriptions on behalf of event sinks to receive events from event sources. Subscription requests contain an event delivery mode and event filter mechanism to negotiate an event source with an event sink. Subscription Managers are responsible of holding subscriptions of event sources. Subscriptions must be requested and can expire over time. The subscription manager can be asked to renew or end a subscription, or to get the status of a subscription. There are no limitations or restrictions in supporting other or userdefined event delivery and filter mechanisms. WSSecurity WSSecurity specification provides mechanisms for message integrity and confidentiality to SOAP messaging. These mechanisms are independent of the used technology. The specification defines the structures security header and security token to allow signing full or parts of SOAP messages or encryption of SOAP messages. While the WS* specifications define abstract mechanisms, WS profiles define specific constraints and limitations. So the DPWS describes how some specific WS specifications can be used on embedded devices. 2.3 Semantic Web The Semantic Web [38] is a vision of a Web of meaningful contents and services, which can be interpreted by computer programs. It can also be seen as a vast source of information, which can be modeled with the purpose of sharing and reusing knowledge. 162. Background Figure 2.3: General stack of Semantic Web enabling standards The Semantic Web users will be able to do more accurate searches of the information and the services they need from the tools provided. The Semantic Web provides the necessary infrastructure for publishing and resolving ontological descriptions of terms and concepts. In addition, it provides the necessary techniques for reasoning about these concepts, as well as resolving and mapping between ontologies, thus enabling semantic interoperability of Web Services through the identification and mapping of semantically similar concepts. Fig. 2.3 shows the general stack of Semantic Web enabling standards. Ontologies have been developed within the Semantic Web research community in order to facilitate knowledge sharing and reuse. They provide greater expressiveness when modeling domain knowledge and can be used to communicate this knowledge between people and heterogeneous and distributed application systems. As with Web Services, Semantic Web enabling standards fit into a set of layered specifications built on the foundation of URIs and XML Schema. The current components included in the Semantic Web framework are RDF [39], RDF Schema (RDFS) [40] and the Web Ontology Language (OWL) [41]. These standards build up a rich set of constructs for describing the semantics of online information sources. RDF is an XMLbased standard from W3C for describing resources on the Web. RDF introduces a little semantics to XML data by allowing the representation of objects and their relations through properties. RDFSchema is a simple type system, which provides information (metadata) for the interpretation of the statements given in RDF data. The OWL facilitates greater machine interpretability of Web contents than RDF and RDF Schema by providing a much richer set of constructs for specifying classes and relations. OWL has evolved from existing ontologies languages and specifically from DAML+OIL [42]. OWL comes in several variants, that are OWLFull, OWLDL and OWLLite, where each variant corresponds to a description logic of different expressivity and complexity. OWLLite and OWLDL are an abstract syntactic form of the description logic SHIF(D) and SHOIN(D), respectively, whereas OWLFull corresponds to the description logic SHOIQ(D)^. For syntax and modeltheoretic semantics of these description logics, we refer to [43]. 2.4 Semantic Web Services Whilst promising to revolutionize eCommerce and enterprisewide integration, current standard technologies for Web Services, i.e. WSDL provide only syntacticlevel descrip 2.4 Semantic Web Services17 tions of their functionalities, without any formal definition to what the syntactic definitions might mean. In many cases, Web Services offer little more than a formally defined invocation interface, with some human oriented metadata that describes what the service does, and which organization developed it, i.e. through UDDI [35] descriptions. The software applications may invoke Web Services using a common, extendible communication framework, i.e. SOAP [33]. However, the lack of machinereadable semantics necessitates human intervention for automated service discovery and composition within open systems, thus hampering their usage in complex business contexts. Semantic Web Services (SWS) [44] relax this restriction by augmenting Web Services with rich formal descriptions of their capabilities, thus facilitating automated composition, discovery, dynamic binding, and invocation of services within an open environment. A prerequisite to this, however, is the emergence and evolution of the Semantic Web [38], which provides the infrastructure for the semantic interoperability of Web Services. Web Services will be augmented with rich formal descriptions of their capabilities, such that they can be utilized by software applications or other services without (or less) human assistance or highly constrained agreements on interfaces or protocols. Thus, SWSs have the potential to change the way knowledge and business services are consumed and provided on the current Web. 2.4.1 Why Semantic Web Services? Semantic descriptions of Web Services are necessary in order to enable their automatic discovery, composition and execution across heterogeneous users and domains. Present technologies for Web Services provide descriptions only at the syntactic level, which makes it difficult for the requesters and providers to interpret or represent nontrivial statements, i.e. the meaning of inputs and outputs or applicable constraints. This limitation may be relaxed by providing a rich set of semantic annotations that augment the service description. A Semantic Web Service is defined through a service ontology, which enables machine interpretability of its capabilities as well as integration with domain knowledge. The deployment of Semantic Web Services will rely on the further development and combination of Web Services and Semantic Web enabling technologies. Several initiatives have been started in the industry and academia, e.g. DIP [45], SWSI [46] which are investigating solutions for the main issues regarding the infrastructure for SWS. Fig. 2.4 shows the following three orthogonal dimensions as characterization of Semantic Web Service infrastructure: Usage activities define the functional requirements, which a framework for Semantic Web Services ought to support. Architecture of SWSs describes the components needed for accomplishing the activities defined for SWS. Service ontology aggregates all concept models related to the description of a Semantic Web Service and constitutes the knowledgelevel model of the information describing and supporting the usage of the service. Usage Activities From the usage activities perspective, SWS are seen as objects within a business application execution scenario. The activities required for running an application using SWS 182. Background Figure 2.4: Semantic Web Services Infrastructure Dimensions include: publishing, discovery, selection, composition, invocation, deployment and ontology management, as described next. The publishing or advertisement of SWS will allow agents or applications to discover services based on its goals and capabilities. A semantic registry is used for registering instances of the service ontology for individual services. The service ontology distinguishes between information which is used for matching during the discovery and that is used during service invocation. In addition, domain knowledge should also be published or linked to the service ontology. The discovery of services consists of a semantic matching between the description of a service request and the description of published service. The queries involving the service name, input, output, preconditions and other attributes can be constructed and used for searching the semantic registry. The matching can also be done at the level of tasks or goals to be achieved, followed by a selection of services which solves the task. The degree of matching can be based on some criteria, such as the inheritance relationship of types. For example, an input of type Infusion Pump of a provided service can be said to match an input of type Medical Device of a requested service. A selection of services is required if there is more than one service matching the request. Nonfunctional attributes such as cost or quality can be used for choosing one service. In a more specialized or agentbased type of interaction a negotiation process can be started between a requester and a provider, but that requires that the services themselves be knowledgebased. In general, a broker would check that the preconditions 2.4 Semantic Web Services19 of tasks and services are satisfied and prove that the services postconditions and effects imply goal accomplishment. An explanation of the decision making process should also be provided. The Composition or choreography allows SWS to be defined in terms of other simpler services. A workflow expressing the composition of atomic services can be defined in the service ontology by using appropriate control constructs. This description would be grounded on a syntactic description such as BEPL4WS [47]. Dynamic composition is also being considered as an approach during service request in which the atomic services required to solve a request are located and composed on the fly. That requires an invoker which matches the outputs of atomic services against the input of the requested service. The invocation of SWS involves a number of steps, once the required inputs have been provided by the service requester. First, the service and domain ontologies associated with the service must be instantiated. Second, the inputs must be validated against the ontology types. Finally the service can be invoked or a workflow executed through the grounding provided. It is also important to monitor the status of the decomposition process and notify the requester in case of exceptions. The deployment of a Web Service by a provider is independent of the publishing of its semantic descriptions since the same Web Service can serve multiple purposes. Also, the SWS infrastructure can provide a facility for the instant deployment of code for a given semantic description. The management of service ontologies is a cornerstone activity for SWS since it will guarantee that the semantic service descriptions are created, accessed and reused within the Semantic Web. Architecture From the architecture perspective, as shown in Fig. 2.4, SWSs are defined by a set of components which realize the activities above, with underlying security and trust mechanisms. The components gathered from the discussion above include: a register, a reasoner, a matchmaker, a decomposer and an invoker. The reasoner is used during all activities and provides the reasoning support for interpreting the semantic descriptions and queries. The register provides the mechanisms for publishing and locating services in a semantic registry as well as functionalities for creating and editing service descriptions. The matchmaker mediates between the requester and the register during the discovery and selection of services. The decomposer is the component required for executing the composition model of composed services. The invoker mediates between requester and provider or decomposer and provider when invoking services. These components are illustrative of the required roles in the SWS architecture for the discussion here as they can have different names and a complexity of their own in different approaches. Service Ontology The service ontology is another dimension under which we can define the SWS, for it represents the capabilities of a service itself and the restrictions applied to its use. The service ontology essentially integrates at the knowledgelevel the information which has been defined by Web Services standards, such as UDDI and WSDL with related domain knowledge. This would include: functional capabilities such as inputs, output, preconditions and postconditions; and nonfunctional capabilities such as category, cost and quality of service; provider related information, such as company name and address; task or goalrelated information; and domain knowledge defining, for instance, the type of the inputs of the service. This information can, in fact be divided in several ontologies. However, the service ontology used for describing SWS will rely on the expressivity and inference power of the underlying ontology language supported by the Semantic Web. 202. Background 2.4.2 Semantic Web Services Description Frameworks Although there exist several approaches for the description of Semantic Web Services, the leading frameworks used for the description of Semantic Web Services (SWS) are the standard SAWSDL [48], OWLS [49] and WSML [50]. In the following sections, we briefly describe these approaches by taking the text snippets from [43], and refer the reader to this for detailed description. SAWSDL The standard language WSDL for Web Services operates at the mere syntactic level as it lacks any declarative semantics needed to meaningfully represent and reason upon them by means of logical inferencing. In a first response to this problem, the W3C Working Group on Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema (SAWSDL) [48] developed mechanisms with which semantic annotations can be added to WSDL components. Unlike OWL or WSML, SAWSDL does not specify a language for representing formal ontologies but provides mechanisms by which ontological concepts that are defined outside WSDL service documents can be referenced to semantically annotate WSDL description elements. Based on its predecessor and W3C member submission WSDLS [51] in 2005, the key design principles for SAWSDL are that (a) the specification enables semantic annotations of Web Services using and building on the existing extensibility framework of WSDL; (b) it is agnostic to semantic (ontology) representation languages; and (c) it enables semantic annotations for Web Services not only for discovering Web Services but also for invoking them (their grounding). Based on these design principles, SAWSDL defines the following three new extensibility attributes to WSDL 2.0 elements for their semantic annotation: An extension attribute, named modelReference, to specify the association between a WSDL component and a concept in some semantic (domain) model. This modelReference attribute is used to annotate XML Schema complex type definitions, simple type definitions, element declarations, and attribute declarations as well as WSDL interfaces, operations, and faults. Two extension attributes, named liftingSchemaMapping and loweringSchemaMapping, that are added to XML Schema element declarations, complex type definitions and simple type definitions for specifying mappings between semantic data in the domain referenced by modelReference and XML. These mappings can be used during service invocation. One problem with SAWSDL is that it comes as a mere syntactic extension of WSDL, without any formal semantics. In opposite to OWLS and (in part) WSML, there is no defined formal grounding of neither the XMLbased WSDL service components nor the referenced external metadata sources (via modelReference). Another problem with SAWSDL today is its very limited software support. Notable exceptions are the implemented SAWSDL service discovery and composition planning means of the METEORS framework [52]. However, the recent announcement of SAWSDL as a W3C recommendation not only supports a standardized evolution of the W3C Web Service framework in principle (rather than a revolutionary technology switch to far more advanced technologies like OWLS or WSML) but will push software development in support of SAWSDL and reinforce research on refactoring these frameworks with respect to SAWSDL. 2.4 Semantic Web Services21 OWLS OWLS [49] is an upper ontology used to describe the semantics of services based on the W3C standard ontology OWL and is grounded in WSDL. Its approach originated from an Artificial Intelligence background and has previously been used to describe agent functionality within several multiagent systems as well as with a variety of planners to solve higher level goals. It consists of three main upper ontologies: the Profile, Process Model and Grounding. The Profile is used to describe services for the purposes of discovery; service descriptions and queries are constructed from a description of functional properties (i.e. inputs, outputs, preconditions, and effects IOPEs), and nonfunctional properties (human oriented properties such as service name, etc, and parameters for defining additional meta data about the service itself, such as concept type or quality of service). In addition, the profile class can be subclassed and specialized, thus supporting the creation of profile taxonomies which subsequently describe different classes of services. The Process Models describe the composition or orchestration of one or more services in terms of their constituent processes. This is used both for reasoning about possible compositions (such as validating a possible composition, determining if a model is executable given a specific context, etc) and controlling the enactment/invocation of a service. Three process classes have been defined: the composite, simple and atomic process. The atomic process is a single, blackbox process description with exposed IOPEs. Inputs and Outputs relate to data channels, where data flows between processes. The preconditions specify facts of the world that must be asserted in order for an agent to execute a service. Effects characterize the facts that become asserted given a successful execution of the service, such as the physical sideeffects that the execution the service has on the physical world. The simple process provides a means of describing service or process abstractions, which means that such elements have no specific binding to a physical service, and thus have to be realized by an atomic process (e.g. through service discovery and dynamic binding at runtime), or expanded into a composite process. The composite processes are hierarchically defined workflows, consisting of atomic, simple and other composite processes. These process workflows are constructed using a number of different composition constructs, including: Sequence, Unordered, Choice, If ^ then ^ else, Iterate, Repeat ^ until, Repeat ^ while, Split, and Split + join. The profile and process models provide semantic frameworks whereby services can be discovered and invoked, based upon conceptual descriptions defined within Semantic Web (i.e. OWL) ontologies. The Grounding provides a pragmatic binding between this concept space and the physical data/machine/port space, thus facilitating service execution. The process model is mapped to a WSDL description of the service, through a thin grounding. Each atomic process is mapped to a WSDL operation, and the OWLS properties used to represent inputs and outputs are grounded in terms of XML data types. Additional properties pertaining to the binding of the service are also provided (i.e. the IP address of the machine hosting the service, and the ports used to expose the service). WSML The Web Service Modeling Framework (WSMF) [50] provides a conceptual model and a formal language WSML (Web Service Modeling Language) for the semantic markup of Web Services together with a reference implementation WSMX (Web Service Execution Environment). Its main goal is to fully enable eCommerce by applying Semantic Web 222. Background technology to Web Services. WSMF is the product of research on modeling of reusable knowledge components. WSMF is centered on two complementary principles: a strong decoupling of the various components that realize an ecommerce application; and a strong mediation service enabling Web Services to communicate in a scalable manner. The mediation is applied at several levels: mediation of data structures; mediation of business logics; mediation of message exchange protocols; and mediation of dynamic service invocation. WSMF consists of four main elements: ontologies that provide the terminology used by other elements; goal repositories that define the problems that should be solved by Web Services; Web Services descriptions that define various aspects of a Web Service; and mediators which bypass interoperability problems. WSMF implementation has been assigned to two main projects: Semantic Web enabled Web Services (SWWS) [53], and Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) [54]. SWWS provides a description framework, a discovery framework and a mediation platform for Web Services, according to a conceptual architecture. WSMO refines the Web Services Modeling Framework and develops a formal service ontology and language for SWS. WSMO Service Ontology includes definitions for goals, mediators and Web Services. The underlying representation language for WSMO is Flogic because it is a full first order logic language that provides second order syntax while staying in the first order logic semantics, and has a minimal model semantics. The main characterizing feature of the WSMO architecture is that the goal, Web Service and ontology components are linked by four types of mediators as follows: OO mediators link ontologies to ontologies WW mediators link Web Services to Web Services WG mediators link Web Services to goals GG mediators link goals to goals. WSML allows to describe a SWS in terms of its functionality (service capability), imported ontologies, and the interface through which it can be accessed for orchestration and choreography. The syntax of WSML is mainly derived from FLogic extended with more verbose keywords (e.g., "hasValue" for >, "p memberOf T" for p:T etc.), and has a normative humanreadable syntax, as well as an XML and RDF syntax for exchange between machines. WSML comes in five variants with respect to the logical expressions allowed to describe the semantics of service and goal description elements, namely WSMLCore, WSMLDL, WSMLFlight, WSMLRule and WSMLFull. Though WSML has a special focus on annotating Semantic Web Services like OWLS, it tries to cover more representational aspects from knowledge representation and reasoning under both classical FOL and nonmononotic LP semantics. For example, WSMLDL is a decidable variant of FLogic(FO) with expressivity close to the description logic SHOIN(D), that is the variant OWLDL of the standard ontology Web language OWL. WSMLFlight is a decidable Datalog variant of FLogic(LP) (functionfree, nonrecursive and DLsafe Datalog rules) with (nonmonotonic) default negation under perfect model semantics of locally stratified FLogic programs with ground entailment. WSMLRule is a fullyfledged logic programming language with function symbols, arbitrary rules with inequality and nonmontonic negation, and metamodeling elements such as treating concepts as instances, but does not feature existentials, strict (monotonic) negation, and equality reasoning. The semantics of WSMLRule is defined through a mapping to undecidable (nonmonotonic, recursive) FLogic(LP) variant with inequality and default negation under wellfounded semantics [368]. WSMLFull shall 2.5 General Device Communication Protocols23 unify the DL and LP paradigms as a superset of FOL with nonmonotonic extensions to support nonmonotonic negation of WSMLRule via Default Logic, Circumscription or Autoepistemic Logic. However, neither syntax nor semantics of WSMLFull have been completely defined yet. 2.5 General Device Communication Protocols This section gives a comparative overview to the protocols or standards that are used for the communication of resourceconstrained general (nonmedical) devices [55]. 2.5.1 Universal Plug and Play Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) [56] is an industry initiative by Mirosoft to provide simple, robust, peertopeer connectivity among devices and PCs. Plug and Play (PnP) made it easier to setup, configure, and add peripherals to a PC, while the purpose of UPnP is to extend this simplicity throughout the network, enabling discovery and control of devices. Its target is zero configuration, invisible networking, as well as automatic discovery for the devices of many vendors. UPnP encompasses many existing, as well as new scenarios, such as home automation, printing, audio/video entertainment, kitchen appliances, etc., and is independent of operating systems, programming languages, or physical media. The basic components of a UPnP network are: devices, services, and control points. A UPnP device contains services and nested devices. An XML device description document is hosted by each device; this document lists the set of services and properties of the device. A service is the smallest unit of control in UPnP. It is described in the XML document of the device, which also contains a pointer to the service description. A service consists of a state table, a control server, and an event server. The state table controls the state of the service through state variables. The control server updates the state according to action requests. The event server notifies interested subscribers when the service state changes. A controller is capable of discovering and controlling other devices. For true peertopeer functionality, devices should incorporate control point functionality. There is no central registry in UPnP, at least not necessarily. UPnP uses many existing, standard protocols, so that UPnP devices can fit seamlessly and without effort into the existing networks. TCP/IP is the base on which the UPnP protocols are built, as well as many protocols that go with it, such as UDP, ARP, DHCP and DNS. HTTP is a core part of UPnP and its aspects are based on HTTP or its variants. The Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) defines how to find network services. It is both for control points to locate services on the network, as well as for devices to announce their availability. A UPnP control point, when booting up, can send a search request to discover devices and services. UPnP devices, on the other hand, listen on the multicast port. If the search criteria match, a unicast reply is sent. In the same way, a device, when plugged in, will send out multiple SSDP presence announcements. Apart from the leasing concept that UPnP also shares, SSDP provides a way for a device to notify that it is leaving the network. The Generic Event Notification Architecture (GENA) defines the concepts of subscribers and publishers of notifications. The GENA formats are used to create these announcements that are sent using SSDP. SOAPis used in UPnP to execute remote procedure calls, as well as to deliver control messages and return results or error messages to the control points. XML is used in UPnP in device and service descriptions, control 242. Background messages and eventing. The advertisement message that a device issues contains a URL that directs to an XML file in the network, which describes the capabilities of the device. Each UPnP device must be a DHCP client and search for a DHCP server when connected to a network. In the lack of a DHCP server it must use Auto IP to get an address: the device randomly chooses an address, and then makes an ARP request to see if it is already occupied. This mechanism minimizes administration requirements. 2.5.2 Jini Jini [57] is a network architecture for distributed systems, developed by Sun Microsystems in Java. The aim of this architecture is to make the network dynamic and selfadministered, where services are added and deleted in a flexible manner. More precisely, the purpose is to end up with a monolithic system where users are able to not only share services and resources in a network, but have easy access to the services, even though the user's location may change. In a way, Jini can be considered as an extension of the Java application environment from a single machine to the whole network. Jini is based on Java environment, which offers builtin security for executing code from another machine and adds functionality on top of that to support the moving of components in a distributed system, as compared to the easy movement of objects in a Java application environment. Jini makes the assumption that the devices connected to the network have a certain memory capacity and processing power. The limitation on the devices that can be connected directly to the network is a Java legacy; the devices need to have the JVM. Other devices not meeting this criteria need to be presented to the network by means of a proxy, which is a piece of hardware and/or software that meets the abovementioned requirements. The service proxy has the drawback that in order to have no need for drivers, manufacturers must agree to a common interface. This is hard to achieve for every kind of device, and is exacerbated by the fact that each device tends to encompass multiple and different functionalities. There is benefit from the JVM: it makes Jini platform independent, but the JVM is heavy for handheld devices and embedded systems. As for Java, Jini depends on the Java application environment, rather than on the Java programming language. Any language, as claimed, producing compliant bytecode can be used. However, practically, only the Java language is used. Services are crucial to the Jini architecture. They can be used by a person, a program, or another service. Some examples of services are: storage, a computation, a hardware device, a user, devices such as printers, software such as applications, information such as databases. A Jini system is made up of services that can be collected in order to complete a particular task. A service can use another service, a client may be a service for another client. A service protocol is used for the communication between services. The one Jini offers is a set of interfaces that define critical service interaction between services. It can be extended further. A lookup service is used to find and resolve services. What it does is a mapping of the interfaces that indicate the functionality of a service to sets of objects implementing the service. A service has to be registered in at least one lookup service. A Jini service provider registers itself with every discovered lookup service. An object can itself consist of other services, this makes room for hierarchical services and lookup. Furthermore, objects may also be the encapsulation of other naming or directory services. References to the Jini lookup system can also be placed in other naming and directory services. In this way, bridging between the Jini lookup system and other forms of lookup service is created. The discovery, join and lookup protocols are the heart of the Jini architecture. The 2.5 General Device Communication Protocols25 discovery protocol is used when a device looks for a lookup service to register with. The join protocol is used when a service has located the lookup service and wants to join it. The lookup protocol is used when a client needs to locate and invoke a service. Discovery/join is how a service is added to the system. The service provider multicasts a request for local lookup services to identify themselves (discovery). After this, a service object is loaded into the lookup service (joining). This service object has the Java interface for the service including the methods of the interface to be invoked for using the service. There can also be other descriptive attributes. The lookup process ensures that a copy of the service object is loaded into the client. The client can now use the service. Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) can be used for the communication between services. RMI basically implements the remote procedure call mechanisms in Java. It allows data as well as objects to be passed through the network. With Jini, administration is still needed, because when a device is introduced to the network, it needs to be assigned an IP. Jini supports distributed events: an object can register its interest in events of another object and be notified whenever these events happen. This adds reliability guarantees to the architecture. Interfaces to devices have to be implemented for the Jini architecture to work. This is a disadvantage for Jini, since other service discovery protocols have them already available for consumer electronics. 2.5.3 SLP SLP [58] is an IETF standard for service discovery. It enables the discovery and selection of a wide range of services accessible through an IP network. With SLP, a user needs only to search for a particular type of service, and optionally for attributes associated with it. It has three major software entities: User Agent (UA), Service Agent (SA), and Directory Agent (DA). The SA advertises the location and attributes of one or more services on behalf of them by using broadcasts. It also replies with IP unicast to requests for these services. The services register and deregister with the SA. Each registrations has a lifetime and reregistration is required periodically. It is the same leasing concept already discussed in previous protocols. The UA receives requests from a client application and forwards multicast requests to SAs. Hence, there is little network overhead for SA discovery. The SA unicasts a response back with the service URL and possible attributes if there is a match with the registered services. The DA is a central information repository and it is optional. Its main function is to improve the performance of SLP. It can be thought of as a tier between the UAs and the SAs, which communicate with the DA instead of with each other. DAs relieve the network traffic from many multicast requests; the effect is more visible in large network, where multicast traffic can increases sharply because there are many SAs and UAs. A DA keeps the SA advertisements, and responds to UA requests. An SA registers itself with a DA. The registration contains the URL for the services, the lifetime, and descriptive attributes of the service. The registration should be refreshed periodically. A UA sends a request message to the DA, which in turn sends a message containing the URL of the service matched against the UA needs. SLP can work both with and without a DA: (1) with DA, information about the services is kept in the DA, so that the UA sends a query there for services; (2) without a DA, the UA multicasts service requests to the network, and a SA offering the service would reply back. In small networks, there may be no real need for a DA. SLP scales well in large networks; the reason is the minimal use of multicast messages 262. Background and the fact that it can have multiple DAs. It has a flexible and scalable architecture, where service browsing and human interaction is possible. SLP offers filtered search for attributes and predicates, such as AND, OR, comparators, and substring matching. SLP shares the concept of leasing with Jini and UPnP. Services can be deployed in small networks without any special configuration or deployment. It works even if there is no DNS, DHCP, SLP DA, or routing. Therefore, home networks would benefit much from the automation of service discovery, because they often lack network administration. However, the architecture with DAs makes the system vulnerable to a single point of failure. SLP is an open source, vendor independent and already implemented. It has the advantage of not depending on any programming language. 2.5.4 Bluetooth SDP Bluetooth is a transmission technology, meant for shortrange (10m) wireless communication between lowpower devices. Bluetooth devices form a personal area network, a piconet, with a maximum of 8 members. Groups of piconets communicating with eachother form a scatternet. Every Bluetooth SDP device has to implement a SDP server that provides services. The server has a list of service records, each with a list of attributes that represent different service classes. A Bluetooth SDP client sends a request message with the list of service classes. Bluetooth is designed for Bluetooth environments, therefore, it offers limited functionality compared to other SDPs. Its functionalities are: search for services by service type; search for services by service attributes; and service browsing without a priori knowledge of the service characteristics. The Bluetooth SDP does not include functionality for accessing services. After services have been discovered with it, the selection, access, and usage can be done with mechanisms out of the scope of SDP, for example by other SDPs such as SLP and Salutation. SDP can coexist with other SDPs, but they are not a necessity. The strong point of Bluetooth in the home environment is the lack of wires, while the short range it provides is a disadvantage. Also, it has a peertopeer connectivity, which does not scale well, because typically the systems lack resources. Another disadvantage is the lack of event notification when services become unavailable. The Bluetooth security mechanisms offer either oneway, twoway, or no authentication. When authentication is used, the Bluetooth devices generate a secure connection with a pairing process that makes use of PIN codes entered by users. But for home environment usage, maybe security and privacy have to be addressed also in higher layers. Bluetooth has huge implementation opportunities in home environments. Apart from cell phones and PCs which have already been implemented, there are other potentials. Home automation, for example, could replace doorbells. This would eliminate unnecessary wires around the place. Other goods, such as toys or entertainment devices, could be another area of implementation. 2.6 Medical Device Communication Protocols In this section, the most widely used stateoftheart communication standards for the transmission of medical data among the medical devices and different information systems in the hospitals and laboratories are explained. These communication standards include HL7, ASTM, DICOM and CEN/ISO/IEEE 11073. Additionally, a brief description of other relevant medical communications standards is also given, i.e. EDI, and EDIFACT. 2.6 Medical Device Communication Protocols27 2.6.1 HL7 Standards HL7 [59] is a standard for the information exchange between medical applications. It is an abbreviation of Health Level Seven, 7th OSI layer protocol for the health environment. HL7 is a protocol for data exchange, which defines the format and the content of the messages that applications must use when exchanging data with one another in various circumstances. HL7 specifies a transportindependent messaging framework and structure that enables disparate healthcare information systems to exchange data. The Components of an HL7 Message This section describes about different components of a typical HL7 message. In Fig. 2.5, a typical HL7 ADTÄ04 message is shown, which is sent when a new patient arrives at the hospital. The patient's demographics are entered into hospital information system and then the information is communicated to all the other systems to avoid multiple entries of the patient's demographic information. HL7 messages are ASCII messages and defined as sequence of segments and/or segment groups. Each segment, group, or Figure 2.5: An example of HL7 ADTÄ04 message message set within a message can be optional and/or repeating. Each message consists of the segments that are delimited by "carriage return" characters (" r" or 0x0D). That's why we see each segment starting on a different line. Each segment has its own semantic purpose and contains information of a specific type. The segments consist of fields that are composites and are delimited by "|" (Pipe sign). For example, MSH segment contains information about the Sender and Receiver of the message, the type of the message, a time stamp, etc. EVN contains information about the type of message; for example, A04 (Register a patient). Information contained in EVN is duplicated in MSH, so starting from HL7 version 2.3 this segment is excluded from all message definitions. PID contains demographic information about the patient such as name, id codes, address, and so on. PV1 contains information regarding the patient's stay in the hospital, such as location assigned, referring doctor, etc. Although there exist a series of dozen HL7 versions, ranging from, but in the following section, we give a brief introduction to the most important version HL7 v.3.0 only. 282. Background HL7 v.3.0 HL v.3 represents a departure from the v.2.x series as it adopts a new methodology for developing messages. Historically, v.2 did not have a rigorous development methodology, and consequently, different parts of the standard were developed in different ways. HL7 v.3, however, has a specific and rigorous methodology that ties together overarching information and application interaction models with messages and message sets, and ties those in turn to syntax and semantics specifications [59]. The v.3.0 was being built around a single object model, named RIM (Reference Information Model), which contained 123 classes, 179 associations and 890 attributes in the first implementation. HL7 v.2.x was mostly focused on the general triggers, structure, and layout for communication, while v.3.0 is more focused on specific contexts, terminology, models, and conceptual definitions and relationships. After 10 years of development, HL7 v.3.0 was released for the first time in the form of the "Normative Edition 2005". HL7 v.3.0 has been adapted right now to support: large scale integration (state/province, region, country), public health, decision support, and research. HL7 v.3.0 is the standard of choice for countries and their initiatives to create national EHR and EHR data exchange standards as it provides a level of semantic interoperability, unavailable with previous versions and other standards. HL7 is like a language and every language has a grammar. The HL7 RIM specifies the grammar of HL7 messages and specifically the basic building blocks of the language and their permitted relationships. The RIM is neither a model of healthcare, though it is healthcare specific, nor is it a model of any message, though it is used in messages. At first site the RIM is quite simple, as the RIM backbone has just five core classes and a number of permitted relationships between them. In HL7 v.3.0, every event is an Act, which is analogous to a verb in English. Each Act may have any number of Participations, in Roles, played by Entities. These are analogous to nouns. Each Act may also be related to other Acts, via ActRelationships. Act, Role and Entity classes also have a number of specializations, for example, Entity has a specialization called Living Subject, which itself has a specialization called Person. Person inherits the attributes of both Entity and Living Subject. HL7 CDA HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA), which was until recently known as the Patient Record Architecture, provides an exchange model for clinical documents, such as discharge summaries and progress notes. CDA was approved as an ANSI standard in November 2000 and it brings the healthcare industry closer to the realization of an electronic medical record. By leveraging the use of XML, the HL7 RIM and coded vocabularies, the CDA makes documents both machinereadable so they are easily parsed and processed electronically, and humanreadable, so they can be easily retrieved and used by the people who need them. CDA documents can be displayed using XMLaware web browsers or wireless applications such as cell phones. 2.6.2 DICOM DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) [60] is a standard which defines a method of communication for the various equipments of digital medical imaging devices and software (modalities). It specifies a network protocol utilizing TCP/IP, defines the operation of service classes beyond the simple transfer of data, and creates 2.6 Medical Device Communication Protocols29 a mechanism for uniquely identifying information objects as they are acted upon across the network. DICOM is also structured as a multipart document in order to facilitate extension of the standard. Additionally, DICOM defines information objects not only for images but also for patients, studies, reports, and other data groupings. With the enhancements made in DICOM version 3.0, the standard is ready to deliver on its promise not only of permitting the transfer of medical images in a multivendor environment, but also facilitating the development and expansion of PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) and interfacing with medical information systems. Fig. 2.6 Figure 2.6: Electronic radiology practice and its components illustrates the usual electronic radiology practice in the hospitals. Image acquisition combined with image management and interpretation is generally considered together as PACS. The communication of the PACS with the other electronic systems in the radiology department, i.e. Radiology Information System, and institution, i.e. Hospital Information System is essential to fully realize the implementation and benefits afforded by automation. Even though the effect of PACS is far greater outside the radiology department, the function of PACS within the department can be markedly different depending upon the proper design and function of these interfaces. 2.6.3 ASTM The most relevant standards from ASTM [61] are the standards from the committee E31 on "Healthcare Informatics". This committee is recognized as an accredited organization by ANSI, and the following standards are the most widely used relevant standards in the field of health care informatics [62][63]. ASTM E1238 standard specification for transferring the clinical observations between independent systems. This standard is developed by the ASTM subcommittee E31.11. This standard is being used by most of the largest commercial laboratory vendors in the United States to transmit laboratory results. It has been incorporated into the Japanese Image Store and Carry standard. HL7 has incorporated E1238 as a subset within its laboratory results message format. ASTM E1394 standard specification for transferring information between clinical instruments. This standard was developed by ASTM Subcommittee E31.14 and is being used for communication of information from laboratory instruments to the 302. Background computer systems. This standard has been developed by a consortium consisting of most U.S. manufacturers of clinical laboratory instruments. ASTM E1460 standard specification for defining and sharing modular health knowledge bases (Arden Syntax). This standard was developed by ASTM Subcommittee E31.15. The Arden Syntax provides a standard format and syntax for representing medical logic and for writing rules and guidelines that can be automatically executed by computer systems. Medical logic modules produced in one siteofcare system can be sent to a different system within another siteofcare and then customized to reflect local usage. ASTM E1467 standard specification for transferring digital neurophysical data between independent computer systems. This standard was developed by ASTM Subcommittee E31.16, and it defines codes and structures needed to transmit electrophysiologic signals and results produced by electroencephalograms (EEG) and electromyograms. The standard is similar in structure to ASTM E1238 and HL7, and has been adopted by most of the EEG systems manufacturers. 2.6.4 ANSI/IEEE 1073 ANSI/IEEE Standard 1073 [64], which is also known as Medical Information Bus (MIB), is one of the famous standards for medical device communication, which leverages the advantages of standardization to the problem of patientconnected device interfacing. In comparison to singlevendor proprietary networks, MIB comprises a truly open system, public domain standard. It provides a robust, cost effective answer to the need for guaranteed electrical and mechanical safety, and data integrity. Moreover, it guarantees plugandplay interoperability between all devices from any manufacturer by specifying a common communication protocol for all devices. This provides hospital users the freedom to move equipment around an institution, while eliminating any concerns regarding interfacing compatibility. In addition, MIB allows for great reductions in software development and maintenance costs for device manufacturers, clinical software developers, and hospital end users by specifying a common data language applicable to all devices from all manufacturers. The purpose of the MIB family of standards is to enable the automatic and universal capture of clinical data from any type of bedside device, from any manufacturer, and for this purpose, MIB is highly optimized for realtime device communications in an acute care environment. Fig. 2.7 [64] illustrates a generic example of the use of MIB for bedside device interfacing, where MIB bedside subnetwork consists of a configuration with multiple patientconnected devices interfacing to a bedside hub. In MIB terminology, the hub is called the bedside communication controller, or BCC. Each patient connected device interfaces by means of a device communication controller, or DCC, which can be either an external converter box, or an embedded implementation. The purpose of an external box is to convert between an RS232, RS422, RS423, RS485, 4 to 20mA, analog, parallel, or other legacy device interface, and an MIB DCC. 2.6.5 CEN/ISO/IEEE 11073 Since 1993 a set of open CEN (European) Standards, for pointofcare device communication has been created to provide the ability to connect devices to each other freely and to exchange data between them. These standards worked to complement those of the IEEE 1073, not to be competitive. In 2000 it was agreed that CEN, ISO and IEEE 2.6 Medical Device Communication Protocols31 Figure 2.7: Typical ANSI/IEEE 1073 (MIB) Environment would jointly migrate and publish this work in a single set of standards, designated as 11073 [65], for pointofcare device communication under the general leadership of IEEE. In 2003 the IEEE approved the core standards, the domain information model, the common nomenclature, the basic communications profiles and two arrangements defining the underlying transport mechanism. In early 2004, approval of these five 11073 standards within CEN and ISO was achieved, with more already in the balloting process. Alongside the core standards, application profiles have been defined for specific types of devices, such as dialysers, ventilators, monitors and infusion pumps. 2.6.6 IHE Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) [66] is an initiative taken by healthcare professionals and industry in 1997 to improve the way computer systems in healthcare share information. IHE promotes the coordinated use of established standards such as DICOM and HL7 to address specific clinical needs in support of optimal patient care. The systems developed in accordance with IHE communicate with one another better, are easier to implement, and enable care providers to use information more effectively. Physicians, medical specialists, nurses, administrators and other care providers envision a day when vital information can be passed seamlessly from system to system within and across departments and made readily available at the point of care. IHE is designed to make their vision a reality by improving the state of systems integration and removing barriers to optimal patient care. 322. Background 2.6.7 EDI EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is the computertocomputer exchange of structured information, by agreed message standards, from one computer application to another by electronic means and with a minimum of human intervention. In common usage, EDI is understood to mean specific interchange methods agreed upon by national or international standards bodies for the transfer of business transaction data, with one typical application being the automated registration of a patient in a hospital. Despite being relatively unheralded, in this era of technologies such as XML Web Services, the Internet and the WWW, EDI is still the data format used by the vast majority of electronic commerce transactions in the present computing world. The EDI standards were designed from the beginning to be independent of lower level technologies and can be transmitted using Internet protocols as well as private networks. It is important to differentiate between the EDI documents and the methods for transmitting them. There are two major sets of EDI standards. The first one is UN/EDIFACT, which is the only international standard (in fact, a United Nations recommendation) and is predominant in all areas outside of North America. The second is ANSI ASC X12 (X12), which is popular in North America and used worldwide. These standards prescribe the formats, character sets, and data elements used in the exchange of documents and forms, such as purchase orders (called ORDERS in UN/EDIFACT and an 850 in X12) and invoices. These standards say which pieces of information are mandatory for a particular document, which pieces are optional and give the rules for the structure of the document. Interfacing systems is one of the key challenges faced by IT staff of any healthcare institution. Understanding the differing implementations of standards in various vendor systems and trying to find ways to reconcile them is an expensive, laborintensive and often painful process. IHE offers a common framework for vendors, IT departments, clinical users and consultants to understand and address clinical integration needs. The IHE technical framework allows flexibility while ensuring that key integration needs are met. IHE promotes integration within and across all units of the healthcare enterprise. The initial successes of IHE were achieved in radiology and the IHE initiative in radiology remains very active. The IHE process has since been adopted in other domains, as well: IT infrastructure, cardiology, laboratory, and medication management. Working in coordination with the others, each of these domains will develop its own technical framework and integration profiles, and implement its own testing and demonstration process. [66]. 2.7 ICT Infrastructure in the Hospitals and Clinical Environments In the existing ICT (Information and Communication Technology) infrastructure in the hospitals, laboratories and clinical environments, different types of information systems and medical devices are used, provided by different manufacturers and vendors. Some of the leading manufacturers of hospital information systems (HIS) are Agfa healthcare, Fujifilm medical systems USA, GE medical systems, Philips medical systems, Siemens medical system and SAP etc. Some of the leading pointofcare devices' manufacturers are Roche Diagnostics, BD, Bayer Healthcare, CARESIDE medical etc. Most of the time, the devices manufactured by these companies are compliant to their own proprietary protocols, and are interoperable only to their own developed information systems. 2.8 eHealth33 Modern hospitals have at least two data processing systems, one system for finances and general administration, while the other for patient administration and basic patient data (demographics, diagnoses and procedures) [67]. In many cases there are other systems, which are often dedicated departmental systems e.g. system in chemical lab, system(s) in radiology department (RIS and PACS), ICU patient data management system, etc. These data processing systems are dedicated to the processes internal to the departments and in many cases they deal with device data, e.g. control of the analytic equipment in the chemical lab and collection of measurement data, collection and storage of radiological pictures, collection of measurement data of patient monitoring and therapeutic devices in ICU. These systems normally communicate in two different directions, one to devices, and one to hospital information system (HIS). The data collected from devices, images, waveforms, etc. must be readable for machinery and not necessarily be readable by humans. Often this data is understandable by humans only if available in the graphical representation. Nevertheless, these systems communicate with the HIS too in order to receive e.g. demographic data of patients. That can be described by different levels of communication, the HIS or enterprise level, and the departmental or device level. In fact, communication to the HIS and communication with devices is rather different in nature and indeed there are big differences between e.g. the communication with radiology machinery and to devices in the ICU. The data representation and communication requirements are very different between these domains, e.g., the radiology images to communicate and store are rather huge, while the messages in ICU device communication are rather small compared to image communication. The ICU device communication needs alert messages and real time communication. In Fig. 2.8, the communication of HIS or enterprise level, as well as the departmental or device level is shown. The Domain/Enterprise Level concerns the communication in the whole hospital, communication between different hospitals, and exchange with health care professionals outside the hospital and with health care organizations. Mostly, HL7 standard is used for the communication of patient's medical data on this level, resulting successfully interfacing the HISs, insurance companies and public health organizations. HL7 v.3.0 is the latest version which has been developed and has strongly influenced the future ISO and CEN standards for enterprise level communication in healthcare after establishment of cooperation between CEN/TC251 and HL7 organizations. The communication on Device/Departmental Level is mostly limited to a single department or parts of a single department (ICU) only. As a typical departmental communication standard, as already shown in Fig. 2.8, the DICOM standard is used to exchange images between different modalities like CT (Computer Tomographs), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Tomographs) etc., to diagnostic workstations, PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) etc. The ASTM1394 standard for the exchange of data between analytical instruments and laboratory information systems is another example used on the departmental level, usually inside clinical chemistry or lab subsystems. 2.8 eHealth This section describes briefly about eHealth, healthcare, eHealth systems and their challenges w.r.t interoperability. In the current communication era, governments and health organizations have realized that the costeffective application of technologies (including Information Technology, communications, medical devices and telemetry solutions) can assist in improving access to health services and in achieving better quality care and health outcomes. To success 342. Background Figure 2.8: The interoperability of medical devices and information systems in hospitals fully achieve these services, eHealth [68] is the best choice to be opted. eHealth is an emerging field encompassing the convergence of Telematics, health informatics, healthcare services & business, and refers to healthcare services/information delivered by or enhanced through technologies such as the Internet, UMTS, WLAN, and Body Area Networks. In a broader sense, the term eHealth denotes not only a technical development, but also an organizational mindset with the goal of improving quality of care by using Information and Communication Technology [69]. eHealth solutions have been used in all forms of electronic healthrelated service delivery ranging from informational, educational, and commercial products to direct services offered by professionals, nonprofessionals, businesses and consumers themselves. eHealth services encompass the "five C's" [70]. Content (healthrelated information e.g. disease management). Connectivity (communication channels between care providers, consumers, and organizations). Community (support groups). 2.8 eHealth35 Commerce (online marketing and sales of healthrelated products and/or services). Clinical care (clinical diagnostic services, overthecounter and prescription medications). eHealth uses the following encompassing technologies [71]: 2.8.1 Use of multiple technologies eHealth spans over the use of multiple technologies, including: Information technology (e.g., computers, software applications, multimedia devices). Telecommunications technology (e.g., wirebased and wireless networking devices). Telemetry (e.g., medical devices capable of measuring a patient^Ss state of health remotely). 2.8.2 Multiple modes of interaction eHealth supports multiple modes of interaction among participating parties, which are: RealTime All parties directly participate in an eHealth session at the same time. For example, at a prescheduled date and time, a patient accompanied by a general practitioner in a rural hospital make a videoconferencing connection with the patient's psychiatrist located at the psychiatry care center. Live interactive consultation takes place between the patient, the general practitioner, and the psychiatrist. Storeandforward Involves compilation of data (store) and transfer of the data to the receiving party (forward). This method of interaction does not require the parties to participate at the same time. For example, in a rural community, a patient xray is scanned and captured as an electronic file. This file, along with accompanying medical notes, is sent electronically to the radiologist in the tertiary care center, who reviews the xrays and notes and confirms and/or makes a diagnosis. The radiological report is then returned to the rural care facility. Streaming Involves the delivery of realtime or stored multimedia data such as audio, video, documents, and stillimages across networks with a reasonable amount of quality of services. At the receiving site, multimedia data is presented (played, displayed) before the entire content arrives. In other words, data continues to download in the background, while it is presented. For example, physicians located at care centers in different provinces participate in a videoconferencing session to discuss a complex cardiac case. The physician who examined the patient's heart transfers a video file captured during an ultrasound exam to the participants to support his/her recommendation for patient's treatment. It is important to understand that the term eHealth does not necessarily imply the use of the Internet, but also eHealth Web enabled applications can work over private 362. Background networks using dialup or dedicated telecommunication links. The ultimate goal of the eHealth strategy is to link a myriad of clinical applications together to provide the right information to the right person at the right place and time. It is critical to state the importance of this in the changing healthcare environment because it means that the care providers will have the intuitive access to the entire depth of clinical information. 2.8.3 Examples of eHealth Applications In this section, we examine some examples of the eHealth applications, which include: Electronic Health Record (EHR) EHR is a secure corpus of accessible patient files with critical information required in order to manage the health of the patient effectively. Telehealth/eHomecare Telehealth provides a means of using telecommunications to deliver more services to persons in outpatient settings. Additionally, this includes the realtime and storeandforward technologies designed to improve the consultation process. In addition to this, eHomecare consists of new products, such as clinical devices or even wearable biochemical sensors for tracking any number of physiologic measurements and transmitting them via discrete wireless mechanisms to a constant monitoring system. Clinical Lab Reports Applications allowing for the searching and tabulating of all clinical and diagnostic lab information related to the patient. Radiology/PACS The systems that are able to acquire, transmit and store digital radiology examinations. Disease Self Management Programs The systems by which caregivers can gain access into the home, through the provision of care plans administered in conjunction with video and/or Web based technologies; also accessible by the patient to provide ongoing monitoring of physiological patient parameters. Internet based eLearning tools Publicly assessable information from peer reviewed websites with clinical information, treatment protocols and user groups designed for the education and empowerment of the new clinical consumers. Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) A handheld computer loaded with personal productivity tools such as a calendar, address book, word processing, and spreadsheet functions. Mobile workers use PDAs and work with central databases either with wireless connections using cellular phones or by synchronizing with the host computer with the cradle. Recent interest in the physician 2.8 eHealth37 eHealth market focused on prescription writing, digital voice dictation or recognition for note taking, and direct access to patient centric database from anywhere at anytime. ePharmacy/ePrescribe These are usually wireless Internet based systems that allow physician to transcribe a prescription on a PDA device to a remote pharmacy able to deliver the drugs to where a patient is located. Integrated applications include drug interaction tables, dosage protocols, etc. In order to reach its full potential, eHealth has to meet with several conditions before it becomes commonly used in the health service delivery system. These conditions include adequate service quality, health system functionality, and interoperability. 2.8.4 What is eHealthcare Healthcare is a vital part of the economy and important to every citizen, and yet the healthcare economy has not benefited from the technology revolution that is fundamentally changing whole industries. Leading software companies i.e. Microsoft and IBM believe that the present time is right for the technology to have a dramatic and fundamental impact in improving healthcare delivery, payment and personal health management. In healthcare domain, eHealth initiatives are designed to present proactive, coordinated, and evidencebased healthcare where the clinical, social and technological issues are combined to create a flexible patientfocused healthcare system. eHealthcare is defined as a way of delivering and achieving better health outcomes through effective and innovative use of health information. It includes in the health sector the use of digital datatransmitted, stored and retrieved electronicallyfor clinical, educational and administrative purposes, both at local site and at a distance [19]. The aim of eHealthcare is to provide high quality healthcare to all health consumers; to increase homecare by remotely monitoring the chronically ill patients in their homes; and to reduce the need for hospital care for patients. It is also to develop preventive health education and through the use of information technology reduce errors, waste and costs. This is being achieved through the interchange of collaborative multiple healthcare teams across regional, interstate and international boundaries and by the projection of specialist medical and surgical expertise to rural and remote areas. It is also being developed by the instant access to comprehensive secure, reliable and standardized health records; the integration of hospital, community, insurance industry, pharmacy, government, home and educational health management systems; and the provision of computer based training programs to health professionals [19]. This revolution will be hugely significant and it is relevant to the key problems faced by the industry today, such as: Improving patient safety Reducing costs Decreasing the time to develop and release new drugs and medical devices Improving the quality of care and outcomes achieved Improving the efficiency of processes for coordinating and paying for care 382. Background 2.8.5 eHealth Challenges More than any other recent development, eHealth bridges the barriers between telecommunications and Information technologies. While regulation, standardization and interoperability form the base of the telecommunications industry, the IT industry (the desktop computing industry in particular) has achieved success by encouraging innovation and diversity. While this strategy has resulted in rapid technical advances as well as tremendous costeffectiveness and efficiencies, it has also suffered from proprietary and evolving standards, and the consequent interoperability problems. While changing the business culture of these industries is a longterm goal, there are other challenges that the eHealth industry must deal with in shortterm [71]. Some of these include: Limited clinical guidelines The generaluse and well established standards being used in the healthcare sector (e.g. HL7, DICOM) are being complemented by eHealth specific clinical guidelines and protocols. The list of eHealth guidelines includes telephone triage, Teleradiology, homecare, Telesurgery, and health call center applications. Their scope, however, is limited to specific clinical applications and, in some cases, to specific projects. Limited functional alignment There is no official eHealth standard. The eHealth industry uses highlevel healthcare guidelines and technical standards developed for various technology sectors including multimedia conferencing, information technology, data communications, security, and the Internet. These standards focus on functional requirements of these sectors and do not necessarily address the needs of the healthcare system. Limited interoperability In the current implementations, there is no interoperability standard for eHealth systems and networks in order to provide seamless interoperability. As a consequence, there is no plugandplay eHealth technology platform. Limited integration eHealth systems do not typically offer tools to integrate with other systems to provide a seamless interface and most of the times, the eHealth networks are implemented as standalone solutions, and are not integrated with any other systems or business processes. Monolithic and nonexpandable architecture Today, the closed and monolithic architecture of eHealth systems offers limited autonomy and scalability. System components are tightly coupled, so most implementation changes (e.g. addition or removal of components, or changes in their implementation) impact the architecture of the entire solution. 2.8 eHealth39 Limited failure recovery eHealth solutions offer very limited capabilities to recover from failures, or to continue operating in a degraded mode until the failure is repaired. Typically, a failure of a system or a system component affects the entire eHealth solution. To overcome these challenges, it is necessary to define both the functional model and the architectural framework for eHealth systems. While the functional model must be compliant with the requirements of the healthcare systems, the architectural framework must be based on a plugandplay computing paradigm, distributed processing principles and open technology standards. Chapter 3 Related Work Although, several initiatives have been studied that have experimented the integration of Semantic Web and Web Services technologies into ubiquitous computing architectures in the last years, but this chapter is devoted to have an overlook on most relevant of them, which include HYDRA, SODA, Task Computing, Gaia and SCALLOPS research projects. First of all, it outlines the evaluation criteria, in comparison with the pros and cons of these initiatives with our envisaged architecture for the ambient intelligent medical or mobile devices, and then it identifies the constituent parts of these initiatives, upto what extent they have applied the Semantic Web and Web Services technologies, and their contributions in the corresponding domains. 3.1 Evaluation Criteria In this section, we define a set of evaluation criteria by analyzing and evaluating stateoftheart architectures, and determine how our proposal ranks in comparison with these architectures. Most of the selected criteria can be found, implicitly or explicitly, throughout all the literature concerning ubiquitous and pervasive computing architectures. The examples of these criteria are decentralization, contextawareness, autonomy and/or standards adherence, while other criteria are more specific to our research goals, i.e. having reasoning capability (inferencing) on medical devices, and communication with other medical or mobile devices through Web Services technology. In the following sections, we have organized the criteria into three different categories, namely Architectural, Technological and Intelligence, depending on their nature. Architectural Decentralization: At the core of any ubiquitous computing system, decentralization endorses a spontaneous and unanticipated nature, noncritical components in the architecture, adhoc reconfiguration according to the situation, and natural deployment of elements and scalability. However, the design and planning of decentralized systems is more difficult, as well as resulting in a higher load of network traffic due to synchronization and coordination messages. Lightness: The architectural elements and software components in particular should be designed in such a way that they could be easily embedded 41 423. Related Work in resourceconstrained systems, i.e. medical or mobile devices, as well as promote operational simplicity if possible. Technological Standards Adherence: It represents the degree to which the envisaged system reuses and applies the widely accepted standards, thus taking advantage of previous R&D work and promoting reusability in the industry and academia. The intention behind our research is to create new original work by assuring the highest possible degree of standards adherence. Please note that we exclude the discussion of adherence to the medical (device) communication standards, as neither the frameworks discussed in this chapter support the most commonly used medical (device) communication standards, nor, to the best of our knowledge, any known SOA framework support them. Technological Consistency: It represents the degree of coherence among the technologies used for the development of a system. The complementary technologies must be applied, if possible, in order to obtain synergistic performance and future reusability. Intelligence Reasoning Capability: It is the ability of the system to acquire and apply knowledge via reasoning (inferencing) process. In order to create the next generation of ambient intelligent medical or mobile devices, artificial intelligence techniques must be applied to a certain degree. ContextAwareness: In simple terms, it is the ability of the system to perceive and identify the relevant information from an environment and actively respond according to the defined rules. Contextawareness is inevitably required to meet the ultimate goals of ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligent environments. The abovementioned criteria are not completely isolated, rather certain dependencies exist among some of them in such a way that the degree of fulfillment in one concrete criterion can affect the other in a positive or negative manner. A high degree of decentralization favors the design of distributed lightweight components, instead of a bulky and heavy central controller. Lightweight components make the actual implementation feasible, but they also reduce the degree and quality of the embedded reasoning processes, which normally demand some amount of software complexity. The Reasoning Capability affects lightness negatively in the same way, since the more reasoning power the device is provided with, the heavier the component becomes. However, it promotes the contextawareness and autonomy, which can take advantage of the builtin intelligence to react accordingly. The ContextAwareness promotes autonomy, since architectural components can selfregulate their behavior depending on the context information provided by the surrounding entities. The Technological Consistency can significantly reinforce APIs reusability during the implementation, thus promoting more lightweight components that would be negatively affected by mixing up noncomplementary technologies. At the same time, we consider that technological consistency simplifies the overall design by taking advantage of the existing mechanisms, procedures and interfaces. Not all these criteria are equally important, but depending on the desired strengths of the resulting architecture, some of them must be promoted. We will focus primarily on maximizing decentralization, reasoning capability, lightness and standards adherence, 3.2 HYDRA43 and, in a lesser extent, technological consistency and contextawareness. Table 3.1 enumerates the criteria with relative weights depending on their importance to our goals. Table 3.1: Criteria's relative weights of importance CriterionWeight Decentralization4 Reasoning Capability4 Lightness3 Technological Consistency3 Standards Adherence2 Context Awareness1 3.2 HYDRA The HYDRA1, an FP6 European Commission funded Integrated Project, addresses the problem that is frequently faced by producers of devices and components the need for (which is actually becoming a trend) networking the products available on the market in order to provide higher valueadded solutions for their customers [17]. This requirement is implied by citizen centered demands requiring intelligent solutions, where the complexity is hidden behind userfriendly interfaces to promote inclusion. The vision of the HYDRA project is ambitious: "To create the most widely deployed middleware for intelligent networked embedded systems that will allow producers to develop costeffective and innovative embedded applications for new and already existing devices". HYDRA develops a middleware based on a ServiceOriented Architecture (SOA), to which the underlying communication layer is transparent. Hydra middleware is designed to run on a variety of stationary and mobile devices, and includes support for distributed as well as centralized architectures, security and trust, reflective properties and modeldriven development of applications. It is deployable on both new and existing networks of distributed wireless and wired devices, which operate with limited resources in terms of computing power, energy and memory usage. It allows for secure, trustworthy, and fault tolerant applications through the use of novel distributed security and social trust components and advanced Grid technologies. The embedded and mobile ServiceOriented Architecture provides interoperable access to data, information and knowledge across heterogeneous platforms, including Web Services, and support true ambient intelligence for ubiquitous networked devices. Furthermore HYDRA develops a Software Development Kit (SDK), which will be used by developers to develop innovative ModelDriven applications using the Hydra middleware, where middleware and connected devices enable the developers to implement applications that depend on and adapt to context information. In particular, the developers stress the acquisition and management of spatial context information that allows for locating devices attached to the system and for the positioning of people and assets. The HYDRA project validates the middleware, the SDK toolkit in real enduser scenarios in three user domains, namely Building Automation, Healthcare, and Agriculture. 1 443. Related Work 3.2.1 Software Architecture of HYDRA The functional structure model of HYDRA middleware is divided mainly into two parts: Application Elements and Device Elements, as shown in Fig. 3.1 [17]. Both elements differ in the following aspects: Power of the machine. Intended purpose of the components. Target developer user. Figure 3.1: Structural Overview of the Hydra Middleware Layers Application Elements Application Elements describe components that are usually deployed on hardware which is performancewise capable of running the application that the solution provider creates. This means these components are meant to be running on powerful machines. They have been put together and configured to work together with other software in order to support a specific application such as building automation by a specific developer, e.g. system integrator. Device Elements Device Elements describe components that are usually deployed inside HYDRAenabled devices, so that they could be deployed in small devices as well which have limited 3.2 HYDRA45 resources in terms of e.g. processing power or battery life. These components have a limited set of functionality but could also be deployed on another machine acting as a proxy for e.g. a mote where it would be highly unlikely that those managers would ever be deployed on such a resourcelimited device. They have been put on the device by a device manufacturer to provide certain functions irrespective of which application is using the device. The HYDRA middleware elements are enclosed by the physical and the application layer shown at the bottom and at the top of the diagram respectively. The physical layer realizes several network connections like ZigBee, Bluetooth or WLAN. The application layer contains user applications which could contain modules like workflow management, user interface, custom logic and configuration details. These two layers are not part of the HYDRA middleware. The middleware itself consists of three layers the network, service and semantic layer, where each layer holds elements according to their functionality and purpose. It is to be noted that some device elements have similar and thus likewise named, counterparts among the application elements. Both, device and application elements, have a Security Manager, which is an orthogonal service and depicted as vertical to cover all three middleware layers. Figure 3.2: Hydra enabled healthcare application using ServiceOriented Architecture 463. Related Work 3.2.2 Healthcare Scenario of HYDRA A common problem for the manufacturers of medical devices and for developers of eHealth systems is the lack of interconnectivity and interoperability of the various proprietary components and subsystems. The Hydra middleware enables devices and subsystems to communicate and allow developers to develop intelligent, secure, multiparametric healthcare services using a range of medical devices and subsystems. Fig. 3.2 shows an envisaged HYDRA healthcare scenario using Hydra devices, where the patient is being monitored with the attached devices, e.g. glucose meter and blood pressure devices etc., and the medical data is transferred to the homecare services provider, whenever the measurement is performed. In case of emergency, an alert message is sent in parallel to the registered relative of the patient so that s/he could approach the patient immediately besides the emergency services provider. 3.2.3 Conclusion The HYDRA research project is one of the most relevant research projects related to our research goals. The vision of the HYDRA project is to create the most widely deployed middleware for intelligent networked embedded systems that will allow producers to develop costeffective and innovative embedded applications for new and already existing heterogeneous physical devices. The embedded and mobile ServiceOriented Architecture will provide interoperable access to data, information and knowledge across heterogeneous platforms, including Web Services, and support true ambient intelligence for ubiquitous networked devices. However, there are few drawbacks in HYDRA in comparison with our approach. First of all, the HYDRA project does not target the resourceconstrained devices themselves, rather it provides an HYDRA device, which is usually a PC/notebook, that acts as a proxy for the resourceconstrained devices and expose their functionalities as Web Services. It means that the existing resourceconstrained devices have to be connected to a PC/notebook, requiring high computing and memory resources. Secondly, the HYDRA project lacks with the use of any semantic discovery protocol for the desired physical devices, which means that the simple discovery protocol, i.e. SSDP of UPnP, is enhanced and used to discover the predefined physical devices. The following sections provide analysis of HYDRA against our defined evaluation criteria, and the conclusion is summarized in Table 3.2. Decentralization: HYDRA is a combination of pure PeertoPeer network technologies and traditional Web Service technologies allowing any device to offer, identify, and consume Web Services transparently from the application developer point of view. Very High. Lightness: The Hydra middleware requires a PC/notebook based Hydra device to interconnect other resourceconstrained devices. Low. Standards Adherence: The standards and recommendation, i.e. OWL, OWLS, SAWSDL, UPnP are honored. High. Technological Consistency: HYDRA applies Web Services and Semantic Web technologies in a coherent and synergistic manner. High. Reasoning Capability: Different ontologies, including Security ontology and Device ontology have been developed to support the reasoning process on a HYDRA device. High. 3.3 SODA47 Context Awareness: There are few ontologies developed to represent different contexts in the envisaged scenarios. High. Table 3.2: Analysis of HYDRA against the evaluation criteria CriterionValue Decentralization Reasoning Capability Standards Adherence LightnessVery High High High Low High High Technological Consistency Context Awareness 3.3 SODA The SODA (Service Oriented Device and Delivery Architecture) project [15], an FP6 European Commission funded Integrated Project, targets to create a serviceoriented ecosystem2, built on top of the foundations laid by the groundbreaking SIRENA [72] framework for highlevel device communications based on the ServiceOriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm. The SODA project implements a comprehensive, scaleable and easytodeploy SOA ecosystem on industryfavorite platforms, supported by wired & wireless communications. The service infrastructure for realtime embedded devices used as a foundation for the SODA project is defined in a platform, language and networkneutral way, applicable to a wide variety of networked devices for diverse applications in domains like industrial automation, automotive electronics, home & building automation, telecommunications, medical instrumentation, etc. The SODA project is intended to: Implement a complete ecosystem for designing, building, deploying and running device based applications leveraging the serviceoriented breakthrough provided by the SIRENA framework: Providing a complete set of tools for the entire system lifecycle support. Developing and extending the runtime infrastructure in term of performances, serviceability, and security. Insuring seamless integration of deviceprovided services with highlevel business processes. Develop elaborated experimental applications in several application domains, i.e. industrial automation, telecommunications, home networking and automotive electronics, to validate the usage of the SOA paradigm at a broad scale and promote its standardization in several vertical application domains. Conduct feasibility studies on application of the devicelevel SOA approach in application areas thus far unexplored. 2An Ecosystem is a combination of all the living (organisms or actors) and nonliving elements (environment) of a complex area organized in a perfect harmony functioning as a whole. In the context of the SODA project, the living elements are similar to the runtime components of a particular SODA system, and the nonliving elements are similar to the tools used during design, deployment, etc. 483. Related Work 3.3.1 The SODA Ecosystem A major result of the SODA project is a serviceoriented ecosystem for embedded devices, neutral with respect to operating systems and programming languages and independent from physical resources, networks and protocols, as well as from application domains. This ecosystem is built on top of the foundations laid by the SIRENA framework, and features: an infrastructure for serviceoriented systems based on embedded devices. a methodology and guidelines helping users to move from traditional architectures towards serviceoriented ones. a tooling chain supporting the design, development and operations of serviceoriented applications. This ecosystem supports a substantial improvement of overall software quality by automating design and deployment tasks as much as possible, as well as applies novel service testing and validation methodologies and tools. In order to support the use of SOA concepts in devicebased architectures, the ecosystem needs to fulfill the following requirements: Enable services on devices: publish basic device functionalities as coarsegrained, selfcontained and manageable service components. Enable service composition: build higherlevel functionalities through an explicit composition model and dynamic component binding capabilities Provide connectivity and adaptative quality of service: through builtin infrastructure capabilities, performances, security, management, and reliable messaging. Improve the product development and deployment life cycle: by leveraging the SOA approach. Fig. 3.3 [73] highlights the SODA approach to realize its ecosystem. The righthand side depicts the runtime environment, for which the results of SIRENA project, and in particular the Device Profile for Web Services (DPWS) [74] stack provides the highlevel SOA infrastructure for device communication. The DPWS defines a minimal set of implementation constraints to enable secure Web Service messaging, discovery, description, and eventing on resourceconstrained devices. Its objectives are similar to those of UPnP but, in addition, DPWS is fully aligned with Web Services technology and includes numerous extension points allowing for seamless integration of deviceprovided services in enterprisewide application scenarios. The lefthand side depicts a comprehensive development environment, which allows to aggregate devices into composite devices, to design and generate applications using those devices, to deploy and manage devices and applications, and to integrate devices into control and business applications. 3.3.2 Conclusion Like HYDRA, SODA is one of the most relevant research projects related to our research goals. It is the first step towards developing the SOAbased smart devices in different domains, and fulfills many of the requirements for semantic interoperability of SOAbased 3.3 SODA49 Figure 3.3: The SODA Approach smart devices, except the semantic discovery and the provision of reasoning capabilities entirely integrated on smart devices. SODA project provides an ontology, named SPMO (SODA Process Modeling Ontology) [75] for semanticizing the descriptions of devices' Web Services, in order to support semantic searching, discovery, invocation, composition and monitoring of their services. There are few drawbacks in SODA in comparison with our approach, i.e. the smart devices are not fully autonomous with respect to composition and invocation of the Web Services that they host, as well as reasoning on the available knowledge base that could help smart devices to make decisions and take the desired actions to fulfill their tasks. The following sections provide analysis of SODA against our defined evaluation criteria, and the conclusion is summarized in Table 3.3. Decentralization: SODA ecosystem supports a mixed architecture in which some devices are autonomous (having sufficient memory/processing capabilities to host Web Services), while others (not having sufficient memory/processing capabilities) expose their services through proxies running on a gateway connected to the central network. High. Lightness: DPWS is targeted for the resourceconstrained devices. Very High. Standards Adherence: The standards and recommendation, i.e. OWLS, OWL and DPWS are honored. High. Technological Consistency: SODA applies Web Services and Semantic Web technologies in a coherent and synergistic manner. High. Reasoning Capability: Although, SPMO ontology is developed to semanticize the Web Services' descriptions, but no reasoning capability on smart devices is supported. Low. 503. Related Work Context Awareness: The requirements for different domains are defined, but lack with the definition of context awareness for the envisaged scenarios. Low. Table 3.3: Analysis of SODA against the evaluation criteria CriterionValue Decentralization Reasoning Capability Standards Adherence LightnessHigh Technological Consistency Context AwarenessLow High Very High High Low 3.4 Task Computing Task Computing3 (TC) technology is a joint effort by Fujitsu Laboratories of America and the MINDSWAP group, devoted to Semantic Web research, at the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. The goal of TC is to "fill the gap between the tasks that users want to perform and the services that constitute available actionable functionality" [76]. TC presumes initially that users do not know how to achieve their goals when using computing facilities due to increased complexity at computing environments and tasks, and tries to ease the process by providing the user with an intelligent aid that hides the complexity of coordinating existing devices and services. TC provides dynamic service discovery, service publishing and management, task creation and execution on the fly [77]. It even assists users in discovering what their goals are by suggesting possible tasks that can be performed with available facilities. All these features try to solve the frustration of users in applicationrich environments, where they have to orchestrate a variety of devices and applications. Using Task Computing they can focus on their final goal and accomplish it with a reduced number of simple interactions. Service composition can be seen as the "process of creating customized services from existing services by a process of dynamic discovery, integration and execution of those services in a planned order to satisfy a request from a client" [78]. Some examples of documented scenarios [79] that can be accomplished using TC technology are: exchanging business cards, showing and sharing a presentation, scheduling a future presentation or checking and printing directions to the airport. All of them are accomplished by sharing services on different devices and orchestrating those services to create a workflow in order to carry out the desired task. A prototype of TC has been implemented experimentally for Smart Conference Rooms and Home Multimedia Environments [80] and the first public results date back to 2003. It consisted in applying Semantic Web technologies to Pervasive Computing scenarios for semiautomatic composition of tasks, based on their previous research [77]. 3Task Computing the Technology; 3.4 Task Computing51 Figure 3.4: General Architecture of Task Computing Environment 3.4.1 Task Computing Architecture Fig. 3.4 shows the TC architecture [81], which is composed of four different layers, performing complementary activities: Realization Layer: It is the bottommost layer, directly representing available facilities. There are three different types of entities at this layer: devices, applications and eservices over the Web. Service Layer: The available facilities from the Realization Layer are embodied into the form of service at this layer and services interfaces are constructed. Semantic Service Descriptions (SSD) comprising knowledge about these services are also created in order to disseminate information. Middleware Layer: This layer is in charge of service discovery, service composition and execution, and other management activities such as Service Publishing. In some way, it glues services created at the Service Layer with available underlaying technologies to support transport and management functions over them. Presentation Layer: It is considered to be the most important layer in the architecture. It provides the user with an abstraction of available tasks that can be performed in the environment, hiding underneath complexity, and allowing the user 523. Related Work to dynamically assemble components to perform the desired task. A client implementing the Presentation Layer is usually referred to as Task Computing Client (TCC) and makes use of welldefined interfaces to the Middleware Layer. Task Computing is implemented in concrete Task Computing Environments (TCEs), which are computational systems able to perform Task Computing functionality and composed of Task Computing Clients, Semantic Service Descriptions, Semantic Service Discovery Mechanisms and Service Controls. The detailed information about all of these components is given in the aforementioned literature. 3.4.2 Conclusion Task Computing is primarily a framework for services orchestration, composition, and execution. All the mechanisms it features are aimed at service publishing and discovery, semantic descriptions, serviceization of resources to make them available to any requester, and so forth. These features can be implemented in multiple environments, not being specially addressed for Ubiquitous Computing scenarios. In fact, Task Computing applies wellknown Internetwide technologies such as UDDI for discovery or traditional Web Services at external servers as endpoints. In order to assume a more contextaware nature, Task Computing has embraced some pervasive computing technologies to complement existing ones, such as UPnP's Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) for discovery, so services can be found both at a global level via UDDI and at a local level via the group by subnet discovery range. The following sections provide analysis of Task Computing technology against our defined evaluation criteria, and the conclusion is summarized in Table 3.4. Decentralization: Task Computing is not aimed at creating a network of interconnected devices. The TCEs are intended to run in desktop computers or servers that can be connected to UPnP or Jini networks if device control is required. Low. Lightness: The processes such as semanticization and serviceization as well as the need of the Task Computing Client result in complex and heavy software components. The devices need an amount of computing resources (i.e. processing power and screen size) presently not available in every embedded platform. Low. Standards Adherence: In general, Task Computing honors the existing standards and technologies, i.e. OWLS, WSDL, HTTP, UDDI, and even industry de facto standards such as SSDP. High. Technological Consistency: Task Computing applies Web Services and Semantic Web technologies in a coherent and synergistic manner. High. Reasoning Capability: Task Computing uses semantic information to annotate service descriptions and perform service composition, but neither reasoning nor domain ontologies are provided to understand context information. Low. Context Awareness: No form of capturing context or sensing environmental conditions are provided directly by Task Computing, except for service discovery mechanisms which is a technical issue and not related to contextawareness. Low. 3.5 Gaia53 Table 3.4: Analysis of Task Computing against the evaluation criteria CriterionValue Decentralization Reasoning Capability Standards Adherence LightnessLow Low High Low High Low Technological Consistency Context Awareness 3.5 Gaia Since 2001, the research group at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, led by Dr. Roy H. Campbell has been working on the design of an infrastructure to support intelligent Ubiquitous Computing environments. The Gaia project is the result of these efforts, constituting a software infrastructure to support Active Spaces. An active space is a "model that maps the abstract perception of a physical space as a computing system, into a first class software entity" [82]. Thus, the active space acts as a mapping between the real and virtual space, connecting both in such a way that real world actions affect virtual world objects and vice versa. The active space hides the complexity of the real world elements into one unique entity that provides functions for manipulating the space, discovering and locating internal entities, storing and retrieving information from the space and so forth. The name Gaia was adopted from the Gaia theory by James Lovelock that advocated for the earth as a selfregulated superorganism, who in turn borrowed it from the Greek Earth Goddess. The Gaia project tried to replicate the same global awareness and selfregulated behavior for smart environments and their constituent elements. 3.5.1 Gaia Architecture The Gaia Operating System (Gaia OS) is the core element of the whole architecture, which is defined as a metaoperating system, running at the top of others and providing a distributed communication model for coordinating active spaces [83]. Gaia is composed of three main components, as shown in Fig. 3.5. Gaia Kernel: It provides basic services such as component lifecycle management or remote component execution and management. Gaia relies on CORBA as underlying distributed component model, and extends some CORBA services to provide the socalled Gaia services, such as Event Service, Context Service, Presence Service, Space Repository and Context File System. Application Framework: It consists of a distributed componentbased infrastructure following the MVC (Model View Controller) model, including new functionality to manipulate component bindings, a mapping mechanism and policies/rules for application customization. Active Space Applications: These applications implement the desired functional behavior in the active space, such as the Presentation Manager application that lets the users present slides in multiple displays simultaneously, move slides from one display to another, as well as move the input device functionality. 543. Related Work Figure 3.5: General Architecture of Gaia The mapping mechanism of the Application Framework offers the possibility of describing requirements to find the suitable real device to assign a functional behavior (for example, audio output) so that matching devices can be found within the active space to perform that function during a task. The interesting part is how Gaia represented context in the form of a 4components structure: Context(, , , ) that in many ways resembles that of the Semantic Web, for example: Context(locatedIn, CoaguChekS, is, RoomLab123). Later, this model evolved into a predicatebased representation of context information: Location(CoaguChekS, isOperating, RoomLab123) InternetConnectionStatus(Gateway, is, OffLine) User(Safdar, role, Admin) During 2003, Gaia was extended with a semantic middleware layer for context awareness endorsing existing Semantic Web technologies in order to model and annotate context information, perform reasoning and carry out reactive behavior in response to context changes [84]. DAML+OIL (later OWL) was selected to represent the context information following a predicate model. In order to map the predicates onto the ontology, an ontology class is created for each predicate structure. So, the abovementioned Location predicate becomes a Location ontology class with three possible relationships to denote the information that was previously enclosed in the predicate parameters. Representing the context in this way, operations such as search, querying, fusion and so forth, become possible. There are several different entities involved in Gaia's context information infrastructure, as depicted in Fig. 3.6. Context Providers: These are the sources of context information, probably obtained by sensors. Context Synthesizers: They retrieve context information from different providers and perform some form of reasoning to infer new information making it available to other agents. Both static rules and machine learning techniques (such as Naive Bayes) can be applied to obtain new information. 3.5 Gaia55 Figure 3.6: The Context Infrastructure in Gaia Context Consumers: They gather context information from providers and synthesizers, reason about it and perform reactive behavior accordingly. Context Provider Lookup Service: It is used by the context providers, one per environment, in order to publish the kind of context information they provide in order to be found by context consumers. Context History Service: It contains database records, one per environment, of the past context information to make them available to the requesting parties. Ontology Server: It stores ontologies, one per environment, for different types of information. 3.5.2 Conclusion Gaia fulfills many of the requirements established for a smart Ubiquitous Computing architecture, mainly those related to intelligence support. It makes use of context predicates for representing context information and OWL ontologies for taxonomical purposes. However, Gaia has two important drawbacks and several inconsistencies. The first main drawback is that, as a requisite, three different elements in the architecture must be deployed and properly configured in the environment: the Context Provider Lookup Service, the Context History Service and the Ontology Server. This constraint prevents Gaia from creating spontaneous emergent pervasive computing environments anywhere, since a deployment phase must me performed beforehand, enforcing an undesirable centralization. The second main disadvantage arises from the fact that core elements in the architecture, such as those three mentioned above, seem to be suitable for installation in desktop computers or servers, but not in embedded computers. The main inconsistencies with Gaia are originated from the initial selection of technologies and the subsequent integration of newer ones, that result in a strange mixture. For instance, representation of context information through predicates was present at the very initial stages, but when OWL ontologies were integrated in Gaia, context predicates remained as knowledge representation mechanisms instead of shifting to RDF, which 563. Related Work could have sound more sensible. Another strange mixture is related to the communication model, where Gaia uses CORBA as distributed computing architecture instead of the Webbased model. The following sections provide analysis of Gaia against our defined evaluation criteria, and the conclusion is summarized in Table 3.5. Decentralization: The prerequisite of deployment of three main components in the environment leads towards a centralized architecture in Gaia. Low. Lightness: Some elements in the architecture are difficult to migrate to resourceconstrained devices, such as the Context History Service or the Ontology Server. The Gaia architecture does not seem to be deployed on embedded devices, but in desktop computers. Low. Standards Adherence: The standards and recommendation, i.e. CORBA and OWL are honored. High. Technological Consistency: The technological evolution during the Gaia project resulted in lot of changes as new technologies were adopted, which created a strange mixture in the final outcome. The OWL is combined with predicate logics, instead of shifting to RDF. CORBA is applied as distributed computing architecture instead of newer more lightweight webbased communication models that would make the Semantic Web fit better. Low. Reasoning Capability: The application of ontologies, rules, probabilistic logic, fuzzy logic and Bayesian networks in order to perform all sorts of reasoning about context information, promotes a very high degree of intelligence in Gaia. Very High. Context Awareness: The integration of rules and confidence values contribute to situation identification and subsequent adaptation. High. Table 3.5: Analysis of Gaia against the evaluation criteria CriterionValue Decentralization Reasoning Capability Standards Adherence LightnessLow Technological Consistency Context AwarenessVery High High Low Low High 3.6 SCALLOPS The SCALLOPS4 (Secure AgentBased Pervasive Computing) project targets to develop a coherent, methodological framework for the design and implementation of secure agentbased pervasive computing applications in the area of Personal Health Information (HealthSCALLOPS). The focus of basic research is on innovative means for flexible agentcoordinated Semantic Web Service discovery and composition, and effective data and service privacy enforcement in open, large scale pervasive computing environments. 4SCALLOPS Project; 3.6 SCALLOPS57 3.6.1 Vision of SCALLOPS Future health information systems will be more and more pervasive within the healthcare system. Daily work in hospitals is dominated already today by mobility of doctors, nurses and even the patients are on the move. Consequently, there are many medical applications and services for PDAs and other mobile computing devices available and an extensive Web community is making them accessible. Many of these services rely on sensitive data from various medical devices, sensors, and outside laboratories that are usually transfered and processed by sites in different departments, hospitals or doctors' offices. HealthSCALLOPS consists of a potentially vast collection of heterogeneous sites and computing devices that are fixedline or wireless connected with the Internet. The management of the network infrastructure in HealthSCALLOPS includes appropriate means of resource discovery and all applicationspecific services are assumed to be hosted at sites of at least one relevant Web Service provider. 3.6.2 Healthcare Scenario of SCALLOPS This section describes one of the demonstration healthcare scenarios envisaged for SCALLOPS project. Mikka spends his summer vacations in Portugal. Unfortunately, after one week in Lisbon he becomes seriously ill, suffering from a disease unknown to him. In this emergency situation, he activates his personal HealthSCALLOPS agent on his PDA with an integrated phone for help, as shown in Fig. 3.7. The agent quickly finds and calls the nearest local emergency center in Portugal, and Mikka describes the observable symptoms of his disease. At the same time, his HealthSCALLOPS agent transfers general, nonsensitive information about Mikka and his current location to the patient database of the emergency center. The local representative at the Portuguese emergency center quickly recognizes that Mikka's symptoms are very serious and strongly recommends him to immediately visit the nearest hospital. Hospital contact information including geographical map and how to reach the ambulance station are transmitted to Mikka's PDA by the HealthSCALLOPS emergency center agent. Mikka readily arrives at the hospital's ambulance station by taxi, passes his individual health patient card (HPC) to the physician, and authorizes him to access his patient record. Mikka may decide whether he wants to get full treatment at the local hospital, or at a hospital of his choice back home in Helsinki. In order to make a reasonable decision, Mikka requests his personal HealthSCALLOPS agent on his PDA for appropriate assistance in this matter. Given task and requirements, the agent contacts the HealthSCALLOPS agent of Mikka's health insurance (HI) for approval of full coverage of travel and medical expenses in both cases. The HI agent contracts the HealthSCALLOPS agent of an emergency medical assistance (EMA) company in Helsinki to investigate transport options and cost estimations with respect to the regulatory constraints of the insurance fund. For this purpose, the EMA agent plans a composite service to go home and have his treatment in Helsinki. Appropriate services in the network check the availability of regular or charter flights from Lisbon to Helsinki, accommodation and medical escort of Mikka to and from the airport, and the availability of a physician for Mikka's treatment at the hospital in Helsinki at the time of his arrival. Optional plans of patient transport and costs are reported back to the HI agent, which negotiates options for Mikka's treatment with the local hospital agent in Lisbon and pharmacy agents in the network for purchasing the required drugs for his treatment. All agents involved use the information of some individual experience while handling similar emergency cases in the past. The results of both kinds of negotiations enable the HI agent to make its decision through individually 583. Related Work Figure 3.7: SCALLOPS Scenario Coverage of Emergency Medical Care and Transport composed health care expense approval service of Mikka's insurance fund according to his membership status. In this scenario, the HI agent confirms full coverage of expenses for local treatment and recreation in Stockholm, as well as return flight, but no emergency transport with escort back home. Finally, after two weeks treatment in the hospital and one week of full recovery in a recreation area in the outer bound of Stockholm selected by his insurance fund, Mikka returns to Helsinki and continues his summer vacation with his family. 3.6.3 Conclusion SCALLOPS provides means of Semantic Web Service discovery via middle agents such as brokers and matchmakers, which adapt to the nondeterministically changing environment, where agents and services may enter or leave at any time. Therefore, SCALLOPS agents are able to interleave service composition planning with service discovery to find alternative services provided by other agents. SCALLOPS fulfills many of the requirements established for the agentsbased secure communication of a smart ubiquitous computing architecture, mainly those related to intelligence support. It makes use of context predicates for representing context information and OWL ontologies for taxonomical purposes. The main disadvantage of SCALLOPS is that its architecture is not targeted to be used or hosted solely on mobile devices, hence the core components developed in this project, i.e. Semantic Web Service composition planner and matchmaker can not be 3.7 Comparative Analysis59 deployed on resourceconstrained medical devices. The following sections provide analysis of SCALLOPS against our defined evaluation criteria, and the conclusion is summarized in Table 3.6. Decentralization: SCALLOPS architecture uses JXTA technology, which enables to create decentralized peertopeer applications for the connected devices on the network, ranging from cell phones and wireless PDAs to PCs and servers, to communicate and collaborate in a peertopeer manner. Very High. Lightness: Some core components of the SCALLOPS architecture can not be migrated to resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices, such as the Semantic Web Service composition planner. Low. Standards Adherence: The standards and recommendations, i.e. OWLS, OWL are honored. High. Technological Consistency: SCALLOPS applies multiagents, Web Services, Semantic Web technologies in a coherent and synergistic manner. High. Reasoning Capability: The application of ontologies (OWLDL), rules and fuzzy logic in order to perform reasoning about context information, promotes a high degree of intelligence in SCALLOPS. High. Context Awareness: The integration of rules and confidence values contribute to situation identification and subsequent adaptation. Very High. Table 3.6: Analysis of SCALLOPS against the evaluation criteria CriterionValue Decentralization Reasoning Capability Standards Adherence LightnessVery High High High Low High Technological Consistency Context AwarenessVery High 3.7 Comparative Analysis Table 3.7 shows the comparative analysis of the research projects discussed in the light of evaluation criteria, and ranks the SCALLOPS and HYDRA projects best among all others. The final weighted value for each criteria is obtained by multiplying the criterion value with the criterion weight, as mentioned in Table 3.1, while the criterion value is assigned as: None = 0, Low = 1, Medium = 2, High = 3, Very High = 4. In general, all the architectures feature a correlation among intelligence and centralization, which implies that higher the level of intelligence in the system, the more centralized it is. As mentioned earlier, an Hydra device enjoys the full memory & computing resources of a PC/Notebook in order to control other attached devices, and to expose their functionalities as Web Services, which puts a question mark on its lightness and prevents using the Hydra middleware entirely on resourceconstrained devices. Same is the case 603. Related Work with SCALLOPS architecture. Although, the Web Services' description is enhanced using Semantic Web technologies, i.e. SAWSDL, OWLS and ontologies, but they still lack with the capability of a semantic discovery protocol for mobile devices, which is inevitably required to provide the serendipitous collaboration among smart devices in different AmI scenarios. All this leads us to develop a lightweight SOA framework for the resourceconstrained embedded systems with integrated miniaturized components, i.e. knowledge querying and reasoning system, together with a lightweight semantic discovery protocol, besides making maximum use of the existing experiences and technologies as much as possible. Table 3.7: Comparative analysis of related work against the evaluation criteria Chapter 4 Semantic Medical Devices Space This chapter provides the details about the semantic middleware infrastructure, named Semantic Medical Devices Space (SMDS), that has been developed to provide a pervasive computing platform for the semantic interoperability of Ambient Intelligent (AmI) medical or mobile devices by exploiting the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (SWSs) technologies. SMDS is designed and developed as a framework1 which could be used or integrated easily in the existing novel communication software solutions for the resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices to enhance them with the capabilities of ambient intelligence and semantic coordination. SMDS provides a platform for all types of realtime and nonrealtime medical devices and is particularly suited for the emerging pervasive computing healthcare environments consisting of many interconnected medical or mobile devices. On the other hand, SMDS can also be used on Hospital Information Systems (HISs) or Laboratory Information Systems (LISs) sides to expose their functionalities regarding medical data reception or provision as SWSs, in order to allow the AmI medical devices to send their measurement results or request a particular patient's medical information. 4.1 Philosophy of SMDS SMDS is built on the philosophy of adhoc networking of autonomous medical or mobile devices, which includes the semantic discovery/matching of the desired devices and then coordinating with the matched devices based on the SWSs offered by them. Before any of two autonomous medical or mobile devices can interact with each another, they need to know what interfaces each of them supports and what protocols or commands they understand. In ambient intelligent healthcare environments, this cannot be known in advance, where new devices or sensors may enter in the environment at any time and need to interact with the existing medical devices and the HISs or LISs. This interaction must be based on unambiguous and commonly agreed terms and concepts, which are welldefined in the application/domain ontologies. 1In a Java library form, named smds.jar 61 624. Semantic Medical Devices Space 4.2 Overall Architecture of SMDS This section describes the detailed information about the complete architecture of SMDS. Fig. 4.1 shows the multitier architecture of SMDS, showing the inter and intralayer interaction of all the components. However, the detailed UML design diagrams of SMDS software framework are given in Appendix A. 4.2.1 Storage Layer The Storage Layer is responsible for storing all types of information locally on each medical device. These types could include storing the measurement results of a medical device in a small database, the RDF triples, the application/domain ontologies and the contextaware application rules in a knowledge base. The following sections describe each type of information in detail that is stored locally. Device Database The medical devices performing measurements and producing measurement results use the device database to store these results permanently. Every measurement is consisted of various parameters and other important properties including its date/time and (optionally) the patient's ID. For example, when a urine analyzer performs urine analysis, it measures not only different urinary parameters, i.e. pH, LEU, NIT etc. but stores the date/time and the patient's ID as well. Fig. 4.2 shows generalized schema of a medical device database. The Measurement, Measurement Values and Parameter are the most important tables which keep record of a complete measurement, including the medical device identifier, so that when a medical device sends its measurement to a HIS or LIS, the system could keep record of which medical device(s) performed which measurement(s). In Appendix A, Fig. A.7 shows the UML class diagram of device database. Application/Domain Ontologies This unit is used to store the application/domain ontologies in OWL/RDF(S) form. These ontologies are used to express the physical and/or functional characteristics of a medical or mobile device, the context in which a medical or mobile device is being used, and the rules which a contextaware application must follow in order to fulfill a task. Fig. 4.3 shows the snapshot of partial medical device ontology that is used to express the physical characteristics of a medical or mobile device, while Fig. 4.4 shows the partial snapshot of measurement capability ontology that is used to express one of its functional characteristics. Device Knowledge Base The device knowledge base is a file based storage unit, which is used to store the physical and/or functional characteristics of a medical or mobile device in the form of RDF triples, described using the application/domain ontology(ies), and associated with the instance of that particular device. As shown in Fig. 4.1, the device knowledge base is used by the Knowledge Querying and Reasoning Engine during the medical device discovery process. The following snippet is a part of the knowledge base of a medical device, which shows its physical property (device vendor). 4.2 Overall Architecture of SMDS63 Figure 4.1: Overall Architecture of Semantic Medical Devices Space 644. Semantic Medical Devices Space Figure 4.2: Generalized Schema of a Medical Device Database Roche Diagnostics ContextAware Application Rules It is a file(s) based storage unit, which is used to store the behavioral rules for the contextaware application(s) of medical devices. A rule is a combination of two or more preconditions and a postcondition, and in order to execute the postcondition, all of the preconditions must be fulfilled. These behavioral rules, or profile(s) are either stored locally on the medical devices or obtained from the external sources, e.g. a central repository. Within the context of this thesis, this unit is not fully implemented, as we restricted the behavior of medical devices only for the envisaged healthcare scenarios, where only a single medical application is executed. 4.2 Overall Architecture of SMDS65 Figure 4.3: Medical Device Ontology A Partial Snapshot Figure 4.4: Measurement Capability Ontology A Partial Snapshot 4.2.2 Middleware Layer Middleware Layer is the corelayer of the whole SMDS infrastructure, as it provides various components for a range of tasks. The following sections describe each type of component and its characteristics in detail. Service The Service component is actually the Web Service that is hosted by a medical or mobile device. As Fig. 4.1 shows, there could be more than one Web Services offered by a medical or mobile device, catering different type of its client, i.e. a medical device, a simple mobile device, an HIS or LIS. This Web Service functionality can be developed using any programming language, i.e. Java, and can be hosted using any compact Web Service server. The implementation details for service component of SMDS framework are given in Chapter 7. 664. Semantic Medical Devices Space Semantic Service Annotation The Semantic Service Annotation component is used to semantically annotate and enhance the Web Services description, which is usually described in a WSDL (Web Service Description Language) file. In SMDS infrastructure, the WSDL description of Web Services offered by a medical or mobile device is enhanced/annotated using the W3C standard, called SAWSDL (Semantic Annotation for WSDL and XML Schema) [48], which requires the application/domain ontologies to annotate the plain WSDL document with semantics. Such semantic annotation of Web Service helps during the device discovery process, when a medical or mobile device is searched based on its functional characteristics. Please note that in the whole thesis, when we talk about the execution or invocation of Semantic Web Service of a medical or mobile device, we actually mean the execution of its grounding, which has binding with its SAWSDL description. Further implementation details and UML class diagram of this component are given in Chapter 7 and Appendix A, respectively. When a medical or mobile device is matched with the requirements of the client medical or mobile device, the SAWSDL file of the matched device is downloaded on the client device side and parsed to extract the Web Service method name, which is then invoked automatically. While parsing the SAWSDL file, the input parameter types and their sequence as well as the output parameter type are matched with the client's requirements (input parameter types, output parameter type). This process or task is similar to what a service broker performs, which is to match the available Web Services with the requirements given by a Web Service client. Semantic Device Annotation The Semantic Device Annotation component is used to semantically annotate the physical characteristics of a medical device. In SMDS infrastructure, these physical characteristics are annotated using application/domain ontologies, as described under Section 4.2.1. Such semantic annotation helps during the semantic medical device discovery process, when a medical device is searched based on its physical characteristics. WSSecurity One of the most important aspects of any software systems is its security, which means how it protects itself from different foreign attacks and how it allows the desired users to access its functionalities. In SMDS infrastructure, the security mechanism is developed using the guidelines laid down in WSSecurity [86] specification. It is made possible to configure which security functionalities are required, i.e. if it is desired to have encryption and decryption functionalities, both of these options are set to yes or true in the configuration file. Also, if it is desired to have signing and verification functionalities too, both of these can also be set to yes or true in the configuration file. The Web Service SOAP messages, which are encrypted and/or signed, takes more time to reach on other node(s) of the network as compared to the plain SOAP messages. Fig. 4.5 shows the complete sequence diagram of the security handling between two medical devices in SMDS infrastructure, where Device A acts as a Client device, while Device B acts as a Server device. The important steps for the medical devices in this sequence diagram are downloading the digital certificate(s) of other medical device(s) and then storing them in their local truststores, if it does not exist already. The URI to download the digital certificate is provided in the response messages, as shown in 4.2 Overall Architecture of SMDS67 Figure 4.5: Security Mechanism of Semantic Medical Devices Space 684. Semantic Medical Devices Space tag of Listing 6.4. In Appendix A, Fig. A.6 shows the UML class diagram of security framework implementation. Eventing The Eventing mechanism is used in communication protocols, where a client device registers itself on a server device in order to receive a notification about a change in the state of its variable(s). In SMDS infrastructure, this mechanism is partially implemented in order to facilitate the medical devices to get notifications from other medical devices, whenever they are finished with performing their measurement(s). When a client medical devices receives such notification, it can directly call the Web Service method of that medical device to retrieve its measurement results. Knowledge Querying and Reasoning Engine The Knowledge Querying and Reasoning Engine (KQRE) is one of the research outcomes of this thesis, and it has been described in detail in Chapter 5. The KQRE facilitates the medical or mobile device to perform querying on the local device knowledge base, as well as to perform Description Logics and/or Rules based reasoning to generate inferences (new facts) from this knowledge base, based on the available application/domain ontologies. Semantic Discovery Engine The Semantic Discovery Engine (SDE) is also one of the research outcomes of this thesis, and it has been described in detail in Chapter 6. The SDE, which internally uses the KQRE, facilitates a medical or mobile device to semantically search for the desired medical or mobile devices based on their physical and/or functional characteristics. Main Device Controller The Main Device Controller (MDC) is the central component of SMDS infrastructure, which acts as a manager and provides coordination among all the components. The MDC controls the sequence of launching and dislaunching the relevant processes, whenever it is desired during the semantic discovery of medical devices or during the Web Service communication for the retrieval of measurement results. 4.2.3 Implementation Layer The Implementation Layer shows the entities, i.e. medical device, other (mobile) device, hospital information system, and/or laboratory information system, which can make use of SMDS infrastructure, although the SMDS is primarily targeted for the resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices. A brief illustration of each type of entity is given below. Medical Device The primary target entity of SMDS infrastructure is the medical device class, as the title of the thesis suggests. The SMDS is realized and tested on nonrealtime medical devices, i.e. urine analyzer, blood coagulation meter, weight scale, as well as on realtime medical devices, i.e. ECG. The experimental evaluation details about all of these medical devices is given under Chapter 8. 4.2 Overall Architecture of SMDS69 Other Device The secondary target entity of SMDS infrastructure is other device, which includes all other classes of resourceconstrained devices, except medical devices. Such classes include mobile devices, robots with sensors and actuators etc. Within the context of this thesis, only the mobile devices have been tested along with other medical devices for the envisioned healthcare scenarios. Hospital Information System & Laboratory Information System Although, SMDS is not targeted for the information systems side, i.e. hospital information system, and/or laboratory information system, but it can be used to expose the stored medical information of patients as Semantic Web Services, which will enable the HIS and/or LIS to be involved in the semantic discovery process. In advanced healthcare scenarios, where the medical devices send/receive the patients' medical information to the information systems, such functionalities are inevitably required. Within the context of this thesis, only the HIS entity is tested and realized regarding sending the measurement information from medical device(s) to HIS through Semantic Web Services. The experimental evaluation details are covered under Chapter 8 regarding the semantic coordination of medical devices and hospital information system, and/or laboratory information system. Chapter 5 Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System This chapter describes the design and implementation details of a powerful micro OWL Description Logic and Rules based Reasoning & Querying system, named µOR, which is developed to support semantic querying and reasoning capabilities entirely integrated on the resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices. µOR is an integral part of Semantic Medical Device Space (SMDS) middleware framework, as described in Chapter 4, which is designed and developed for the semantic interoperability of next generation Ambient Intelligent (AmI) medical devices. Section 5.1 presents details about the syntax specification and semantic formalism of SCENT language that is designed to express the semantic queries on the device knowledge base, while Section 5.2 describes the SCENTRA algorithm, which is a resolution and patterns matching algorithm designed for SCENT queries. Sections 5.3.1 and 5.4 outline the expressivity requirements and the architectural details of µOR, while makes use of SCENT and SCENTRA to query the knowledge base and make inferences on it. Section 5.5 gives a comparative analysis of µOR with some other reasoning systems, while the last Section 5.6 discusses the scalability issues of µOR. 5.1SCENT Semantic Device Language for NTriples The Resource Description Framework (RDF)[39] is a data model for representing information about World Wide Web resources. In order to query RDF data, several query languages have been designed and developed (see [87] for a detailed comparison of these languages). SPARQL [88] is a W3C standard and probably the best positioned candidate, as its syntax provides rich levels of expressiveness for constructing conditions about resources in a RDF graph, and provides its efficient query engine [89] for query processing. Normally, the resourceconstrained medical or mobile device do not have sufficient memory/computing power to host such a query engine and to support such a query language, when required. One solution is to use NTriples [90] instead, which is the basic standardized RDF notation and a subset of Notation 3 [91]. NTriples features a linebased, absolute URIs based, plaintext format and a simple grammar for encoding RDF graphs, and allows typed literals and blank nodes. However, an important drawback in NTriples notation is that it can only express concrete RDF triples, neither patterns nor conditions which are required to express a semantic query. To cope with this problem, a simple alternative solution must be developed by modi 71 725. Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System fying the EBNF (Extended BackusNaur Form) grammar of the original NTriples specification, as described in [92]. We have developed a simple RDF query language, named SCENT (Semantic Device Language for NTriples), which represents a subset of SPARQL expressiveness much in the similar way as NTriples represents a subset of Notation 3 expressiveness, and its simplicity makes it possible to be processed by resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices. In the following sections, we describe the EBNF grammar, algebraic syntax and the formal semantics of SCENT query language on the similar lines as described for SPARQL query language in [93]. 5.1.1 EBNF Syntax of SCENT Query Language Table 5.1 shows a glimpse of comparison between original NTriples syntax and the SCENT syntax specifications. The original subject and object productions are modified with the inclusion of variable term (starting with ? sign) which now allows us to use variables at the places of subject or object of a triple to build a semantic query. Table 5.1: Comparison between original NTriples and SCENT syntax specifications Original NTriples specificationSCENT syntax specification subject ::= uriref object ::= urirefnodeID nodeIDliteralsubject ::= urirefnodeIDvariable object ::= urirefnodeIDliteralvariable variable ::= ' ?' name Listing 5.1 shows the complete EBNF grammar of SCENT query language, which uses the above modification made in the subject and object productions, and encapsulates some of the productions used in EBNF of NTriples [90], i.e. ws, absoluteURI, CRLF and datatypeString. A SCENT query (line 1) comprises one or more SCENT patterns/conditions where each pattern is an RDF like triple and composed of subject, predicate, optional operator, object (line 2) and a dot at the end, followed by a carriage return and line feed characters (line 6). Other productions (lines 311) are simple and selfexplanatory to define subject, predicate, operator and object of each condition triple. The optional operator production, as the name suggests, is used to define comparative binary operator for the object of a pattern, and its default value is Equals. Other possible values are NotEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterOrEqualsThan, LessThan and LessOrEqualsThan. Listing 5.1: EBNF Grammar of SCENT Query Language 1scentquery ::= [scentcondition ]+ 2scentcondition ::= subject ws predicate ws [operator] ws object 3subject ::= uriref | nodeID | variable 4predicate ::= uriref 5operator ::= uriref 6object ::= [uriref | nodeID | literal | variable] ws '.' CR LF 7uriref ::= '<' absoluteURI '>' 8nodeID ::= '_:' name 9literal ::= '_:' datatypeString 10 variable ::= '?' name 11name ::= [AZaz][AZaz0 9]* 5.1 SCENT Semantic Device Language for NTriples73 5.1.2 Semantics of SCENT Query Language In this section, we first present the algebraic formalization of the core fragment of SCENT, which is then used to define formal semantics of SCENT, as well as to study fundamental properties of this language. We start by introducing the necessary notions about RDF (for details on the formalization of RDF see [39][94]). Definition 5.1 (RDF Terms, Triples, and Variables). Assume that there are pairwise disjoint sets I, B, and L (URIs, Blank nodes, and Literals, respectively). A tuple (s, p, o) E (I U B) x I x (I U B U L) is called an RDF triple. In this tuple, s is the subject, p the predicate and o the object. We denote the union I U B U L by T (RDF Terms). Assume additionally the existence of a set V of variables disjoint from the above sets. Definition 5.2 (RDF Graph [39]). An RDF graph is a set of RDF triples, where the nodes is the set of subjects and objects, and the edges is the set of predicates (a.k.a properties or directed arcs) of RDF triples in the graph. The directed arc shows relationship between subject and object, and always points towards the object. If G is an RDF graph, then term(G) is the set of elements of T appearing in the triples of G, and blank(G) is the set of blank nodes appearing in G, i.e. blank(G) = term(G) n B. Definition 5.3 (Mapping). A mapping µ from V to T is a partial function µ : V > T. The domain of µ, denoted by dom(µ), is the subset of V where µ is defined. The empty mapping µ^ is a mapping such that dom(µ^) = Ql. To define the algebraic structure of SCENT, we need to introduce the notions of triple pattern and scent graph pattern. A triple pattern is a tuple t E (I U V ) x I x (I U L U V ) and a scent graph pattern is a finite set of triple patterns. Notice that a triple pattern is essentially an RDF triple with the subject and object positions replaced by variables. Also notice that in our definitions of triple pattern and scent graph pattern, we are not considering blank nodes1. We make this simplification here to focus on the pattern matching part of the language. Definition 5.4. Let P be a SCENT graph pattern, and var(P) is used to denote the set of variables occurring in P, then the SCENT query is a tuple (W,P) where W = var(P). In order to define the semantics of SCENT graph pattern expressions, we use the algebraic representation of SCENT introduced above, and start by introducing some formal terminologies in the light of SPARQL semantics [93]. Definition 5.5 (Triple and SCENT Graph Pattern). A tuple t E (I U V ) x I x (I U L U V ) is a triple pattern. A SCENT Graph Pattern is a finite set of triple patterns. Given a triple pattern t, var(t) is the set of variables occurring in t. Similarly, given a SCENT graph pattern P, var(P) = Ut^P var(t), i.e. var(P) is the set of variables occurring in P. Definition 5.6 (SCENT Graph Pattern and Mappings). Given a triple pattern t and a mapping µ such that var(t) C dom(µ), µ(t) is the triple obtained by replacing the variables in t according to µ. Similarly, given a SCENT graph pattern P and a mapping µ such that var(P) C dom(µ), we have that µ(P) = Ut^P {µ(t)}, i.e. µ(P) is the set of triples obtained by replacing the variables in the triples of P according to µ. 1A blank node (or anonymous resource or bnode) is a node in an RDF graph which is not a URI reference or a literal. In graph patterns, blank nodes are essentially defined as variables whose values cannot be retrieved by a query 745. Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System Definition 5.7 (RDF Graph Evaluation). Let G be an RDF graph over T, and P a SCENT graph pattern. The evaluation of P over G, denoted by QP~G, is defined as the set of mappings: QP~G = {µ : V ^ T | dom(µ) = var(P) and µ(P)C G} If µ G QP~G, we say that µ is a solution for P in G. Note: For every RDF graph G, Q0~G = {µ^}, i.e. the evaluation of an empty SCENT graph pattern against any graph always results in the set containing only the empty mapping. For every SCENT graph pattern P =6 0, QP~^ = 0 Definition 5.8 (SCENT Query Result). Given a SCENT query (W, P), where P is a SCENT graph pattern and W = var(P), then the evaluation/answer of (W, P) in a triples graph G is the evaluation of P over G, as defined above. Q(W, P)~G = QP~G 5.1.3 Comparison between SCENT and SPARQL Expressiveness In this section, we compare the expressiveness of SCENT and SPARQL query languages, as well as show how a SCENT query can be easily converted to a SPARQL query, when required. The query model of SCENT is querybyexample style, which means that the query specifies the known literals and leaves the unknowns as variables. Furthermore, all SCENT patterns represent conjunctive conditions, hence the variables that occur in multiple patterns imply joins. It means that the SCENT language supports only SELECT like query, which produces constructions of bounded variables with values. On the other hand, SPARQL queries are much more powerful than SCENT queries, as they can express conditions and filters with logical connectives and a broad range of operators, i.e. FILTER and OPTIONAL. Besides SELECT queries, SPARQL also supports CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE queries which return a graph, and ASK query which returns a boolean value. However, all these additional constructions and keywords are neither required nor useful during the discovery process of medical or mobile devices. Listing 5.2 shows an example of a SCENT query2 which is composed of three patterns or conditions, where each pattern contains at least one variable and is terminated with a 'dot'. This semantic query is about searching all the urine analyzers in a pervasive healthcare environment, i.e. a clinical laboratory or a hospital. SCENT queries can be easily formulated using any domain/application ontologies to exhibit the physical and/or functional characteristics of the medical or mobile devices and their services. However, this example SCENT query is formulated using our own developed MeDO ontology, as described under Section 4.2.1, which is used to encode or express only the physical characteristics of a medical device. The condition in line 1 says that we are searching all the devices (?d) having type of MedicalDevice, the condition in line 2 says that the devices (?d) belong to particular group (?g), and the condition in line 3 says that this group (?g) of devices has category/type of UrineAnalysis. 2Apparent line breaks are due to the space (width) limitation 5.2 SCENTRA The SCENT Resolution Algorithm75 Listing 5.2: Example of a SCENT Query 1?d . 2?d ?g . 3?g . On the other hand, Listing 5.3 shows how the above SCENT query can be easily translated into a SPARQL query. As we can see, the SPARQL language supports the use of PREFIX for the predicates of RDF triples, but SCENT does not support it because it is not supported by NTriples. From this translated SPARQL query, it is reflected that if the future medical or mobile devices get required computing resources to process SPARQL queries and to integrate/host the SPARQL query engine, the SCENT queries can be easily transformed to SPARQL queries without affecting rest of the system. Listing 5.3: Example of a SCENT query translated into a SPARQL query 1PREFIX PREFIXrdf : 2md : 3SELECT?d?g 4WHERE {?drdf : type md: MedicalDevice. 5?dmd: hasGroup ?g. 6?gmd: deviceType md: UrineAnalysis. 7} 5.2 SCENTRA The SCENT Resolution Algorithm To resolve a SCENT query, as shown in Listing 5.2, we have developed an algorithm, named SCENTRA (SCENT Resolution Algorithm), which is based on the formal definitions presented in the previous section, particularly Definitions 5.6 and 5.7. It works as a variables' unification and patterns matching algorithm, so that it could be used by both query processor and the inference engine, to find the matching triples from KB against the provided SCENT patterns and generate inferences, respectively. It is structured in the following steps. 1. Extract all the variables to a set V from the SCENT patterns/conditions graph P. 2. Select the triples from the knowledge base graph G that match every SCENT pattern/condition, and annotate the combination of valid values of the triple (* for any value) for every variable. 3. Substitute the asterisk (*) with the available values of the used variable, which exist in combinations in other SCENT patterns/conditions. 4. Search for the combinations of values that exist in all the SCENT patterns/conditions. If no combination is found, the query is irresolvable. 765. Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System 5.2.1 Example In this section, we describe in detail how a SCENT query will be resolved by following the aforementioned steps. For the sake of simplicity, we use rdf and md for and respectively. Let's assume that a set P is a patterns graph containing the SCENT patterns given in Listing 5.2, and a set G is a triples graph containing the following knowledge base triples of a medical device (e.g. urine analyzer). . . . . . . . . . 1. Extract all the variables from graph P to a set V . ?d ?g 2. Select the triples from G, that match with every element of P, and annotate the combination of valid values of the triple (* for any value) for every variable. Results of pattern/condition 1: . . ?d?g * * Results of pattern/condition 2: . . . ?d?g 5.2 SCENTRA The SCENT Resolution Algorithm77 Results of pattern/condition 3: . ?d ?g * 3. Substitute the asterisk (*) with the available values of the used variable, which exist in combinations in other SCENT patterns/conditions. Pattern/Condition 1: Pattern/Condition 2: Pattern/Condition 3: ?d?g ?d?g ?d?g 4. Search for the combinations of values that exist in all the SCENT patterns/conditions. If no combination is found, the query is irresolvable. ?d?g As we can see above that there is only one combination that appears in every SCENT pattern/condition, hence it is the solution to the query of Search all the Urine Analyzers. The values of ?d are the network addresses of the Urine Analyzer(s). We have studied other alternative algorithms, i.e. Rete [95] and its improved forms [96] which normally require more computing time and memory to create the temporal structures for efficient matching, while our algorithm is easy and straightforward to be implemented for the resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices and provides the required compatibility and functionality for their semantic discovery and matching. 785. Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System Complexity Analysis The overall complexity of SCENTRA algorithm, or more precisely the query Evaluation (without reasoning process), is O(n2), where n = |G|. Please note that |P| is constant relative to |G|, hence the complexity of processing SCENT conditions graph P is ignored. 5.3 µOR A Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System This section describes details about pOR, a small querying and reasoning system which works on OWL description logics based rules, which are either created implicitly from the given set of domain/application ontologies or explicitly defined in a textbased rules file using SCENT language, as explained in Section 5.1. pOR uses SCENTRA algorithm, as explained in Section 5.2, for two purposes; first to process the SCENT queries and match the knowledge base triples graph with the SCENT pattern graph, secondly, to generate inference graph on the provided knowledge base triples graph. 5.3.1 Semantics of µOR Expressiveness OWL is the W3C recommendation for creating and sharing ontologies on the Web and its theoretical background is based on the Description Logic (DL) knowledge representation formalism, a subset of predicate logic. As explained in Section 2.3, the OWL recommendation actually consists of three languages of increasing expressive power, namely OWL Lite, OWL DL and OWL Full. OWLLite and OWLDL are an abstract syntactic form of the description logic SHIF(D) and SHOIN(D), respectively, whereas OWLFull corresponds to the description logic SHOIQ(D)^. Since pOR is targeted for the resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices, the set of expressivity requirements to be fulfilled would be rather concise and easier to be implemented. Beside that, the supported degree of OWLDL expressivity of pOR must be high enough to cater the semantically annotated/harmonized application(s) knowledge of our pervasive healthcare scenarios, as described in detail in Chapter 8, as well as most of the other ubiquitous computing scenarios in general. Thus, we provide support of a subset of OWL Lite3 [98] axioms for pOR, as listed in Table 5.2, because it has even a lower formal complexity than OWL Lite and it attempts to capture many of the commonly used features of OWL Lite, as well as to provide more descriptive language than RDF(S) for Semantic Web applications. The implementation of OWLLite^ axioms by pOR gives us the desired degree of expressiveness (near to SHIF4) and the following advantages: They do not produce or lead towards conflicts in term of decidability, when individually used to represent the knowledge base triples. They avoid the complexities of nondeterminism. However, it should be noted that pOR is not intended to be used for knowledge consistency checking, as supported by other DL reasoning systems, i.e. Pellet [99], rather it is used only for querying and reasoning over consistent knowledge bases. We use the definitions of Section 5.1 and define some new formal definitions for pOR. 3Hereafter referred to as OWLLite^ 4The axioms which are not supported are given in Table 5.3 5.3 µOR A Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System79 Table 5.2: OWLLite^ axioms currently supported by µOR NameDL SyntaxFOL SemanticsAbbr. Thing, Nothing Concept (Class) Role (Property) Concept Inclusion Concept Equivalence Trans. Role Closure>, ^^I, ^S AAI RRI C v DCI ^ DI C ^ DCI = DI R+ v R(RI)+ Role InclusionR v PRI ^ PIH Inverse Role^R^.C{x ^ ^I : ^y ^ ^I.(y, x) ^ RI ^ y ^ CI}I Functional Role(^ 1R){x ^ ^I : |{y ^ ^I : (x, y) ^ RI}| ^ 1}F Definition 5.9. Let VO be an OWLLite^ vocabulary where VO = (Vcls, Vop, Vdp, VD, Vlit) is a 5tuple where Vcls is the set of URIs denoting class names, Vop is the set of URIs denoting object properties, Vdp is the set of URIs denoting datatype properties, VD is the set of URIs denoting datatype names, and Vlit is the set of wellformed RDF literals. In OWLLite^, Vuri is the union of Vcls, Vop, Vdp, and VD and does not include any of builtin URIs from RDF, RDFS, or OWL namespace. Definition 5.10. An interpretation I = (^I, I) is a tuple where ^I, the domain of discourse, is a union of two disjoint sets ^IO (the object domain) ^ID (the data domain); and I is the interpretation function that gives meaning to the entities defined in the ontology. I maps each OWL class C ^ Vcls to a subset CI ^ ^IO, each object property p ^ Vop to a binary relation pI ^ ^IO ^IO, each datatype property t ^ Vdp to a binary relation tI ^ ^IO ^ID, each datatype D ^ VD to a subset DI ^ ^ID, and each literal l ^ Vlit to an element lI ^ ^ID. Definition 5.11. Let O be an OWLLite^ ontology, VO = (Vcls, Vop, Vdp, VD, Vlit) the vocabulary for O, and I = (^I, I) be an interpretation for O, we say that a query atom is compatible with VO if all the URIs used in query atoms are typed correctly, e.g. for Type(l, C) we have l ^ Vlit and C ^ Vcls and so on. Definition 5.12. We define an evaluation ^ : Vvar ^ Vlit ^ ^I to be a mapping from the variable names and literals used in the query to the elements of interpretation domain ^I with the requirement that ^(v) = vI if v ^ Vvar or v ^ Vlit. The interpretation I satisfies a query atom q w.r.t. ^ (denoted as I |=^ q) if q is compatible with VO and the corresponding condition listed in Table 5.2 is met. Definition 5.13. The interpretation I satisfies a query Q = q1 ^ ... ^ qn w.r.t. an evaluation ^ (written I |=^ q) iff I |=^ qi for every i = 1, ..., n. Note that we are only interested in the existence of an evaluation and we simply say that I satisfies a query Q (written I |= Q) if there exists an evaluation ^ such that I |=^ Q. Finally we say that Q is a logical consequence of the ontology O (written O |= Q) if the query is satisfied by every model of O, i.e. I |= O implies I |= Q. Definition 5.14. The solution to a SCENT query Q = q1 ^ ... ^ qn w.r.t. an OWLLite^ ontology O is a variables mapping µ : Vvar ^ Vuri ^ Vlit such that when all the 805. Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System variables in Q are substituted with the corresponding value from µ, we get a query µ(Q) compatible with VO and O |= µ(Q). The solution set S(Q) for a query Q is the set of all such solutions. 5.3.2 Description of the OWLLite^ Axioms This section gives a brief description about the OWLLite^ axioms/constructs which are currently supported by µOR. OWL Lite^ RDF Schema Features OWL can be viewed as an extension of a restricted view of the RDF language, which implies that every OWL document is an RDF document, but not all RDF documents are OWL documents. All terms are in the OWL namespace unless explicitly stated otherwise. Thus, the term Class is more precisely stated as owl : Class and rdfs : subPropertyOf shows that subProperty is from the rdfs namespace. Also, the term individual will refer to the objects that belong to classes as well as to objects that are datatypes. Class: A class defines a group of individuals that belong together because they share some properties. There is a builtin most general class named Thing that is the class of all individuals and the superclass of all OWL classes. We may choose to make a new subclass of the class Thing named Device, and we may also create a new class named MedicalDevice that is a subclass of Device. From this, µOR can deduce that any instance of MedicalDevice is also an instance of Device. rdfs:subClassOf: The class hierarchies can be created by making one or more statements that a class is a subclass of another class. For example, UrineAnalyzer could be stated as a subclass of MedicalDevice. From this, µOR can deduce that if an individual belong to UrineAnalyzer, then it is also a MedicalDevice. rdfs:Property: The properties can be used to state relationships between individuals or from individuals to data values. The examples of properties are: hasGroup, hasVendor, hasLocation, hasConnection etc. rdfs:subPropertyOf: The property hierarchies can be created by making one or more statements that a property is a subproperty of one or more other properties. For example, hasBluetoothConnection may be stated as a subproperty of hasConnection. From this, µOR can deduce that if an individual is related to another by the hasBluetoothConnection property, then it is also related to the other by the hasConnection property. rdfs:domain: A domain of a property limits the individuals to which the property can be applied. If a property relates an individual to another individual, and the property has a class as one of its domains, then the individual must belong to the class. For example, the property hasMeasurement may be stated to have the domain of MedicalDevice. So, if UrineAnalyzer hasMeasurement X, then from this µOR can deduce that the UrineAnalyzer is a MedicalDevice. rdfs:range: The range of a property limits the individuals that the property may have as its value. If a property relates an individual to another individual, and the property has a class as its range, then the other individual must belong to the range class. For example, the property hasGroup may be stated to have the 5.3 µOR A Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System81 range of DeviceGroups. From this, µOR can deduce that if RocheUriSys is related to UrineAnalyzer by the hasGroup property, then RocheUriSys is a MedicalDevice. OWL Lite^ Equality and InEquality The following features related to equality or inequality are included: sameAs: Two individuals may be stated to be the same. These constructs may be used to create a number of different names that refer to the same individual. For example, the individual RocheUriSys may be stated to be the same individual as UriSys1100. differentFrom: An individual may be stated to be different from other individuals. For example, the individual Soehnle may be stated to be different from the individuals UriSys1100 and CoaguChekS. Thus, if the individuals Soehnle and UriSys1100 are both values for a property that is stated to be functional (the property that has at most one value), then there is a contradiction. OWL Lite^ Property Characteristics There are special identifiers in OWL Lite^ that are used to provide information concerning the properties and their values. ObjectProperty: It shows the relations (binary) between instances of two classes (IndividualstoIndividuals). DatatypeProperty: It shows the relations (binary) between instances of classes, RDF literals and XML Schema datatypes (IndividualstoDatatypes). inverseOf: One property may be stated to be the inverse of another property. If the property P1 is stated to be the inverse of the property P2, then if X is related to Y by the P2 property, then Y is related to X by the P1 property. For example, if hasVendor is the inverse of isVendorOf and UriSys1100 hasVendor Roche, then µOR can deduce that Roche isVendorOf UriSys1100. TransitiveProperty: The properties may be stated to be transitive. If a property is transitive, then if the pair (x,y) is an instance of the transitive property P, and the pair (y,z) is an instance of P, then the pair (x,z) is also an instance of P. For example, if isLocatedIn is stated to be transitive, and if the operation theatre OT123 is located on Floor123, and Floor123 is located in Building123, then µOR can deduce that OT123 is located in Building123. SymmetricProperty: The properties may be stated to be symmetric. If a property is symmetric, then if the pair (x,y) is an instance of the symmetric property P, then the pair (y,x) is also an instance of P. FunctionalProperty: The properties may be stated to have a unique value. If a property is a FunctionalProperty, then it has no more than one value for each individual (or it may have no values for an individual). For example, hasDeviceModel may be stated to be a FunctionalProperty. From this, µOR can deduce that no individual can have more than one device models. 825. Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System InverseFunctionalProperty: The properties may be stated to be inverse functional. If a property is inverse functional then the inverse of the property is functional, which implies that the inverse of the property has at most one value for each individual. This characteristic is also referred as an unambiguous property. OWL Lite^ Datatypes OWL Lite^ uses most of the builtin XML Schema datatypes, where references to these datatypes are described by the URIs defined in 5.4Architectural Details of µOR Fig. 5.1 shows the overall architecture of a small but powerful querying and reasoning system that is developed for resourceconstrained AmI medical or mobile devices. It consists of a Query Processor, Inference Engine and SCENTRA algorithm. Figure 5.1: Architecture of Micro Querying and Reasoning System µOR 5.4.1 The Query Processor The Query Processor (QP) is responsible for processing the SCENT queries, as shown in Listing 5.2. In a pervasive computing environment, such query (embedded in the device discovery request message) is broadcasted from one device to all the other devices in the network, where the query processor running on each device processes this query; and if matches are found, it returns back the results (embedded in the device discovery response message) to the requesting device. First of all, the QP extracts all the conditions/patterns from the SCENT query, and adds them into a set P. Secondly, it loads the available knowledge base triples stored on the device in a set G and requests the inference engine to make inferences on it, based on the OWLLite^ axioms/constructs. When the QP gets back the inference results as 5.4 Architectural Details of µOR83 set I, it augments the set G with these inferences using the set union operation, and then uses the SCENTRA algorithm to find the final results. When it gets back the final results, it formulates the results only for the requested variable, e.g. in case of SCENT query presented in Listing 5.2, only the result for variable ?d is returned. Algorithm 1: MakeInferences: Find a set N of new facts (inferences) by creating a set R of rules from a Set of ontologies and applying these rules on a set G of knowledge base triples. Input: A set G of knowledge base triples Output: A set N of (inferences) 21 begin Cpre^ ^/* A set of preconditions */ 3Cpst ^ ^/* A set of postconditions */ 4R ^ ^/* A set of rules as triples*/ 5M ^ ^/* A temporary set of matched triples */ 6N ^ ^/* A set of new facts (inferences ) */ 7 ^^ Load the triples of ontologies 8R ^^ CreateRules()/* Algorithm 2 is used */ 9/* Here R = {r1, r2,..., r.,} */ 10for r ^ R do 11Cpre ^^ preconditions of r., 12Cpst ^^ postconditions of r., 13/* Here Cpst = {c1, c2, ..., cy} */ 14M ^^ MatchTriples(Cpre, G) /* using Definition 5.7 */ 15/* Here M = {m1, m2, ..., mz} */ 16for m ^ M do 17for c ^ Cpst do 18/* Substitute the variable(s) in cy with mz using Definition 5.6 to create new fact and store in set N */ 19N ^^+ SubstituteVariables(cy, mz) 20 end 5.4.2 The Inference Engine The Inference Engine (IE) is responsible for generating new facts (inferences) from a provided set G of knowledge base triples graph and a set of triples created from domain/application ontologies and/or userdefined rules (see Appendix C). The IE uses the formal definitions, as explained under Section 5.3.1, to produce these inferences. First of all, it loads all the locally stored domain/application ontologies as RDF triples, and if required, generates the implicit rules from these triples based on the OWLLite^ axioms, as mentioned in Table 5.2. Additionally or alternatively, explicit rules can also be defined in a separate rules file, as shown in Appendix C. Every implicit or explicit rule contains two sets, one for preconditions and one for postconditions. The preconditions set Cpre of each rule is matched with the knowledge base triples graph G using SCENTRA algorithm, and if the matches are found, it creates new facts as triples by substituting the variables of the postconditions set Cpst with these matches. The resultant set N of new facts (inferences) is then returned back to the query processor. This set of new facts is 845. Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System Algorithm 2: CreateRules: Creates a Set R of rules by matching a Set of domain ontologies with OWLLite^ axioms, Part 1. Input: A Set of triples of ontologies where = {t1, t2, ..., tu} Output: A Set R of rules 21 begin 3R^ ^ where R = {r1, r2, ..., rx} /* A Set of Rules */ C^ ^ where C = {Cpre, Cpost} 4/* Cpre, Cpost are sets of triples for (pre/post )conditions */ 5/* ts, tp, to are subject, predicate,object of a triple t, resp.*/ 6for t ^ do 7if tp = rdfs:subClassOf or tp = rdfs:subPropertyOf then 8Cpre^^+ 9Cpost^^+ 10R ^^+ CreateRule(C) 11else if tp = rdfs:domain then 12Cpre^^+ 13Cpost^^+ 14R ^^+ CreateRule(C) 15else if tp = rdfs:range then 16Cpre^^+ 17Cpost^^+ 18R ^^+ CreateRule(C) 19else if tp = owl:inverseOf then 20Cpre^^+ 21Cpost^^+ 22R ^^+ CreateRule(C) 23Cpre^^+ 24Cpost^^+ 25R ^^+ CreateRule(C) 26else if to = owl:TransitiveProperty then 27Cpre^^+ 28Cpre^^+ 29Cpost^^+ 30R ^^+ CreateRule(C) 31else if to = owl:SymmetricProperty then 32Cpre^^+ 33Cpost^^+ 34R ^^+ CreateRule(C) 35else 36/* See the remaining part in Algorithm 3 */ 37 end stored locally on each device in order to avoid repetetion of the inference process, unless the knowledge base is updated, or domain ontology(ies) are modified/changed or more explicit rules are defined. 5.5 Comparative Analysis of µOR85 Algorithm 3: CreateRules: Creates a Set R of rules by matching a Set O of domain ontologies with OWLLite^ axioms, Part 2. 1 begin if tp = owl:sameAs then Cpre <+ < ts ?p ?o > Cpost <+ < to ?p ?o > R <+ CreateRule(C) Cpre <+ < to ?p ?o > Cpost <+ < ts ?p ?o > R <+ CreateRule(C) Cpre <+ Cpost <+ R <+ CreateRule(C) Cpre <+ Cpost <+ R <+ CreateRule(C) else if to = owl:FunctionalProperty then Cpre <+ Cpre <+ Cpost <+ R <+ CreateRule(C) else if to = owl:InverseFunctionalProperty then Cpre <+ Cpre <+ Cpost <+ R <+ CreateRule(C) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .... 26 end Complexity Analysis If R = {r1, r2, ..., rx} is a set of rules, and n = IGI, then x is constant w.r.t n, hence the complexity of overall inferencing process would be O(n2),which is the complexity of SCENTRA algorithm. Please note that IMI is also constant w.r.t n, where M is a set of matched knowledge base triples. Finally, the total complexity of both query processing and reasoning would be O(n2): O(n2) + O(n2) ==> O(n2)(5.1) 5.5Comparative Analysis of µOR This section provides the details about the comparative analysis of µOR, in terms of its memory usage and performance in comparison with a couple of other small reasoning systems, namely Pocket KRHyper [100] and Bossam [101]. Although there exist various implementations of OWL DL reasoners, e.g. Pellet [99], FaCT++ [102] and RacerPro [103], but their resource requirements (memory/processing) are quite high, restricting 865. Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System them to be used only on desktop systems or servers, and not on resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices. Such reasoners mostly implement tableaux algorithms that are developed for the expressive DL knowledge representation with high complexity. The reasons to choose Bossam and Pocket KRHyper for comparative analysis are as follows: Bossam is a DL reasoner and a forward chaining production rule engine, which works on RETE [95] algorithm, and takes comparatively less resources (750Kb of runtimememory). Bossam requires namespace prefixing to express knowledge base triples and queries which is not supported by NTriples, and hence not supported by our SCENT. Pocket KRHyper, to the best of our knowledge, is the only reasoner which is targeted for mobile devices, thus most relevant to our work. It is a First Order Logic theorem prover and model generator based on the hyper tableau calculus [104]. Its disadvantage is that it works on a set of clauses and does not support direct DL reasoning, rather it adds an additional layer for transforming all the DL expressions into first order clausal logic and the inference results back to DL expressions, which is clearly an overhead. A Windows XP system with Pentium R 4, Intel R 2.40 GHz processor, and 1.0GB RAM was used to perform tests with a set of ten different SCENT queries. Ideally, we should have used any benchmark system, e.g. LUBM [105] in order to analyse and compare the performance of pOR with other reasoning systems, but since the test cases (queries, knowledge base, ontology) provided by it have compliance with OWLFull or OWLDL specification, it can not be tested on pOR. Therefore, we have designed our own test cases, which consist of a set of ten different queries, having compliance with OWLLite^ entailments (see Appendix B). Fig. 5.2 shows the overall runtime memory size (24 Kb) of complete pOR, which is far less than the runtime memory sizes of Bossam (750 Kb) and Pocket KRHyper (245 Kb). Fig. 5.3, Fig. 5.4 and Fig. 5.5 show the comparison of loading times of varying sized knowledge bases, loading times of different application/domain ontologies and the overall reasoning times respectively. Figure 5.2: Comparison of Runtime Memory Usage Based on the aforementioned comparative study of pOR, Bossam and Pocket KRHyper with respect to the runtime memory usage and RDF triples processing performance, it is pretty evident that pOR performed much better than the others in all aspects. The results show that pOR can be easily integrated solely on the (mobile/medical) devices and can help in realizing the vision of having autonomous (mobile/medical) devices which are enriched with semantic contents processing capabilities. Secondly, because pOR is 5.6 Scalability Issues of µOR87 Figure 5.3: Comparison of Knowledge Base Loading Time Figure 5.4: Comparison of Ontologies Loading/Conversion Time developed in Java language, it inherently provides platform independence support, in terms of integrating and using it within the existing software architectures. 5.6Scalability Issues of µOR This section discusses the scalability of µOR in terms of expressivity and the performance efficiency. First of all, as described in Section 5.3.1, the expressivity of µOR is currently based on OWLLite^, a subset of OWLLite axioms, which is sufficient to cater the semantically annotated/harmonized knowledge of our envisaged pervasive healthcare scenarios and application(s). However, if the axiomatic support, as presented in Table 5.2 is not sufficient to support the requirements of future contextaware applications, the expressivity can be extended easily by implementing the desired axioms, provided that the medical or mobile device has sufficient computing and memory powers to cater them all. Table 5.3 shows the OWL Lite axioms that are currently not supported by µOR, because these axioms are currently not needed for our envisioned healthcare scenarios. 885. Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System Figure 5.5: Comparison of Overall Reasoning Time So, µOR does not currenlty support querying and reasoning on a knowledge base which is built using these axioms, hence the SCENT queries which use these axioms will not be answered and a NULL value is returned. Table 5.3: OWLLite axioms currently not supported by µOR NameDL SyntaxFOL SemanticsAbbr. Concept Intersection Concept Disjunction Concept Complement Universal RoleValue Restriction Existential RoleValue RestrictionC n DC' ^ D'S C u DC' U D' C^' \ C' `dR.C{x E ^' : `dy E ^'.(x, y) E R' + y E C'} 3R.C{x E ^' : 3y E ^'.(x, y) E R' n y E C'} NonQualified Role(< nR){x E ^' : |{y E ^' : (x, y) E R'}| < n} {x E ^' : |{y E ^' : (x, y) E R'}| > n} {x E ^' :|{y E ^' : (x, y) E R'}| = n}N (Cardinality) Restr.(> nR) (= nR) Qualified Role (Cardinality) Restr.(< nR.C){x E ^' : |{y : (x, y) E R' n y E C'}| < n} {x E ^' : |{y : (x, y) E R' n y E C'}| > n} {x E ^' : |{y : (x, y) E R' n y E C'}| = n}Q (> nR.C) (= nR.C) Nominals{o1, ..., on} 3R.{o}{o'1 , ..., o' n}O {x E ^' : 3y E ^'.(x, y) E R' n y' E {o}} Concept Membership Role Membershipa : Ca E C (a, b) : R(a, b) E R' Secondly, although the performance efficiency of µOR has been tested with smallscale knowledge bases (100 ^ 300 triples), as shown in the above Figures (5.3, 5.4, 5.5), the efficiency of µOR would not be much affected if the sizes of knowledge base and/or ontologies' triples are increased, because the SCENTRA algorithm is based on settheory, which inherently avoids the duplication of KB triples and the time required for set operations (Union, Intersection) theoretically remains same. Chapter 6 Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol Discovery is one of the most important activities in distributed computing paradigm, since recent pervasive computing and adhoc networking have identified the device(s) and service(s) discovery as one of the major design components of an architecture [106][107]. Although various network protocols and architectures have been developed over the last years, as described in Chapter 2, mainly for the discovery of device(s) and network service(s), but still there is no consensus on using a unified discovery protocol. This chapter describes the design and implementation details of Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol (SMDDP), a lightweight HTTP based protocol that is designed and developed, both as an integral part of Semantic Medical Device Space (SMDS) middleware framework, as described in Chapter 4, and as a broader goal itself for the semantic discovery of resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices and their services. Section 6.1 articulates the (minimum) requirements for the semantic discovery protocol which could fulfill the objectives of our envisioned pervasive healthcare scenarios, while Section 6.2 describes the overall workflow of SMDDP. Section 6.3 and Section 6.4 describe the request and response messages' format respectively, while Section 6.5.1 gives the performance evaluation and compares SMDDP with the existing network discovery protocols. 6.1 Requirements for Semantic Discovery Protocol The required semantic discovery protocol must support both the device and service discoveries based on semantics, since the device and service characteristics are harmonized and processed using ontologies. In order to achieve our goals, the semantic discovery protocol must be designed with the following minimum requirements: To support contextawareness on medical or mobile devices regarding the spontaneous presence of other devices, a pure (un)structured PeertoPeer network would suffice, thus getting rid of a central server and providing a decentralized solution. An expressive language for semantic search queries must be supported. The response messages from the matched medical device(s) must include the URI for the Web Service methods invocation. 89 906. Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol the URIs for the Web Service description files (WSDL, SAWSDL). the URI for the digital certificate of medical device. It must be based on TCP/IP stack, integrating HTTP and taking advantage of its security mechanism, i.e. HTTP Basic or Digest Authentication, or even HTTPS. The resulting design is SMDDP, an HTTP/UDP based semantic discovery protocol for ambient intelligent medical devices which fulfills the aforementioned requirements. SMDDP provides mechanism to search the peertopeer network and identify the desired medical device(s) matching with particular conditions. The following queries, which can also be thought as combination of each other making the notion more complex, are the few examples which depict what sort of discovery capabilities are expected from the SMDDP protocol. The italicized terms refer to the concepts of domain/application ontologies, which are developed within the context of this thesis. Find all the medical devices in the network. Find all the medical devices in the operation theater XYZ. Find all the medical devices of type urine analyzer (or blood pressure, blood coagulation, blood glucose, ECG etc.) in the network. Find a medical device of type urine analyzer which has performed the measurement of a patient having ID "3KD2008" Find a device in the network which has Internet connectivity and offers a Web Service to send measurement results to XYZ Information System. 6.1.1 Advantages of using URIs In the SMDDP response messages, as described earlier, sending only the URIs is more efficient than directly sending the whole volume of data, and offers the following advantages: Less traffic is generated as the packets are significantly smaller than conveying the whole volume of data. The decision about downloading the Web Service description files, the digital device certificate, or even invoking the Web Service methods is totally left up to the client, if it is needed to perform all these tasks. The URIs can be reused by the client medical devices without researching the network, if it is required to periodically poll the data about server medical devices. The URI for the Web Service methods invocation can be used not only by the medical devices, but other (health) information systems on the network as well, in order to retrieve their measurement values/results. Normally, the medical devices and/or health information systems will be preinstalled with the Web Service stubs/skeletons, but the (health) information systems may also dynamically generate the Web Service stubs/skeletons by downloading the WSDL document from the given WSDL URI using various tools available for desktop systems, i.e. WSDL2Java1. 1 6.2 Overall Workflow of SMDDP Protocol91 Figure 6.1: Overall Workflow of SMDDP On the other hand, the medical devices cannot use such tools because of the unavailability of compilers for resourceconstrained (mobile) devices. However, the URI for SAWSDL file can be used both by medical devices and (health) information system(s) in order to download and process it locally using the SAWSDL2 API, and extract the name(s) of the desired Web Service method(s) to invoke. The last URI is for the digital device certificate, which the client medical device uses to download it from the server medical device. Before initiating the communication, every client/server medical device(s) must have the digital certificate of each other, which is used later for encryption/decryption and signing/verification functionalities. 6.2 Overall Workflow of SMDDP Protocol The workflow of SMDDP is quite simple, consisting of two agents like threads, smddp client and smddp server, both coexist on a medical device. Whenever a medical device needs to find a particular medical device in a pure (un)structured peertopeer network of medical devices, The smddp client on the client medical device reads the (configurable) query conditions defined as searching criteria for a particular healthcare application and embed them in a complete request message containing the HTTP CallbackURI. Finally, it broadcasts this request message over the network and handles the response(s) sent back from the matched medical device(s). On the other hand, the smddp server on the server medical device(s) receives the request messages from the client medical devices, processes them against the available knowledge base of the medical device using µOR, as explained in Chapter 5, 2 926. Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol Figure 6.2: SMDDP over the TCP/IP Stack and if matched, forms the results into a response message and sends it back to the respective client medical device(s) on the provided CallbackURI. Fig. 6.1 shows the interaction of a peertopeer network of four medical devices, namely Medical Device A, Medical Device B, Medical Device C and Medical Device F, each of them running both smddp client and smddp server threads. In order to search for the desired medical device(s), the smddp client of Medical Device F broadcasts a query q to the network using UDP (Universal Datagram Protocol) as the transport protocol, as shown in Fig. 6.2. On the other hand, every medical device processes this query and two of them, Medical Device A and Medical Device C respond with the responses rA and rC respectively as the matched medical devices. Since the responses are always unicast messages, so they can be sent back using the traditional HTTP protocol on the provided CallbackURI in the request message. 6.3 SMDDP Request Message Format This section describes the details about the SMDDP request messages. SMDDP request messages, containing a SCENT query are broadcasted over UDP to the (configurable) address and UDP port 6790. The MIME type of SMDDP request message is application/de.fhg.ibmt.scent and it consists of multiline syntax, being extensible through new headers to provide additional semantics information. Most Internet protocols use ASCII characters of 13 and 10 (CRLF) to separate lines, which constitute the major divisions in the message format. Listing 6.1 shows the Augmented BackusNaur Form (ABNF) of SMDDP request message, which encapsulates some of the widely used productions in Internet protocols, i.e. SP, OCTET, DIGIT [108], and token, absoluteURI [109]. The request ^ message is composed of a start ^ line, zero or more headers and a mandatory body section (line 1). The main element of the start ^ line is the SEARCH command, 6.3 SMDDP Request Message Format93 followed by the main variable to be resolved, and a protocol version number (lines 25). Listing 6.1: Augmented BackusNaur Form of SMDDP Request Messages 1requestmessage = startline * (msgheader CRLF)CRLF msgbody 2startline = csearch SP version CRLF 3csearch = "SEARCH" SP variable 4variable = "?" token 5version = " smddp /" number"."number 6msgheader = SeqN / ContentType/ ContentLength/ CallbackUri 7SeqN ="SeqN"":"SP number 8ContentType = "ContentType"":"SP conttype 9ContentLength = "ContentLength"":"SP number 10CallbackUri = "CallbackUri"":"SP iCallback 11iCallback = absoluteURI 12msgbody = 1 * OCTET 13number = 1 * DIGIT 14conttype = type"/"subtype 15type = token 16subtype = token A brief description of each of the four headers of SMDDP request message (line 6) is given below, which follows the same format as traditional headers in the standardized protocols, i.e. HTTP. SeqN : The request sequence number (line 7) for detecting duplicate request messages from the same client medical device, and matching the requests and responses for it. Content ^ Type: The MIME type (line 8) of the message body section. Currently, SMDDP supports only one MIME type, which is application/de.fhg.ibmt.scent. In future, if the medical devices get enough computing and memory resources, the MIME type for SPARQL (or other languages) could also be included. Content ^ Length : The total length (line 9) of the message body section in bytes. Callback ^ Uri : The HTTP endpoint (line 10) where the server medical device sends back the response to the client medical device. Listing 6.2: An Example of Complete SMDDP Request Message 1SEARCH ?d smddp /1.0 2SeqN : 20 3ContentType : application/de . fhg. ibmt . scent 4ContentLength : 400 5CallbackUri : http :// smddpcallback 6 7?d . 8?d ?g . 9?g . Listing 6.2 shows an example of SMDDP request message, encapsulating the SCENT query conditions (lines 79), as mentioned earlier in Listing 5.2. Due to the unreliable nature of UDP protocol, some UDP packets could be lost during the broadcasting phase, so the SMDDP request messages must be sent three times, as per the UPnPSSDP specification [56] recommendation, in order to increase the probability of SMDDP request message to reach the possible destinations without generating much network traffic. 946. Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol 6.4 SMDDP Response Message Format This section describes the details about the SMDDP response messages. When a server medical device receives the SMDDP request message, it extracts the SCENT query conditions from it and resolves all of its variables. After resolving the SCENT query, the smddp server constructs the reply message, which is an HTTP response back to the Callback Uri provided by the client medical device in the request message, and convey the required information in a suitable format. Listing 6.3: Augmented BackusNaur Form of SMDDP Response Messages 1responsemessage = startline * (msgheader CRLF) CRLF msgbody 2startline = "POST" SP CallbackUri SP version CRLF 3CallbackUri = "/" subtype 4version = "HTTP /" number "." number 5msgheader = Host / SeqN / ContentType / ContentLength 6Host = "Host" ":" SP IP4Address 7SeqN = "SeqN" ":" SP number 8ContentType = "ContentType" ":" SP conttype 9ContentLength = "ContentLength" ":" SP number 10 msgbody = 1 * OCTET 11 number = 1 * DIGIT 12 conttype = type "/" subtype 13 type = token 14 subtype = token Listing 6.3 shows the Augmented BackusNaur Form (ABNF) of SMDDP response messages which mostly uses the productions that are already used in ABNF of SMDDP request messages. The response message is composed of a start line, zero or more headers and a mandatory body section (line 1). The main element of the start line is the POST command, followed by the Callback Uri where the response is going to be sent, and a protocol version number (lines 24). There are four types of headers (Lines 5,6) where, besides the already defined three headers, a new header Host is introduced, which describes the IP address of the client medical device using the production of IP4 Address [110]. Listing 6.4: An Example of Complete SMDDP Response Message 1POST /smddpcallback HTTP /1.0 2Host : 3SeqN : 20 4ContentType : application/de . fhg. ibmt . smiddel 5ContentLength : 561 6 7 8 12 13 14http :// csoap/UrisysService 15http :// csoap/wsdl/urisys .wsdl 16http :// csoap/wsdl/urisys . sawsdl 17http :// csoap/cert/urisys . cert 18 19 6.4 SMDDP Response Message Format95 Listing 6.4 shows an example of the simple SMDDP response message that is sent back from a urine analyzer to the client medical device against the SMDDP request message shown in Listing 6.2. The most important part (lines 1317) of this response message is the address of the responding medical device (line 13), the URI for the Web Service methods invocation (line 14), the URI for the simple Web Service description file (line 15), the URI for the semantically annotated Web Service description file (line 16), and the URI for downloading the digital device certificate file (line 17). All these URIs are used by the client medical device and/or (health) information system in the network as per the requirements of an application, e.g. if it is required to invoke just the Web Service methods of a server medical device, the client medical device will use only the URI of wsurl. 6.4.1 SMIDDEL: A Schema for SMDDP Response Messages The SMDDP response messages are very simple and straightforward to be processed by the client medical devices, as they contain just the URIs of the matched medical devices. In order to annotate the SMDDP response message and markup its body section, a simple schema has been designed, called SMIDDEL (Semantic Medical Device Description Endpoints Language), which is used by the client medical devices to process the SMDDP response messages. Listing 6.5: SMIDDEL XML Schema 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 966. Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol Listing 6.5 shows the complete SMIDDEL XML schema. The most important part (lines 1922) is the sequence and the lower/upper limits of the occurrence of all the URIs. 6.5 Overall Analysis of SMDPP This section describes the details about the overall analysis of SMDDP protocol, in terms of matchmaking process on the medical devices and their response time, as well as a comparative analysis of SMDDP with other existing network discovery protocols. 6.5.1 Performance Evaluation The advantages of semantic discovery are pretty evident, since it gives us more refined results by interpreting the information relationships, while on the other hand, the normal lexical attributevalue based discovery gives us a subset of those results or even none. We are quite satisfied with the performance of SMDDP, which is at core dependent on µOR that enriches the medical devices with the capabilities of semantic querying, reasoning and interpretation of the information and its relationships. In order to evaluate the performance of Java based implementation of SMDDP protocol, we tested 10 different SEARCH queries (see Appendix B) against the 5 instances of SMDDP servers running on a single PC (Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz, 1GB RAM). Figure 6.3: Semantic Matchmaking Performance of SMDDP Discovery During the first test, the SMDDP servers parsed the local application/domain ontologies and created the rules as RDF triples from them, performed the description logic reasoning against the available knowledge base and created the inferences using µOR. This step will be performed only when the medical device is booted, or if there is a change in the knowledge base or ontologies. Finally, the whole knowledge base is searched for the matched triples against the searching criteria (conditions) of the received query. 6.5 Overall Analysis of SMDPP97 Table 6.1: Comparison of SMDDP with Stateoftheart Discovery Protocols 986. Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol As shown in Fig. 6.3, the first execution took on average 130ms on each of the five SMDDP servers, since Java takes longer time to initialize the internal data structures. However, the response of SMDDP to the subsequent executions for rest of the nine queries was much more faster, produced more stabilized measures and took on average 2030ms, since no rules generation from ontologies or any form of semantic reasoning was performed. 6.5.2 Comparative Analysis SMDDP provides a simple and powerful way for the semantic discovery of ambient intelligent medical devices in pervasive (healthcare) environments, utilizing and exploiting the advantages of HTTP protocol. Although, several discovery mechanisms for pervasive computing have been proposed in the past, but none of them is widely adopted. Edwards has published a comparative study [111] about SSDP, Jini, Bluetooth SDP, SLP, Bonjour, Salutation, INS and Ninja SSDS, including also infrared and RFID mechanisms. The comparison was based on different parameters, i.e. topology, transport, scope, search and security. Table 6.1 shows a reproduction of the Edwards' comparison table with the additional row of SMDDP, which exhibits some distinct factors by comparing it with other alternatives, such as its powerful semantic discovery capabilities and the use of widelyadopted and reliable HTTPbased security mechanisms. This comparison shows and promotes SMDDP to be the best candidate for the semantic discovery of ambient intelligent medical devices in pervasive computing scenarios within the healthcare domain, and also a valuable and promising alternative in other networking environments as well. Chapter 7 Implementation This chapter provides the details about the programming languages, libraries, environments and the tools used for the development of complete Semantic Medical Devices Space (SMDS) framework and its constituent components, including Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol (SMDDP), Micro OWL Description Logic and Rules based Reasoner (µOR) and security framework. Also, it provides the details about the hardware platforms that we have used to host our SMDS framework and to validate its performance results, particularly in connection with the scenarios of SmartHEALTH Project [21]. The UML class diagrams of complete SMDS framework are given in Appendix A. 7.1 Programming Languages 7.1.1 Java (J2SE 1.5) The complete SMDS framework is developed using Sun's Java Standard Edition (SE) 1.5 programming language. Apparently, it seems strange why SMDS is not developed using Java Micro Edition (ME) (MIDP1 or CLDC2) which is particularly suited for resourceconstrained devices. However, there are various reasons, few of them are given below, to prefer Java SE over Java ME for the development of SMDS framework. Java Native Interface (JNI): MIDP does not support JNI and therefore it is not possible to extend Java APIs beyond those that come with the device. On the other hand, we do want to provide support through SMDS for utilizing the existing software functionality of medical devices, for which JNI is inevitably required. Reflection/Serialization: Java ME does not support reflection, object serialization or Remote Method Invocation (RMI), which are usually required in Web Services communication while transferring userdefined serialized objects. Accessing Native Application Data: MIDP 2.0 alone does not allow accessing native S60 Symbian OS or other mobiles' OSs application data, rather FileConnection and Personal Information Management APIs (JSR75) have to be used to access native application data. 1Mobile Information Device Profile; 2Connected Limited Device Configuration; 99 1007. Implementation File Handling: CLDC does not support file access, rather FileConnection API (JSR75) has to be used to access the file system. Class Un/Loading: MIDP does not support mechanism for class loading or unloading of both MIDlet classes and the platform's API classes. All the classes loaded during the running of a MIDlet will occupy the heap for its lifetime. Preverification: MIDP applications have to be preverified before runtime. CLDC does not support a full Java SE type bytecode verifier, but instead a different kind of bytecode verifier that takes less memory in the device, but requires application class files to be preverified during application development, more specifically in the compile process. 7.1.2 Microsoft Visual C#.NET Microsoft's Visual C#.NET language is used to develop the graphical (gateway) applications for Windows Xp and Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0 platforms, and clearly show the advantages of using Semantic Web Services technology to get the heterogeneous medical or mobile devices interoperable. These applications are developed to realize different pervasive healthcare scenarios of the SmartHEALTH project. 7.2 Hardware Platforms This section describes offtheshelf hardware platforms that we have used to host the SMDS framework for its evaluation, and to use them for different pervasive healthcare scenarios in connection with SmartHEALTH Project. These hardware platforms include Gumstix, Vodafone VPA 4, Viliv NetTablet PC and several desktop computers. 7.2.1 Gumstix The Gumstix3 is a full functional open embedded computer which is available in various configurations and can be individually extended through expansion boards. The mainboard has two connectors for expansion boards on both sides, which allows the use of up to two expansion boards at the same time leading to a sandwichlike hardware configuration. It offers various types of expansion boards allowing the user to align the hardware configuration to his/her needs. The available interface types are for example Ethernet, WiFi 802.11b/g, Bluetooth, GPS, USB, serial, GPIO, I2C, SPI, SD or Compact Flash card slots, Audio in/out and even LCD interfaces. We have selected Verdex Pro XL6P motherboard (MarvellTM PXA270 with XScaleTM 600MHz, 128MB RAM, 32MB Flash), NetProWiFiVx (10/100baseT Ethernet with 802.11b/g WiFi module) and ConsoleVx (3 * RS232 ports on miniDIN8 connectors) together to host the SMDS framework. Fig. 7.1 shows the assembled Gumstix of all these components, while Fig. 7.2 shows a Urine Analyzer device to which the Gumstix is attached to enhance its capabilities and turning it into an ambient intelligent Urine Analyzer. The Gumstix serves as a gateway between the connected Urine Analyzer and SMDS framework, and offers Semantic Web Service based interface through Ethernet or WiFi 802.11b/g to the clients, which could be other medical or mobile devices or even health information systems. 3Gumstix miniaturized computers; 7.2 Hardware Platforms101 Figure 7.1: Gumstix with XL6P motherboard Figure 7.2: Urine Analyzer from Roche R Diagnostics with Gumstix 7.2.2 Viliv Promotion Pack S5 NetTablet PC The Viliv Promotion Pack S5 EXP P 4.8Inch NetTablet PC Viliv has crafted an amazing, ultraportable, fullyfunctional Internet device, and rich in features with unabated battery life and power. It features a superfine 4.8Inch WSVGA display, 16 GB SSD, and an Intel AtomTM Silverthorne 1.2GHz CPU. From a pocket PC standpoint, the S5 has a surreal (for its size) battery life of 7hours of use, and it supports 720p HD video playback with the features of integrated WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS. Fig. 7.3 shows the Viliv NetTablet PC running the GUI based gateway application, which collects the measurements from all the medical devices (or matched with the provided criteria) in the environment and forwards them to the remote SmartHEALTH information system. 1027. Implementation Figure 7.3: The Viliv Promotion Pack S5 EXP P 4.8Inch NetTablet PC 7.2.3 Vodafone VPA4 Vodafone VPA4 (Vodafone Personal Assistant) is a 3Gcompatible model, having a QWERTZ (German layout) keypad for convenient text entry, and its display is folded out behind the keypad when users are writing or browsing the Web. The VPA4 is equipped with Windows Mobile Pocket PC Phone Edition 2003 OS, a 520MHz Intel processor and 128MB RAM with various other features, i.e. Bluetooth, infrared, WiFi, MiniUSB and SDIO/MMC card slot etc. Fig. 7.4 shows the VPA4 device running the GUI based gateway application, which collects the measurements from all the medical devices (or matched with the provided criteria) in the environment and forwards them to the remote SmartHEALTH information system. 7.3 Runtime Environments This section describes the thirdparty software runtime environments that we have used for the SMDS framework and SmartHEALTH Project. 7.3.1 JamVM JamVM4 is a small Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which conforms to the Java 2 specification, licensed under GPL, and targets the embedded devices. In comparison to most other VMs (free and commercial) it is extremely small, with a stripped executable on PowerPC of only 220K, and Intel 200K. However, unlike other small VMs (e.g. KVM) it is designed to support the full specification and includes support for object finalization, Soft/Weak/Phantom References, classunloading, the Java Native Interface (JNI) and the Reflection API. JamVM's interpreter is highly optimized, incorporating many stateoftheart techniques such as stackcaching and directthreading. JamVM can be compiled for Linux, MacOS and Solaris platforms, and particularly for ARM processors 4JamVM, A Java Virtual Machine for small devices; 7.3 Runtime Environments103 Figure 7.4: The Vodafone VPA4 with Windows Mobile 2003 which are mainly used in embedded systems due to their low energy consumption and high processing speed. JamVM's major advantages include its widespread use and good support of JNI which is needed to access the hardware interfaces on the embedded platforms through Java. We have used JamVM for embedded Linux running on Gumstix in order to host SMDS framework, as explained under Section 7.2.1. 7.3.2 Mysaifu JVM Mysaifu5 JVM is a free, opensource Java Virtual Machine which conforms to Java 2 specification and is targeted for almost all Windows Mobile and Windows CE (Compact Edition) based Pocket PC platforms. Mysaifu JVM is developed in Java and C++ programming languages and is available under GPL License 2.0. We have used Mysaifu JVM in order to host SMDS framework on Windows Mobile based devices, as explained in Sections 7.2.2 and 7.2.3. 7.3.3 GNU Classpath The GNU Classpath6 is an almost Java 1.5 compatible implementation of the Java standard libraries that is licensed under GPL. An exact comparison between the original Sun Microsystems JDKs and GNU Classpath can be found at http://builder.classpath. org/japi/jdk15classpath.html. At the time of writing this thesis, the GNU Classpath serves 99.11% of JDK 1.4 and 95.18% of JDK 1.5. In contrast to Sun Microsystems JDKs, the GNU Classpath is ported to several ARM platforms and can be used in combination with several JVMs, such as JamVM, Cacaovm or Kaffe. We have used GNU Classpath in conjunction with JamVM in order to host SMDS framework on Gumstixs, as explained under Section 7.2.1. 5Mysaifu, A JVM for Windows Mobile; 6GNU Classpath GNU Project; 1047. Implementation 7.3.4 CSOAP Web Services Server CSOAP7 is a research outcome of OZONE8 Project, and provides a Java based SOAP engine for resourceconstrained devices (mobile or PDAs) and is able to deploy Web Services, and to manage RPCs (Remote Procedure Call) from SOAP clients and dispatch them to the Web Services. The implementation of CSOAP follows the Sun's JAXRPC Specification, which gives a standard for SOAPbased RPC to support the development of SOAPbased interoperable and portable Web Services. The original CSOAP server supports Java Web Services only for Java based clients, but for SMDS framework, we have adapted the CSOAP server to additionally support the clients developed in Microsoft .NET programming languages, i.e. Visual C#.NET and Visual Basic.NET. 7.3.5 Jetty Web Server Jetty9 is a compact HTTP server, HTTP client, and a Java servlet container, which is used in a wide variety of projects and products, ranging from embedded devices, tools, frameworks, application servers, and clusters. Jetty is open source and available for free commercial use and distribution under Apache License 2.0. In SMDS framework, Jetty's servlet container is used to host the CSOAP server, while the HTTP Server is used for hosting the Web Services description files (SA/WSDL files), the device' certificate to be downloaded on the client side, and for SMDDP protocol for receiving the HTTP callbacks from the matched medical or mobile devices during the discovery process. 7.3.6 HyperSQL Database HyperSQL Database (HyperSQL10) is the leading SQL relational database engine written entirely in Java. It has a JDBC driver and supports a rich subset of ANSI92 SQL (BNF tree format) plus many SQL:2008 enhancements. It offers a small, fast database engine which offers both inmemory and diskbased tables and supports embedded and server modes. Additionally, it includes tools such as a minimal web server, inmemory query and management tools (can be run as applets) and a number of demonstration examples. In SMDS framework, we have used HSQL database to host the device DB (see Appendix A for the class diagram) where each medical device stores its measurements and other relevant information, which are later offered through Semantic Web Services. 7.4 Software Libraries This section outlines the different software libraries used by the SMDS framework. 7.4.1 SAWSDL4J API The Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema (SAWSDL11) W3C Recommendation defines mechanisms using which semantic annotations can be added to WSDL components. SAWSDL does not specify a language for representing the semantic models, e.g. ontologies, rather it provides mechanisms by which concepts from the semantic 7CSOAP Web Services Server; 8OZONE EUIST Project; 9Jetty A Compact HTTP Server/Client; 10HSQL A 100% Java SQL Database System; 11Semantic Annotation for WSDL and XML Schema; 7.4 Software Libraries105 models that are defined either within or outside the WSDL document can be referenced from within WSDL components as annotations. These semantics when expressed in formal languages can help to disambiguate the description of Web Services during automatic discovery and composition of the Web services. SAWSDL4J12 API interface is an implementation of the SAWSDL specification, which allows the developers to create SAWSDL based applications by annotating the WSDL document of Web Services. In SMDS framework, the client medical or mobile device(s) make(s) use of SAWSDL4J API to parse the SAWSDL documents of the matched medical or mobile devices in order to extract the the name(s) of the Web Service method(s) to invoke, which match with the desired input/output parameters types. 7.4.2 Bouncy Castle Cryptography API Bouncy Castle13 provides lightweight cryptography APIs for Java and C#.NET, as well as provider for Java Cryptography Extension and the Java Cryptography Architecture. In SMDS framework, besides using the standard Java cryptography API, an implementation of Bouncy Castle is also developed to provide security for the applications running on Gumstixs and Mobile platforms, developed in Java and C#.NET languages respectively. The user can also use any other thirdparty security provider, provided s/he has implemented the required cryptographic methods defined in the interface, i.e. sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt etc. 7.4.3 Piccolo XML Parser Piccolo14 is a small, extremely fast XML parser for Java, which implements the SAX 1, SAX 2.0.1, and JAXP 1.1 (SAX parsing only) interfaces as a nonvalidating parser and attempts to detect all XML wellformedness errors. Piccolo was developed by Yuval Oren and is released as open source software under the terms of the Apache Software License 2.0. In SMDS framework, Piccolo is used for fast XML processing of WSDL, SAWSDL documents, and for ontologies and knowledge base triples as well. 7.4.4 RDF Filter for SAX2 The RDF Filter15 is a simple filter layer between SAX (The Simple API for XML) and the higherlevel RDF (Resource Description Format), an XMLbased objectserialization and metadata format. The RDF filter library is used by several RDFbased projects. In SMDS framework, RDF Filter is used in conjunction with Piccolo XML parser, while loading the knowledge base or ontologies triples in the memory. 7.4.5 RXTX A Communication Library RXTX16 is a native library, available for various platforms, i.e. Windows and Linux, and provides serial and parallel communication functionalities to the Java based applications. In SMDS framework, RXTX is used exclusively on Gumstixs to support their serial communication with medical devices. Fig. 7.1 and Fig. 7.2 illustrate how the medical device (RS232) is attached with serial interface (RS422) of Gumstix. 12SAWSDL4J API; 13Bouncy Castle Cryptography APIs; 14Piccolo XML Parser for Java; 15RDF Filter for SAX2; 16RXTX A Library for Serial/Parallel Communication; 1067. Implementation 7.5 Software Tools/IDEs This section describes details about the software tools and IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) used for the software development of SMDS framework/applications. 7.5.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Microsoft Visual Studio 200517 is an IDE from Microsoft. It can be used to develop console and GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications along with Windows Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and Web Services in both native code together with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft Silverlight. In SMDS framework and for SmartHEALTH project, we have used MS Visual Studio 2005 and Visual C#.NET to adapt the SMDS framework and the development of GUI applications for Windows (mobile) platforms, respectively. 7.5.2 Eclipse IDE Eclipse18 is a free, opensource, multilanguage IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for various languages, e.g. Java, C/C++, PHP, and Perl etc. Eclipse employs plugins in order to provide all of its functionality on top of (and including) the runtime system, in contrast to some other applications where functionality is typically hard coded. The complete SMDS framework as well as rich graphics applications, i.e. Gateway application, are developed using Eclipse IDE. 7.5.3 Prot'eg'e Prot'eg'e19 is a free, opensource platform that provides a growing user community with a suite of tools to construct domain models and knowledgebased applications with ontologies. At its core, Prot'eg'e implements a rich set of knowledgemodeling structures and actions that support the creation, visualization, and manipulation of ontologies in various representation formats. The Prot'eg'e platform supports two main ways of modeling ontologies: the Prot'eg'eFrames editor enables users to build and populate ontologies that are framebased, in accordance with the OKBC (Open Knowledge Base Connectivity) protocol; while the Prot'eg'eOWL editor enables users to build ontologies for the Semantic Web, in particular in the W3C's OWL (Web Ontology Language) language. In SMDS, we have used Prot'eg'eOWL to develop MeDO (Medical Device Ontology) and SmdsOnto (SMDS Ontology) ontologies. 7.5.4 Radiant Radiant20 is an eclipse plugin that provides a graphical user interface to allow the developers to create and publish SAWSDL and WSDLS service interfaces by adding annotations to the existing service descriptions in WSDL via OWL ontologies. In SMDS framework, Radiant is used to annotate the WSDL document of device Web Services via MeDO (Medical Device Ontology) and SmdsOnto (SMDS Ontology) ontologies. 17MS Visual Studio 2005; 18Eclipse A Java Integrated Development Environment; 19Prot'eg'e An Ontology Editor and Knowledge base Framework; 20Radiant Plugin; Chapter 8 Experimental Evaluation This chapter provides details about the experimental evaluation of Semantic Medical Devices Space (SMDS) framework in different pervasive healthcare scenarios, particularly in connection with SmartHEALTH Project [21]. Sections 8.1 and 8.2 illustrate different types of medical devices and health information systems (HIS), respectively, that we have used as testbed for our experiments, while Section 8.3 illustrates all the healthcare scenarios in detail which make use of these medical devices and HISs. 8.1 Testbed Medical Devices This section provides details about all the medical devices that are used in different scenarios of SmartHEALTH Project. Each of the medical device listed below was attached with a separate Gumstix system through a serial cable, which connected the serial port of medical devices (RS232) to the serial port of Gumstix (RS422). The medical devices having no serial interface were connected with through Bluetooth/WiFi interface. 8.1.1 Blood Cancer Markers Analyzer SmartHEALTH Device In SmartHEALTH Project, a new generation of intelligent labonchip biodiagnostic devices for pointofcare (POC) applications is developed that incorporates advanced capabilities for context awareness, data interpretation through soft computing tools, e.g. Neural Networks, ubiquitous communication in pervasive healthcare environments, and the provision of eHealth services. SmartHEALTH devices are developed for three types of cancers, namely breast, cervical and colorectal, and are intended to operate in all POC driven environments such as hospitals, physicians' offices and ultimately patient selftesting at home or while moving. It is envisioned that SmartHEALTH devices at the POC will be able to securely communicate seamlessly and transparently with the local or remote health information system(s). Fig. 8.1(a) and Fig. 8.1(b) show the desktop and portable types of SmartHEALTH device, respectively. 8.1.2 Pulse Oximeter Masimo Rainbow A Pulse Oximeter is a medical device that indirectly measures the oxygen saturation of a patient's blood (as opposed to measuring oxygen saturation directly through a blood sample) and changes in blood volume in the skin by producing a photoplethysmograph. It is often attached to a medical monitor so the staff could see a patient's oxygenation at 107 1088. Experimental Evaluation (a) SmartHEALTH Device Desktop Unit(b) SmartHEALTH Device Portable Unit Figure 8.1: Different types of SmartHEALTH Cancer Biodiagnostic Devices all times. Fig. 8.2(a) shows an example of new generation of batteryoperated fingertip pulse oximeters, which is good for home bloodoxygen monitoring, while Fig. 8.2(b) shows portable Masimo Rainbow pulse oximeter, which is used in hospital wards as well as in homecare monitoring. Because of the simplicity and speed, pulse oximeter is of critical importance in emergency medicine and is also very useful for patients with respiratory or cardiac problems, or for diagnosis of some sleep disorders such as apnea and hypopnea. (a) A fingertip pulse oximeter(b) A portable pulse oximeter Figure 8.2: Different types of portable pulse oximeters 8.1 Testbed Medical Devices109 8.1.3 Urine Analyzer Urisys 1100 Fig. 8.3 shows the Urisys 1100 urine analyzer from Roche R Diagnostics, which is a compact, timesaving and easy to use system for standardized, semiquantitative, and oneatatime evaluation of Chemstrip 10MD urine test strips. Simple operation, an attractive design, improved functions and flexible software options make it a suitable system solution for physicians' offices, specialists and occupational health care units as well as for small hospital laboratories and other decentralized testing sites, e.g. hospital wards and decentralized health care units, seeking a costeffective way to improve standardization and workflow of urine analysis. Figure 8.3: Urisys 1100 from Roche R Diagnostics for Urine Analysis 8.1.4 Blood Coagulation Meter CoaguChek S Fig. 8.4 shows the CoaguChek R S meter, which is a wellproven and established blood monitoring system from Roche R Diagnostics for Prothrombin Time (PT) and International Normalized Ratio (INR). It is a reflectance photometer for fast (^ 1 min) onthespot measurement from one single drop (10 µl) of capillary, means from the fingertip, or venous whole blood. In addition, it has a large, easytoread and iconbased display. Figure 8.4: CoaguChek S System from Roche R Diagnostics for PT/INR Monitoring 1108. Experimental Evaluation 8.1.5 Vital Signs Monitor VITALMAX 4000 CL The VITALMAX 4000 CL is simple to set up and the most affordable continuous multiparameter bedside patient monitor with an outstanding userfriendly software, and features an eight channel waveform display on a color LCD with a 12.1 inches effective display area. It is the perfect answer to tight spaces and tight budgets, as it combines the benefits of an anesthetic agent monitor in one compact unit. It is ideally suited for the operating room as it has a two hour battery backup which facilitates patient transfer to the recovery room without interrupting the continuous monitoring of vital signs data. Figure 8.5: Vital Signs Monitor VITALMAX 4000 CL 8.1.6 Weight Scale SOEHNLEProfessional 7700 The accuracy, reliability and easy handling are the key factors when weighing patients in hospitals and in GP offices. Fig. 8.6 shows SOEHNLE Professional 7700 scale, which is particularly suitable for specialized hospital wards, as well as at home for periodic weight monitoring. It offers RS232 interface to transmit the measurement to the Gumstix. Figure 8.6: Medical Personal Health Scale SOEHNLE Professional 7700 8.2 Testbed Health Information Systems111 8.1.7 Digital Blood Pressure Monitor A&D Medical UA767PC Electronic or digital blood pressure monitors for home use are either semiautomatic manual inflation (the user squeezes the bulb to inflate the cuff) or automatic inflation. Automatic monitors have everything contained in one unit, so they're easier to handle than systems with a separate gauge and stethoscope. Most home blood pressure monitors are portable and have a Dring cuff for onehanded application, which may fit around the wrist or upper arm. Also, expensive monitors have automatic inflation and deflation systems, along with large, easytoread digital displays and error indicators, and builtin pulse (heart rate) measurement. Fig. 8.7 shows the UA767PC automatic blood pressure monitor, which is clinically validated for accuracy and features memory for 280 readings with wired communication (RS232 or USB) to the computer system. Figure 8.7: UA767PC Digital Blood Pressure Monitor with Serial Interface 8.2 Testbed Health Information Systems 8.2.1 Laboratory Information System The laboratory information system (LIS) of the NHS laboratory in New Castle upon Tyne, United Kingdom is taken as testbed for the evaluation of SmartHEALTH analyzers and SMDS framework. Fig. 8.1 reflects this HL7 based LIS, which is connected with SmartHEALTH Information System in the laboratory for the synchronization of patients' medical records. 8.2.2 Hospital Information System The hospital information system (HIS) of Donostia Hospital in San Sebastian, Spain is taken as testbed for the evaluation of SmartHEALTH analyzers and SMDS framework. Fig. 8.2 reflects this HL7 based HIS, which is connected with SmartHEALTH Information System in the hospital for the synchronization of patients' medical records. 8.2.3 SmartHEALTH Information System The SmartHEALTH Information System (SIS) is presented as a part of the complete SmartHEALTH ICT platform with the backend of a database of all relevant patients' data, which is presented to the authorized users (e.g. health professionals) in their Web browsers. The SIS does not claim to be a replacement for any HIS or any electronic health record, rather to assist them significantly in an ambient intelligent infrastructure. It can be used for a number of purposes: it provides a platform for 1128. Experimental Evaluation the validation of SmartHEALTH devices, by comparing the measurement results taken from SmartHEALTH devices and from other reference/goldenstandard devices; it offers services for the remote homemonitoring of the patients; it validates our proofoftheconcept, which is to use Semantic Web Services for the communication among SmartHEALTH devices as well as with SIS; it serves as a data management platform for the clinical validation of different cancer markers or the interpretation algorithms of multiparametric cancer marker analysis. In addition, it represents the traditional way how specific pointofcare equipment is integrated in a heterogeneous health information infrastructure in a hospital or laboratory, where the medical results are sent from devices to a specific information system that acts as a bridge to the HIS or LIS. 8.3 Testbed Pervasive Healthcare Scenarios This section provides details about the pervasive healthcare scenarios in which medical devices semantically coordinate with each other and with health information systems through the SMDS framework. For the following scenarios, we define two roles, namely active gateway and passive gateway for an entity, which could be a SmartHEALTH device or PC/PDA running the SmartHEALTH Terminal application together with SMDS gateway application (GUI or Console based). Active gateway means that the entity plays an active role by initiating the process of collecting measurement results from all or desired medical or mobile devices in the environment, as per the requirements, and then forwards them to the respective information system. Passive gateway means that the entity does not initiate any process, rather it facilitates other medical or mobile devices in the environment with its services in order to forward their measurement results to the respective information system. An entity can have both active and passive roles together. 8.3.1 Cancer Diagnosis Laboratory Scenario Fig. 8.1 illustrates the preoperation cancer diagnosis scenario, which was carried out as a part of SmartHEALTH user evaluation usecases at the clinical laboratory of New Castle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. It involves a couple of SmartHEALTH Desktop analyzers, two other types of analyzers, each attached with a separate Gumstix (red enboxed), SmartHEALTH PC Terminal application (STA) with GUI based SMDS gateway application, an inhouse HL7 based laboratory information system and the SmartHEALTH information system (SIS). In this scenario, the STA uses the GUI based gateway application, as shown in detail in Appendix D, as an active gateway for all the medical devices in the laboratory and automatically collects the data values from these medical devices, whenever a new measurement of a patient is available. Additionally, it makes a collective intelligent interpretation of all the measurement values using soft computing tools (through trained neural networks and/or support vector machine), and then forwards these measurement values with their interpretation to the SIS through Semantic Web Service. If configured, the STA sends these measurement values to the legacy hospital information system through HL7 communication standard as well, otherwise the SIS automatically synchronizes these measurement results of the patient with the health record stored in hospital information system. The SIS offers a Web based application for the authorized health professionals to view and analyze the patients' disease status through casereports (cancer's progression or regression) and react accordingly. 8.3 Testbed Pervasive Healthcare Scenarios113 Table 8.1: Preoperation Cancer Diagnosis Scenario at Clinical Laboratory of New Castle upon Tyne Hospital, U.K 1148. Experimental Evaluation 8.3.2 Cancer Treatment Hospital Scenario Fig. 8.2 illustrates the postoperation cancer treatment scenario, which was carried out at the Donostia Hospital of San Sebastian, Spain, as a part of SmartHEALTH user evaluation usecases. It involves a SmartHEALTH Desktop analyzer, SmartHEALTH PDA Terminal application (STA), blood pressure device, ECG (Electro Cardiogram) device, pulse Oximeter, each attached with a separate Gumstix (red enboxed), with GUI based SMDS gateway application, an inhouse HL7 based hospital information system and the SmartHEALTH information system (SIS). In this scenario, the STA acts as an active gateway for all the medical devices in the hospital ward and automatically collects the data values from these medical devices attached with a patient, whenever a new measurement is available. For the realtime ECG and vital parameters data transfer to SIS, the corresponding medical devices use the data forwarding Semantic Web Services offered by the PDA based gateway application. Additionally, a collective intelligent interpretation of all the measurement values is made using soft computing tools (through trained neural networks and/or support vector machine), and then forwards these measurement values with their interpretation to the SIS through Semantic Web Service. If configured, the STA sends these measurement values to the legacy hospital information system through HL7 communication standard as well, otherwise the SIS automatically synchronizes these measurement results of the patient with the health record stored in hospital information system. The SIS offers a Web based application for the authorized health professionals to view and analyze the patients' disease status through casereports (cancer's progression or regression) and react accordingly. 8.3.3 Cancer Followup and Monitoring Homecare Scenario The SmartHEALTH Project aims to support independent living at home by providing postoperation homecare breast cancer monitoring service, which provides an improved quality of life for the patients and their families, and provides the opportunity to the patient to stay at home yet receive the level of care required for their condition. Fig. 8.3 illustrates this pervasive healthcare scenario where a SmartHEALTH portable device, besides being blood cancer markers analyzer, also acts as an active or passive gateway for other medical devices (e.g. blood pressure, blood coagulation, weight scale etc.) and offers its services as Semantic Web Services. As an active gateway device, the SmartHEALTH device semantically discover other desired or all medical devices in the environment, as per the requirements of healthcare application, collects the measurement values of a patient from these medical devices, makes a collective intelligent interpretation of all the measurement values using soft computing tools, and then forwards these measurement values with their interpretation to the remote hospital information system and/or doctor's clinical information system as per configuration. As a passive gateway device, the SmartHEALTH device only acts as a data forwarding device for other medical devices in the environment. Whenever a medical device finishes its measurement, it semantically discovers the SmartHEALTH device as gateway device, and uses its service to forward the measurement results to the respective information system(s), in our case the SmartHEALTH information system. Finally, the patient's family doctor or health professional in the hospital analyzes the results of blood cancer markers, the measurement values of other medical devices, and their intelligent interpretation in terms of the disease status (cancer's progression or regression) in order to discuss with the patient about the further steps to be taken. 8.3 Testbed Pervasive Healthcare Scenarios115 Table 8.2: Postoperation Cancer Treatment Scenario at Donostia Hospital of San Sebastian, Spain 1168. Experimental Evaluation Table 8.3: Postoperation Homecare Breast Cancer Followup and Monitoring Scenario 8.4 Conclusions117 8.4 Conclusions This chapter presents various medical devices, information systems and the pervasive healthcare scenarios, which are used to invalidate the performance and behavior of SMDS framework. Every medical device used in the healthcare scenarios, except the SmartHEALTH device, was equipped with a Gumstix which hosted the SMDS framework, not only to enable it to semantically discover other desired or all medical devices or information systems in the healthcare environment, but also to get their measurement results through the Semantic Web Services offered by them. We have got satisfactory results, in terms of memory usage, cost, performance and reactivity of the hardware used for the enrichment of stateoftheart medical devices and their leverage towards the next generation of ambient intelligent medical devices. Our experiments show that the SMDS framework in particular, and other current SOA based approaches in general are not feasible for realtime medical devices, e.g. ECG vital signs monitor or Pulse Oximeter, where hundreds of data frames per second are transmitted. However, on the contrary, medical devices working on storeandforward principle gave exceptional results and we believe that the SMDS framework will be a milestone towards achieving fullfledged semantic interoperability among resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices, not only in the field of pervasive healthcare, but in other ubiquitous computing application in general as well. Table 8.4 extends the comparison of the related work, which is presented in Section 3.7, and provides the comparative analysis of SMDS framework. The final weight of SMDS (58) shows that it is the best candidate to be used on the resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices, whose functional characteristics are to be exposed as SWSs, and enriching them with semantic processing capabilities without loosing autonomy with less resources requirements. Table 8.4: Comparative analysis of related work against the evaluation criteria Chapter 9 Conclusion and Outlook We have considered Semantic Web and Web Service technologies to develop a decentralized semantic middleware infrastructure for the medical devices communication in order to escalate them towards the next generation Ambient Intelligent (AmI) medical devices, which are semantically aware of the presence of other medical or mobile devices and their services in an eHealthcare environment. The salient features of this middleware infrastructure, namely Semantic Medical Devices Space (SMDS) set it apart from the related work in several ways. First, the SMDS infrastructure is deployable on both new and existing networks of distributed wireless and wired medical devices, which operate with limited resources in terms of computing power, energy and memory usage. Second, the SMDS framework facilitates the medical devices' manufacturers to turn their dumb medical devices into AmI medical devices, by exposing their functional capabilities as Semantic Web Services (SWSs) which enable them to dynamically and semantically discover & invoke the Web Services of other medical devices, and could use their medical data or measurement in a contextaware application. We have presented, as integral part of SMDS, a lightweight HTTPbased semantic discovery protocol, namely SMDDP (Semantic Medical Device Discovery Protocol to support the semantic discovery of AmI medical devices based on their physical characteristics (i.e. device vendor, device group/type etc.) and/or functional characteristics (i.e. what methods does a SWS provides and their semantic descriptions etc.). Also, we have presented, as integral part of SMDS, a lightweight but powerful knowledge base querying and Description Logics and/or Rules based reasoning system, namely µOR (Micro OWL Querying and Reasoning System, which can be integrated on resourceconstrained medical or mobile devices. It uses our own SCENTRA algorithm, which is a simple variables' unification and patterns matching algorithm and used for the SCENT query evaluation as well as for the inferences generation. Our experiments reflect that SOA architectures, in general, are not suitable for the realtime medical devices, where the lifecritical data, e.g. ECG, has to be immediately transferred to the eHealth system. The reason is evident, because every frame of realtime data is encapsulated in a SOAP message, which is an unacceptable overhead for the resourceconstrained medical devices to process the whole message and extract the relevant data from it. However, we have developed a workable alternative, which gives us nearrealtime transfer of realtime data, by buffering it in chunks of configurable intervals of time, and then sending each chunk one by one to the eHealth system for each interval. In this way, though, there would be a lag of that time interval, but on the receiving side, this lag will be unnoticeable and it would seem as the receiving eHealth system is getting 119 1209. Conclusion and Outlook continuous realtime data. On the other hand, we got promising results for our experiments with the nonrealtime medical devices that usually work on the storeandforward principle, which means that such medical devices perform a measurement, store it in their local memory and then (optionally) forward it to the eHealth system they are connected with. So, in our opinion, it is worth using the SMDS infrastructure, and SOA in general, on such medical devices, which allow them to expose their functionality through Semantic Web Services, allow other medical devices to dynamically and semantically discover these devices and their services, retrieve their measurement results, and then use them for further processing in the respective healthcare application(s). However, there are issues to be resolved in SMDS framework regarding different aspects as future work: The current implementation of SMDS framework is targeted for CDC1 compliant devices only, because of using java.util.HashSet and java.util.HashMap classes for better performance, which are missing from the specifications designed for CLDC2 and MIDP3 compliant devices. In order to support SMDS on the latter compliant devices, which have even lesser computing and memory resources, a substitutionary version can be developed using java.util.Vector or java.util.ArrayList classes, but its performance would be comparatively slower. The reliability of a medical device or its Web Services needs to be determined by its client device(s), as this factor plays a key role in scenarios where more than one medical devices match with the given criteria, and only the best reliable medical device is chosen. This factor is also important when the client is a PC based system and needs to compose the Web Services offered by the most reliable medical devices. The SMDS framework still lacks this feature of providing reliability scores of medical devices and their Web Services. The authenticity of a medical device or its Web Services needs to be provided to the respective clients, as this factor is used during the selection of medical devices or Web Services, and their composition, if required. The SMDS framework lacks the feature of providing authenticity level of a medical device or its Web Services. A simple security mechanism is developed for the SMDS framework, which is built on the paradigm of asynchronous PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) and supports a handshake of digital certificates among medical devices as well as (configurable) encryption/decryption and signing/verification functionalities. But, our experiments show that the use of the PKI methods significantly affects the overall performance of resourceconstrained medical devices, so an alternative (synchronous) security mechanism should be developed for SMDS framework to enhance its performance. The SMDS framework, although the µOR engine supports both implicit and explicit rules, still lacks support for standard rules definition languages, e.g. SWRL [112] for wide industry adoption. So obvious future work for µOR would be to extend its support for SWRL by developing an appropriate wrapper. Furthermore, the performance evaluation of µOR can be extended by studying some of the available benchmarking systems, e.g. LUBM [105]. Last, but not the least, if medical or 1Connected Device Configuration; 2Connected Limited Device Configuration; 3Mobile Information Device Profile; 121 mobile devices are equipped with more computing/memory resources in the future, the remaining set of OWLLite axioms, as shown in Table 5.3, could be implemented to enhance the axiomatic expressiveness of µOR, if needed as per the requirements of new pervasive healthcare applications. Since SMDS does not support (semi)automatic composition or planning of Semantic Web Services, future work could be the implementation of a small scale composition planer for the small devices. Mechanism for runtime compilation of Web Service client stubs could be pursued, perhaps with the help of a proxy system which compiles classes for a device, in order to support fully automatic composition/planning of Semantic Web Services on a device. 1229. Conclusion and Outlook List of Figures 1.1 Cobas IT 1000 solution for pointofcare medical devices 1 1.2 Cobas IT 3000 solution for laboratory analyzers 2 1.3Continua health alliance first version of device connectivity standards . 3 1.4 Postoperation Homecare Monitoring A SmartHEALTH Project Scenario 5 2.1 The SOA architecture with SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI 11 2.2 Devices Profile for Web Services as protocol stack 14 2.3 General stack of Semantic Web enabling standards 16 2.4 Semantic Web Services Infrastructure Dimensions 18 2.5 An example of HL7 ADTÄ04 message 27 2.6 Electronic radiology practice and its components 29 2.7 Typical ANSI/IEEE 1073 (MIB) Environment 31 2.8The interoperability of medical devices and information systems in hospitals 34 3.1Structural Overview of the Hydra Middleware Layers 44 3.2 Hydra enabled healthcare application using ServiceOriented Architecture 45 3.3 The SODA Approach 49 3.4 General Architecture of Task Computing Environment 51 3.5 General Architecture of Gaia 54 3.6 The Context Infrastructure in Gaia 55 3.7 SCALLOPS Scenario Coverage of Emergency Medical Care and Transport 58 4.1Overall Architecture of Semantic Medical Devices Space 63 4.2Generalized Schema of a Medical Device Database 64 4.3 Medical Device Ontology A Partial Snapshot 65 4.4 Measurement Capability Ontology A Partial Snapshot 65 4.5 Security Mechanism of Semantic Medical Devices Space 67 5.1 Architecture of Micro Querying and Reasoning System µOR 82 5.2 Comparison of Runtime Memory Usage 86 5.3 Comparison of Knowledge Base Loading Time 87 5.4 Comparison of Ontologies Loading/Conversion Time 87 5.5 Comparison of Overall Reasoning Time 88 6.1 Overall Workflow of SMDDP 91 6.2 SMDDP over the TCP/IP Stack 92 6.3 Semantic Matchmaking Performance of SMDDP Discovery 96 7.1 Gumstix with XL6P motherboard 101 123 124 LIST OF FIGURES 7.2Urine Analyzer from Roche R Diagnostics with Gumstix 101 7.3The Viliv Promotion Pack S5 EXP P 4.8Inch NetTablet PC 102 7.4The Vodafone VPA4 with Windows Mobile 2003 103 8.1Different types of SmartHEALTH Cancer Biodiagnostic Devices 108 8.2Different types of portable pulse oximeters 108 8.3Urisys 1100 from Roche R Diagnostics for Urine Analysis 109 8.4CoaguChek S System from Roche R Diagnostics for PT/INR Monitoring .109 8.5Vital Signs Monitor VITALMAX 4000 CL 110 8.6Medical Personal Health Scale SOEHNLE Professional 7700 110 8.7UA767PC Digital Blood Pressure Monitor with Serial Interface111 A.1UML class diagram of SAWSDL wrapper package127 A.2Classes hierarchy in different packages of SMDS framework 128 A.3UML class diagram of Web Services package129 A.4UML class diagram of µOR querying and reasoning system package. . .130 A.5UML class diagram of SMDDP semantic discovery protocol package. . .131 A.6UML class diagram of PKI based security package 132 A.7UML class diagram of medical device database 133 D.1SMDS Gateway application showing medical devices with the matching criterion 140 D.2SMDS Gateway application retrieving measurement from the selected or all medical devices 141 D.3SMDS Gateway application displaying measurement results retrieved from the selected medical device 142 List of Tables 3.1Criteria's relative weights of importance 43 3.2 Analysis of HYDRA against the evaluation criteria 47 3.3 Analysis of SODA against the evaluation criteria 50 3.4 Analysis of Task Computing against the evaluation criteria 53 3.5 Analysis of Gaia against the evaluation criteria 56 3.6 Analysis of SCALLOPS against the evaluation criteria 59 3.7 Comparative analysis of related work against the evaluation criteria . . 60 5.1 Comparison between original NTriples and SCENT syntax specifications 72 5.2 OWLLite^ axioms currently supported by µOR 79 5.3 OWLLite axioms currently notsupported by µOR 88 6.1Comparison of SMDDP with Stateoftheart Discovery Protocols 97 8.1 Preoperation Cancer Diagnosis Scenario at Clinical Laboratory of New Castle upon Tyne Hospital, U.K 113 8.2 Postoperation Cancer Treatment Scenario at Donostia Hospital of San Sebastian, Spain 115 8.3Postoperation Homecare Breast Cancer Followup and Monitoring Scenario116 8.4Comparative analysis of related work against the evaluation criteria . . . 117 125 126LIST OF TABLES Appendix A UML Class Diagrams of SMDS Software Framework This appendix shows the UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagrams of the complete SMDS software framework, to understand the classes' hierarchy, their associations and package dependencies. These diagrams are generated using Omondo1 plugin. Fig. A.1 shows the class diagram of SAWSDL wrapper that we developed around the SAWSDL API to support semantically annotated WSDL processing. Fig. A.2 shows the unfolded package hierarchy in the Eclipse environment. Fig. A.3 shows the complete structure of general Web Services offered by a medical or mobile device, though this can easily be extended if further methods need to be developed. Fig. A.4 shows the package structure ofµOR while Fig. A.5 shows the package structure of SMDDP protcol. Fig. A.6 shows the package structure of the security subframework based on PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), while Fig. A.7 shows the database schema, used to store the measurements of medical devices and other relevant information. Figure A.1: UML class diagram of SAWSDL wrapper package 1Omondo plugin for Eclispe; 127 128A. UML Class Diagrams of SMDS Software Framework src ibmt.smds.controller ibmt.smds.db 1...2 1...2 1...2 1...2 ibmk.smds.driver 1...2 1210 ibmk.smds.event 1...2 1...2 1=1...j0 ibmt.smds.http 1...2 Responselava 2... $ ibmk.smds.logger 1...2 ^ibmk.smds.props ibmk.smds.qmodels 1...2 IQueryModel,java 1...2 0ibmt.smds.rdfapi 1...2 Condition,java 1...2 IReasoner,java 1...2 MicroOwlReasoner,java 1...2 1...2 src ibmk.smds.sawsdl ParametersHolderlava 0, SawsdlWrapper,java Elifi 1...2 SMDSSecuritylava ibmt.smds.smddp SMDDPHeader. java SMDDPServer,java E..31 ibmk.smds.webservice 0E ArrayOrDeviceMeasurementlava 0E ArrayOrDeviceParameterlava Device,java 1...2 1...2 DeviceParametenjava 1...2 1...2 Figure A.2: Classes hierarchy in different packages of SMDS framework Figure A.3: UML class diagram of Web Services package 129 130A. UML Class Diagrams of SMDS Software Framework Figure A.4: UML class diagram of µOR querying and reasoning system package 131 Figure A.5: UML class diagram of SMDDP semantic discovery protocol package 132A. UML Class Diagrams of SMDS Software Framework Figure A.6: UML class diagram of PKI based security package 133 Figure A.7: UML class diagram of medical device database 134A. UML Class Diagrams of SMDS Software Framework Appendix B List of Test Queries This appendix provides a list of ten different queries in plain textual form, which we used to evaluate the performance of µOR in comparison with other reasoning systems. Although, this list is not exhaustive and can be increased with the combination of each other, but it gave us with sufficient analytical data. The italicized words show the concepts defined in the respective ontologies. Find all the devices (medical or nonmedical). Find all the medical devices (of all types of all groups in a hospital/lab). Find all the medical devices in the Room xxxx (the room could be a hospital ward, operation theater etc.). Find all the medical devices belonging to the group xxxx (the group could be urine analysis, blood pressure, weight scale, ECG etc.). Find all the medical devices from the vendor xxxx (the vendor could be Roche, Dräger, BD etc.). Find all the medical devices, who have performed the measurement of patient with id xxxx (the unique patient id in hospital/laboratory). Find the urine analyzer having the measurement of patient with id xxxx (the unique patient id in hospital/laboratory). Find the blood coagulation device associated with the patient xxxx (the patient's id in homecare/hospital/laboratory). Find all the gateway devices having Internet connectivity. Find the gateway device having connectivity with SmartHEALTH Information System. 135 136B. List of Test Queries Appendix C SCENT Rules Definition This appendix provides an example of two SCENT rules that we defined explicitly using SmdsOnto ontology. Lines 12 shows the first rule1, the Line 3 is the rule separator, while Lines 46 shows the second rule. The first rule has only one precondition (Line 1) and one postcondition (Line 2), where the postcondition is always followed by the implies sign (>). After the first rule, and before starting the second or further rules, every rule is separated with the rule separator sign "____" (four times equal sign). Please note that if there is only one rule in rules.txt, then there is no need to add the rule separator sign at the end. The second rule has two preconditions (Lines 45) and one postcondition (Line 6). 1 ?d . 2 ^> ?d . 3 ==== 4 ?d ?c . 5 ?c "B. Analyzer" . 6 ^> ?d . Both rules are good examples of showing the use of different productions at the position of object, e.g. URI node (Rule 1), variable and literal (Rule 2). The first rule means that if a device has compliance with the SmartHEALTHCompliance (is capable of performing breast/cervical/colorectal cancers analysis), then it is also compliant with NeuroblastomaCompliance (is capable of performing Neuroblastoma cancer analysis). In the current example, both rules have similar postcondition, which means that if we perform a query based on this postcondition on the current knowledge base, the result would be same. So, it does not matter whether both rules exist or only one rule exists, because the result would be same in either case. 1Apparent line breaks are due to the space (width) limitation 137 138C. SCENT Rules Definition Appendix D Graphical Gateway Application This appendix shows the GUI based Gateway application that is developed in Java using Swing. As shown in Fig. D.1, this application broadcasts a SCENT query to find all the medical devices in the environment and it finds two medical devices, namely blood coagulation device and urine analyzer. When a user clicks on the found medical devices, e.g. blood coagulation device in this case, on the righthand box, some of the physical characteristics of the corresponding medical device are shown, which were retrieved through Semantic Web Service of that medical device. Fig. D.2 illustrates the behavior of the gateway application as active gateway, where it retrieves the measurement from the selected or all medical devices. Fig. D.3 illustrates by displaying what measurement results it has retrieved from the selected or all medical devices. 139 140D. Graphical Gateway Application Figure D.1: SMDS Gateway application showing medical devices with the matching criterion 141 Figure D.2: SMDS Gateway application retrieving measurement from the selected or all medical devices 142D. 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